Checking date: 01/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

New business models of comunication in the digital environment
Master in Applied Research in Media (Plan: 193 - Estudio: 248)

Coordinating teacher: GARCIA LEIVA, MARIA TRINIDAD

Department assigned to the subject: Communication and Media Studies Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
No other subject
1. Knowledge of media business developments in management and commercialization processes in the digital era. 2. Understanding and reflection on strategies used for the creation and development of innovative media business models. 3. Training in the formulation of improvement proposals and innovative solutions for the organization and management of strategic media resources to develop new business models.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The aim of the subject is to study the challenges and opportunities that the digital era presents to media business models, to train in the understanding and analysis of strategies oriented to improve management and commercialization processes. 1. Challenges and opportunities for media business in the digital era 2. Theoretical and legal framework for the development of new media business opportunities in the digital era 3. Audiences. Changes in consumption and measurement 4. Keys to advertising management in digital media 5. Digital media marketing 6 . Media business models strategies 7. Research work on new media business models
Learning activities and methodology
-Master classes accompanied by presentations and audiovisual resources. -Readings of reference materials (in English and Spanish); presentation and discussion in class. -Research and presentation of case studies. Debate.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Albarran, Alan B., Mierzejewsk, Bozena I., Jung, Jaemin (eds.). . Handbook of Media Management and Economics.. New York/London: Routledge. . 2018
  • Albornoz, Luis A. . Periodismo digital. Los grandes diarios en la Red. . Buenos Aires: La Crujía. . 2011
  • Albornoz, Luis A., García Leiva, Mª Trinidad (eds.). . Audiovisual Industries and Diversity: Economics and Policies in the Digital Era. . New York/London: Routledge. . 2019
  • Hague, Paul. . The business models handbook: templates, theory and case studies. . London: Kogan Page. . 2018.
  • Küng, Lucy. . Strategic Management in the Media. Theory to practice. . London: SAGE. . 2017.
  • Wirtz, Bernd W. . Digital Business Models. Concepts, Models, and the Alphabet Case Study. . Cham: Springer. . 2019.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.