Checking date: 18/03/2024

Course: 2024/2025

The role of the media in the process of social change
Master in Applied Research in Media (Plan: 193 - Estudio: 248)

Coordinating teacher: SANCHEZ ILLAN, JUAN CARLOS

Department assigned to the subject: Communication and Media Studies Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


1. Identify the functions and influence of the media in the main Spain sociohistorical junctures. 2. Provide methodological elements elements for the understanding of the connections between the media and society. 3. To analyze the communicative elements that offer an explanation of becoming sociohistorical.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. Methodology applied to the history of Social communication. Sources, instruments and theoretical framework. 2 Models and case studies. In Spain and in the contemporary world sociohistorical analysis. 3. Technology media and social change. The vectors of change. 4. Comparative analysis evenemencial in the media. Case studies. 5. Use of the story in the newspaper accounts. 6. The current situation of relations between media and socio-cultural change.
Learning activities and methodology
Ability to apply knowledge to practice, skills of research, adaptation to new situations, ability to work autonomously, design and project management, initiative and entrepreneurial spirit, participate in public with reasoned arguments, development of personal style, assess the value of the presentations.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • GÓMEZ MOMPART, J.L.. (2008), ¿Historia de la comunicación e Historia del Periodismo. Enfoques teóricos y metodologías para la investigación¿, en MARTINEZ NICOLÁS, M. et al. Tecnos, Madrid, pp. 83-132..
  • GÓMEZ MOMPART, J.L.. (coord.) (1996), Metodologías para la Historia de la Comunicación Social. UAB, Barcelona..
  • RUIZ, M.. (2005), Sociología de la comunicación y cultura de masas. Madrid, Laberinto Comunicación.
  • SÁNCHEZ ILLÁN, Juan Carlos. Prensa y política en la España contemporánea. El negocio de la influencia. Tecnos. 2022
  • SÁNCHEZ NORIEGA, J.L. (2002), Crítica de la seducción mediática. Comunicación y cultura de masas en la opulencia informativa. Madrid, Tecnos.
  • Sánchez Illán, Juan Carlos. El fin de la era de los grandes editores de prensa y la emergencia de los nuevos modelos digitales. La reconversión del negocio de la información en España en las dos primeras décadas del siglo XXI. Historia y Memoria Nº. 22, 2021: 119-160. 2021
  • VV.AA. (1982), Metodología de la historia de la prensa española. Madrid, Siglo XXI editores.
Additional Bibliography

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.