Checking date: 08/09/2022

Course: 2024/2025

Emerging journalistic profiles adapted to the web-society
Master in Applied Research in Media (Plan: 193 - Estudio: 248)

Coordinating teacher: TUÑON NAVARRO, JORGE FELIX

Department assigned to the subject: Communication and Media Studies Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Introduction to the study of Social Communication
Students should be able to identify emerging profiles of journalism in the new network society and topics associate to them with different areas of specialized journalism. This is postgraduate course, so it means an introduction to research. For those students who must demonstrate their knowledge about previous academic research, published in the main journals in different areas of communication. The course is not intended as a professional approach, which must have been acquired in undergraduate studies, but allow an approach from communication research. The student should demonstrate they have acquired the skills necessary to initiate an academic research in course from perspective of network society.
Description of contents: programme
EMERGING JOURNALISTIC PROFILES ADAPTED TO THE NETWORK SOCIETY * This subject is part of the Jean Monnet Chair 2022 FUTEUDISPAN - 101083334, directed by Professor Jorge Tuñón. 1. THE CLASSIC AND CURRENT PROFILE AND SKILLS OF THE JOURNALIST 1.1. Global perspectives on journalism and convergent culture 1.2. Transmedia Culture and New Media Models 1.3. Specialised journalism 1.4. Citizen Reporting: Between Myth and Reality 1.5. Visual representations of information 1.6. Curation and curators of information: Models and trends in information visualisation 2. THE EUROPEAN JOURNALIST IN TIMES OF COVID-19 2.1. How has the pandemic changed the practice of journalism? 2.2. Pandemic journalists 2.3. Pandemic audiences 2.4. Pandemic content 2.5. COVID 19 and disinformation. 3. THE JOURNALIST FACED WITH THE PHENOMENON OF DISINFORMATION: AN EU APPROACH 3.1. Europe, disinformation and the pandemic. The state of play 3.2. Journalism: A European invention for the search for and publication of the truth. 3.3. Disinformation and fake news. 3.4. Solutions to disinformation? Fact-checking and framming under debate. 3.5. The effects of disinformation 3.6. The European Union in the face of disinformation. 3.7. Social networks, populism and fake news in Europe and in the world. 3.8. Journalism, disinformation and Brexit 3.9. Journalism, disinformation and European elections. 3.10. Journalism and pandemics: perennial disinformative media contexts? 3.11. Journalism and Hybrid Wars: Media geo-strategy in Ukraine
Learning activities and methodology
The training activities linked to this subject are closely linked to the didactic units taught and the theoretical sessions. In relation to the methodology, a system of expository methodology of the theory will be applied and pedagogical elements and tools will be used to provide interactivity between the student and the teacher in class with pedagogical character, applying for their analysis techniques of group dynamization, exhibitions and analyzing Some of the texts and essays related to the taught subject supported with open debates between the different members of the group that will make up the subject. Finally, the tutoring regime will be face-to-face and personalized with the student of the group to consult questions and bibliography.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Basic Bibliography
  • Bauer, M. W. y Bucchi, M.. Journalism, Science and Society.. New York: Routledge. (2007)
  • Borden, S.. Journalism as Practice: MacIntyre Virtue Ethics and the Press. Burlington, VT: Ashgate. (2007)
  • Borden, S.. Journalism as Practice: MacIntyre Virtue Ethics and the Press. Burlington, VT: Ashgate. (2007)
  • Kawamoto, K. (ed.). Digital Journalism: Emerging Media and the Changing Horizons of Journalism. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. (2003)
  • Luena, C. ; Sánchez, J; Elías, C.. La desinformación en la UE en tiempos del COVID 19. Tirant lo Blanch. 2021
  • López-García, G.; Palau-Sampio, D; Palomo, B; Campos-Domínguez, E.; Masip, P.. Politics of Disinformation. Wiley Blackwell. 2021
  • Park, D. W. y Pooley, J.. The History of Media and Communication Research. New York: Peter Lang. (2008)
  • Salmon, C.. Storytelling: The Machine that Fabricates Histories and Forms Spirits. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press. (2008)
  • Tuñón, J. . Europa frente al Brexit, el Populismo y la Desinformación. Supervivencia en tiempos de fake news. . Tirant lo Blanch. 2021
  • Tuñón, J. . Comunicación Internacional. Información y desinformación global en el siglo XXI . Fragua. 2017
  • Tuñón, J.; Bouza, L.. Europa en tiempos de desinformación y pandemia. Periodismo y política paneuropeos ante la crisis del Covid-19 y las fake news. Comares. 2021
  • Tuñón, J.; Bouza, L.; Carral, U.. Comunicación Europea ¿A quién doy like para hablar con Europa? . Dykinson. 2019
  • Zelizer, B.. The Changing Faces of Journalism: Tabloidization, Technology and Truthiness. New York: Routledge. (2009)

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.