The following competences have to be acquired:
CG3: Capacity for managing, planning and supervise multidisciplinary teams
CG5: Capacity for developing, strategic planning, steering, coordinating and technical and economic managing projects in every scope of telecommunications engineering followingthe appropriate environmental and quality criteria
CG6: Capacity for executive management, technical management and project management of research, development and innovation projects in enteerprises and in technology centres
CG10: Capacity for applying the economic, human resource and project management principles as well as the legislation, regulation and standardization of telecommmunications
CG13: Knowledge, understanding and capacity for applying the required legislation in the exercise of profession of Telecommunicatiuons Engineer
CE17: Capacity for developing, steering, coordinating and technical and economic managing projects about: telecommunications systems, neworks, infrastructures, services and facilities including including supervision and coordination of its partial sub-projects of their corresponding ancillary work, such us common telecommunications facilities in buidings or residential premises, including projects of digital home, telecommunication facilities in transport and environment, with its ancillary installations of power supply and electromagnetic emisions evaluation and compatibility