The student should aquire the following habilities:
- Have acquired and understand the knowledge to have a basis or opportunity to be original in the design or application of ideas, often in a research context.
- Capability to mathematically model, compute and simulate in tecnolgy centers and enterprise engineering, particularly in research tasks, development and innovation in all fields related to teleccomunication engineering and afine disciplines.
- Capability to develop radiocommunication systems: design of antennas, subsystems and equipment, channel modeling, link budget and planning.
- Capability to implement cable, fiber optics, radio and fixed and mobile service satellite systems.
- Capability to design and dimension transport networks, broadcasting and distribution of multimedia signals.
- Capability to design radionavigatio, positioning and radar systems.
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
- analize, simulate and design radiocommunication systems using channel modeling techniques, link budget and planning.
- take design decisions to implement cable, fiber optics, radio and satellite systems, the latter both in fixd and mobile environments, including radionavigation and multimedia broadcasting.