Checking date: 13/03/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Design of telematics applications
Master in Telecommunications Engineering (Plan: 171 - Estudio: 227)

Coordinating teacher: ALARIO HOYOS, CARLOS

Department assigned to the subject: Telematic Engineering Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
The course prerequisites are the following: - Programming - JAVA Programming Language - Techniques for oral and written communication - Basic knowledge about TCP/IP protocol - Basic knowledge about HTTP protocol - Basic knowledge about security
In this course, the following competences are reinforced: - Knowledge and understanding that provide a basis or opportunity for originality in developing and/or applying ideas, often in a research context - Students can apply the acquired knowledge and their capacity to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader contexts (or multidisciplinary) related to their field of study - Students acquire the learning abilities that enable them to continue studying in a self-regulated and autonomous learning way - Ability to project, calculate and design products, processes and installations in all the contexts of Telecommunication Engineering - Ability for mathematical modeling, calculation and simulation in technological centres and enterprise engineering, specifically in research, development and innovation tasks in all the contexts related to Telecommunication Egnineering and related multidisciplinary fields - Ability to apply the acquired knowledge and solve problems in new or unusual environments in broader and multidisciplinary contexts, with the ability to integrate knowledge. - Ability for the continous, autonomous and self-regulated learning - Ability to model, design, implement, manage, opérate, manage and mantain networks, services and contents - Ability to make the schedulling, decisión making and packaging of services and applications considering the direct and operational costs, the implementation plan, supervisión, security procedures, scaling and maintainament, as wel as to manage and assure the quality in the development process - Ability to understand and know how to apply the functioning and organization of Internet, the new generation Internet technology and protocols, the component based models, intermediary software and services The learning outcomes that students achieve in this subject are the following: - Create a software requirements specification from the requirements given by a user. - Ability to project telematic applications through modeling using UML diagrams and Web modeling. - Ability to design data models for telematic applications. - Ability to design and implement telematic applications using the Web, such as applications for information search, electronic commerce, users management, content management, etc. - Program applications that can make use of methods that are on remote machines, performing distributed computing.
Learning Outcomes
Description of contents: programme
In a generic way, the course contents include the following topics: - Understanding and practical use of different telematics protocols - Design of systems, services and applications focused on communications - Requirement specification - Modeling of telematics applications - Data management including users and contents - Business logic - Interface - Scalability - Introducation to web services and distributed computing In a more specific way, such generic contents are acquired using a collection of specific modelings, technologies and methodologies, which are divided into three blocks: I. Modeling of telematic applications - Requirement specification - Modeling of software applications - Modeling of web applications II. Basic telematic applications technologies. These are low level technologies from which telematic applications can be built. - Data (including content and users) and meta-data o Data bases, SQL, JDBC o XML and meta-data - Business logic and presentation o JEE o HTML5, Javascript and AJAX - Introduction to web services and distributed computing, REST API III. Introduction to Platforms for holding telematic applications
Learning activities and methodology
Formative activities include: - Theoretical sessions. In traditional class sessions - Lab sessions. Using computers. - Tutorial sessions. - Work of the student individually or in group. The teaching methodology to be used includes the following: - Lectures of the teachers with the support of audiovisual and informatics media, aimed at teaching the main concepts and including complementary bibliography. - Resolution of practical assignments, problems, etc. proposed by teachers. - Work on assignments and reports.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • D. Wolf, A.J. Henley. Java EE Web Application Primer. Apress. 2017
  • J. Murach, M. Urban. Murach¿s Java Servlets and JSP. Murach. 2014
Additional Bibliography
  • D. Chermetz . The Java EE Course - build a Java EE app from scratch. 2019
  • D. Sanderson. Programming Google App Engine with Java Build & Run Scalable Java Applications on Google's Infrastructure. O'Reilly Media. 2015
  • D. Stuttard, M. Pinto . The web application hacker's handbook: Finding and exploiting security flaws. . John Wiley & Sons. 2011
  • J. Manico, J., A. Detlefsen. Iron-Clad Java: Building Secure Web Applications. McGraw-Hill Education Group. 2015
  • R. Miles et K. Hamilton. Learning UML 2.0 A Pragmatic Introduction to UML. O'Reilly Media. 2006
  • S. Allamaraju. RESTful Web Services Cookbook Solutions for Improving Scalability and Simplicity. O'Reilly Media / Yahoo Press. 2010
  • S. Ceri, P. Fraternali, A. Bongio, M. Brambilla, S. Comai, and M. Matera. Designing Data-Intensive Web Applications. Morgan Kaufmann. 2003

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.