Checking date: 26/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Electronic circuit design for communication
Master in Telecommunications Engineering (Plan: 171 - Estudio: 227)

Coordinating teacher: PATON ALVAREZ, SUSANA

Department assigned to the subject: Electronic Technology Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
(Bachelor) Electronic Systems, Digital electronics, Linear Systems, Communication Theory
The teaching objectives are: - knowing the circuits of the front-end of commercial communications equipment - designing and sizing at system level the necessary requirements for the blocks of the front-end, including noise and quantization - sizing some specific circuits that are part of the front-end
Learning Outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Block I Lesson 1. C ommunications systems circuit design - Processing chain in a communications system - Introduction to microelectronics in communications systems. System on Chip (SoC). Design flow of a SoC Lesson 2. Active filters in continuous time -Review of filter synthesis theory - Biquadratic filters - Sallen Key Filters and its derivatives - State variables filtes wir RC-Opamp circuits - Filters with gyrators - Gm-C Filters Lesson 3. sample and hold circuits - The CMOS switch - Sampling circuits and basic sample&hold circuits - Charge injection phenomenon - Sampling uncertainty phenomenon - Integrated Sample & Hold Circuits Lesson 4. Switched capacitor circuits - Elements of a switched capacitor circuit - Basic Integrator - Discrete Integrator insensitive to parasitic capacitances with delay - Discrete Integrator insensitive to parasitic capacitances without delay - Adder and gain stages - Discrete time Filters of first and second order Block II: Lesson 5. Special Communications Amplifiers: hybrid circuits, tuned amplifiers, mixers, AGC - Single-ended and differential LC tuned amplifiers. Integrated inductances. - Active mixers of 2 and 4 quadrants - Variable gain amplifiers VGA - Amplifiers with Automatic Gain Control (AGC). Logarithmic control law Lesson 6: Non linear circuits - Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) Concept - IP3 point of an amplifier - SFDR and SNDR concepts - Differentail amplifiers - RF power amplifiers Lesson 7. Noise in electronic systems - Review of statistical definitions of electrical noise. Noise spectral density - Equivalent noise bandwidth of a circuit - Types of circuit noises. Small-signal noise models of semiconductor devices - Noise in discrete systems. Maximum SNR of an ideal sampler. - Noise Factor and Friis formula. - Concept phase noise of an oscillator. Relationship to jitter of a digital clock. Block III: Lesson 8. Principles of A/D and D/A. D/A converters - Noise a uniform quantizer - Static parameters of an A/D and D/A, static errors, INL and DNL. - Dynamic parameters. SNR, SNDR, SFDR, ENOB and dynamic range. - D / A converters with resistance networks - D / A converters with current sources - D / A converters with switched capacitors - Converter with R-2R network Lesson 9. A/D converters - Integrating A/D Converters (ramp, dual ramp) - Succesiva approximation A/D converters (SAR) - Pipe-line A/D converters - FLash A/D converters Lesson 10: Oversampled Circuits - Concept of oversampled systems - Principle of noise shaping (Noise Shaping) - Sigma-delta modulators of 1st and 2nd order - Implementation of oversampled A/D - Implementation of oversampled D/A converters Lesson 11: Frequency Synthesis - Types of Frequency Synthesizers - Dynamic Equations of a phase control loop (PLL) - Elements of a PLL: phase comparators, LC VCO, programmable dividers - Phase noise in a digital divider - Double modulus synthesizers - Synthesizers controlled by sigma-delta modulation - DDS Synthesizers - Ring Oscillators. Time to Digital Converters - Digital PLL Synthesizers
Learning activities and methodology
The training activities include: * Master classes, small group questions resolution classes, student presentations, individual tutorials and student personal work, including study, tests and exams; oriented to the acquisition of theoretical knowledge. * Classes of problems in small groups, individual tutorials and personal work of the student, including study, tests and exams; oriented to the acquisition of practical skills related to the program of each subject * Laboratory practices * Preparation of papers and reports individually or in groups as a result of circuit simulations or experimental work The teaching methodologies will be: * Exhibitions in class of the teacher with support of computer and audiovisual media, in which the main concepts of the subject are developed * Resolution of practical cases and problems raised by the teacher individually or in groups * Preparation of work and reports individually or in groups as a result of practical work in the laboratory or computer room
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • A. Sedra. Microelectronic Circuits. Oxford Publishing. 1991
  • B Razavi. RF Microelectronics. Prentice Hall. 1998
  • D. Johns. Analog Integrated Circuit Design. J. Willey & Sons. 1997

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.