- Ability to communicate conclusions and the knowledge and rationale underpinning to specialists and non-specialists in a clear and unambiguous way.
- That the students acquire learning skills that enable them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.
- Ability to design, calculate and design products, processes and facilities in all areas of Telecommunication Engineering.
- Ability to design and dimension transport, diffusion and distribution networks for multimedia contents.
- Ability to model, design, deploy, manage, operate, administrate and maintain networks, services and contents.
- Capacity for planning, decision making and packaging of networks, services and applications considering the quality of service, direct and operation costs, deploying plan, monitoring, safety procedures, scaling and maintenance, as well as manage and ensure quality in the development process.
- Ability to understand and apply the working principles and organization of the Internet, the technologies and protocols related with next generation Internet, component models, intermediate software and services.
- Ability to solve the convergence, interoperability and design of heterogeneous networks with local networks, access and trunk, as well as the integration of telephony, data, television and interactive services.
To acquire specific skills, the subject is coordinated with the Design and Operation of Communications Networks (DORC) as follows: DORC addresses aspects of provision and multimedia content delivery fundamentally at the link and network layers, from the point of view of the organization which deploys the networks. On the other hand, the course of Advanced Multimedia Services addresses transport level and application related with multimedia service, with emphasis on end-to-end communication, from the point of view of the user and the developer of multimedia software.