Checking date: 03/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Industrial Facilities II
Master in Industrial Engineering (Plan: 170 - Estudio: 226)


Department assigned to the subject: Electrical Engineering Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
Know for planning and designing electrical and lighting, energy saving and efficiency, communications, home automation and intelligent buildings and security facilities. Have sufficient criteria to search and select the appropriate material that is part of the electrical, telecommunications, home automation and intelligent and Security buildings facilities. Know the constructive, functional and operational characteristics of electrical, telecommunications, home automation and intelligent and Security buildings facilities. Know how to perform verification and control of electrical, telecommunications, home automation and intelligent buildings and Security facilities, in order to perform certifications and audits. Consult and apply regulations codes. Prepare a technical project for the design of an electrical, lighting, energy saving and efficiency, telecommunications, home automation and intelligent or Security buildings facility.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. Introduction: Three-phase distribution systems. 2. Medium voltage switchgear. Transformation centers. 3. Reactive power compensation. Practical exercises. 4. Liaison facilities. Indoor facilities Calculation of sections. 5. Low voltage switchgear: Protections (switches, circuit breakers, differentials). 6. Electrical pipes. Grounding facilities in buildings. Protection against indirect contacts. 7. Light sources: Incandescent and discharge lamps. Luminaires and associated equipment. Photometric characteristics Rules and regulations in lighting technology. Special lighting Lighting projects. 8. Installation automation: topology and programming of the EIB Bus. Applications Control lighting, temperature, etc. Building and security facilities monitoring. 9. Smart homes and buildings. Telecommunications facilities: television, telephony, data networks, AMR. 10. Inspection and certification of electrical and electronic installations in buildings.
Learning activities and methodology
Formation activities: * Theoretical classes. Master Exhibitions (0.4 ECTS) * Kinds of problems. Classroom exercises to understand the agenda. (0.6 ECTS) * Practice in classroom facilities. (0.03 ECTS) * Individual student work. (1.97 ECTS) Teaching methodologies: Preparatory and previous work of the student, master classes, practical sessions, laboratory practice. Development of the design of an electrical, lighting, energy saving and efficiency, telecommunications, home automation and intelligent or Security buildings facility.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • A.J. Conejo. Instalaciones Eléctricas. Mc Graw-Hill. 2007
  • Antonio Colmenar Santos y Juan Luis Hernández Martín. Instalaciones Eléctricas en Baja Tensión: Diseño, Cálculo, dirección, Seguridad y Montaje. RA-MA.
  • Grainger, Stevenson. Análisis de Sistemas de Potencia. Mc Graw-Hill. 1995
  • Martín Sánchez, Franco. Manual práctico de iluminación . A. Madrid Vicente. 2005
  • Martín Sánchez, Franco. Manual práctico de iluminación . A. Madrid Vicente. 2005
  • Rey Martínez, Francisco Javier; Velasco Gómez, Eloy. EFICIENCIA ENERGÉTICA EN EDIFICIOS. Certificación y auditorías energéticas.. Ediciones Paraninfo, S.A. 2006
Additional Bibliography
  • . 18099 REAL DECRETO 842/ 2002, de 2 de agosto, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento electrotécnico para baja tensión. RD. 2002
  • . Eficiencia Energética de las Instalaciones de Iluminación HE3 (del CTE). CTE. 2006
  • . REAL DECRETO 337/2014, de 9 de mayo, por el que se aprueban el Reglamento sobre condiciones técnicas y garantías de seguridad en líneas eléctricas de alta tensión y sus instrucciones técnicas complementarias ITC-LAT. R.D.. 2014

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.