The objective of this course is that the student acquires a solid knowledge in a series of essential horizontal techniques in electronic power electronic converters. In the development of the course, special emphasis will be placed on the application of these techniques on the main converters used by the industry today. To achieve this objective, the student will acquire the following specific skills:
- Understand the operation of electrical components: inductances and capacitors, resistors and transformers. Their operation in permanent regime and capacity to store energy.
- Know and properly handle mathematical tools for the analysis of circuits in non-sinusoidal steady state: average value, RMS value, instantaneous power, average power, Fourier Series, etc.
- To understand the operation of DC-DC converters without isolation and with galvanic isolation. To analyze their applications.
- To know the operation and applications of AC-DC converters or inverters, operating with pulse width modulation (PWM), both in the single-phase and three-phase case.
- To understand the operation of AC-DC rectifiers or converters, operation in critical or boundary mode, in the case of single-phase rectifier and PWM modulation for the three-phase rectifier.
As for the general capabilities or skills, the following will be worked throughout the course:
- Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
- Ability to use techniques and tools necessary in modern engineering to reduce equipment development times. The laboratory practices will combine simulations with the PSIM simulator and measurements in the laboratory.
- Ability to perform assemblies and measurements in the laboratory, with special emphasis on those that are typical in a power electronics environment.
Ability to combine theory and practice to solve power electronics problems.
- Have a systematic understanding of the key concepts and aspects of their branch in power electronics.
- Ability to work cooperatively in a team, knowing how to adapt the requirements and working conditions of the subsystem developed by them to work properly within an overall system not only electronic. This facet will be worked through the development of examples and case studies.