Checking date: 24/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Logic and Argumentation
Dual Bachelor in Journalism and Humanities Studies (2013 Study Plan) (Plan: 305 - Estudio: 282)

Coordinating teacher: RIVERO OBRA, MERCEDES

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Ability to anlayze the argumentative structures of discourse To master the basic logical structures To examine the daily intuitions about concepts as knwledge, reason or rationality
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
PART I: RATIONALITY AND ACTION 1. Human mind 2. Reasons and emotions 3. Actions and agency Part II: KNOWLEDGE AND REPRESENTATION 4. Information and knowledge 5. Knowledge and society 6. Introduction to epistemology: virtues 7. Testimony and social epistemology. Epistemic pathologies: injustice and ignorance. PART III: REASONING AND ARGUMENTATION 8. Reasoning as exploitation of information and argumentation as reasoning that aims to convince. Inferences 9. Conditionalization of thought. Necessary and sufficient conditions. 10. Reasoning: correctness and validity Arguments 11. Biases and fallacies 12. Polarization
Learning activities and methodology
METHODOLOGY The methodology of this subject will revolve around three axes: the thematic blocks presented by the teacher, the text commenting sessions, and the preparation of group work. Due to the importance of the work for the final grade, a large part of the student's work will consist of coordinating its preparation with the responsible teacher and with his classmates. This fact will favor a collaborative methodology aimed at writing and presenting the work, to be able to defend his argument before the rest of his colleagues. All this will help them assimilate the knowledge necessary to successfully pass the final exam of the course.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Brandom, R. 2003. . La articulación de las razones. Una introducción al inferencialismo, Madrid, . Siglo XXI Editores.
  • Brandom, R. 2009. . Hacerlo explícito, Barcelona, . Herder .
  • Broncano, F. 2003. . Saber en condiciones. Epistemología pare escépticos y materialistas, Madrid, . Antonio Machado Editores.
  • Chalmers, A. F. 2000. . ¿Qué es esa cosa llamada ciencia?, Madrid, . Siglo XXI.
  • Dancy, J. 1993. . Introducción a la epistemología contemporánea, . Madrid, Tecnos .
  • Dunbar, R. 1999. . El miedo a la ciencia, Madrid, . Alianza.
  • Goldacre, B. 2011. Mala ciencia. . No te dejes engañar por curanderos, charlatanes y otros farsantes,. Barcelona, Paidós.
  • J. David Velleman. ¿Cómo nos entendemos?. Avarigani editores S.A.U. . 2015
  • J. David Velleman. ¿Cómo nos entendemos?. Avarigani. 2015
  • Platón 2003. . Diálogos, Volumen II: Gorgias. Menéxeno. Eutidemo. Menón. Crátilo. Madrid,. Editorial Gredos.
  • Quesada, D. 2003. . Saber, opinión y ciencia, Barcelona, . Ariel.
  • Russell, B. 1995. . Los problemas de la filosofía, Barcelona, . Labor.
  • Sokal, A. 2008.. Más allá de las imposturas intelectuales. Ciencia, filosofía y cultura, . Barcelona, Paidós.
  • Velleman, J.David. ¿Cómo nos entendemos?. Avarigani. 2015
  • Williams, B. 1996. . Descartes. El proyecto de investigación pura, Madrid, . Cátedra.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.