Checking date: 04/06/2021

Course: 2024/2025

Archiving for the Media
Bachelor in Film, Television and Media Studies (Plan: 382 - Estudio: 211)

Coordinating teacher: MARTIN VEGA, ARTURO

Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
1. Knowledge of sources of printed and digital information for searching and retieveing images or sound archive documents that may be needed in audiovisual production processes. 2. Knowledge of ethics and professional ethics and the legal system of the information on the use of images and sound archive documents. 3. Ability to find, select and organize any type of audiovisual documents in a database and its use in different storage media using digital methods. 4. Ability to define research topics or innovative personal development that can contribute to understanding the visual language or its interpretation.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
This subject aims to show the importance of using formal information sources as a tool for analysis and construction of audiovisual speech aimed at the truth and explanation of the news and other informational messages as well as the cinematic narrative. - Techniques of analysis, search and retrieval of audiovisual information. - General Sources of audiovisual information. - Analysis and effects of using images and sound documents in audiovisual speech. - Legislation, ethics and deontology in the use of images and sound documents.
Learning activities and methodology
1. Lectures Basic knowledge about audiovisual archiving their type and function. On the evolution and importance of the various formats and media. And for the ethical use of images and sounds contained in those files. Competencies 1 and 2 (1 ECTS). 2. Practical classes Practical classes of information sources and techniques for searching, retrieving and organizing information. Competence 3. (1 ECTS). 3. Student Work Supervised study of theoretical and practical content, teaching materials and development work. Competencies 1, 2 and 4 (1 ECTS).
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • AMO GARCÍA, Alfonso del. Inspección técnica de materiales en el archivo de una filmoteca. Filmoteca Española, Madrid. 1996
  • BELLVESER, E. (Ed.). . Manual de documentació audiovisual en radio i televisió. Valencia: Universidad de Valencia, . 1999
  • EDMONDSON, Ray. Filosofía y principios de los archivos audiovisuales. . Paris: UNESCO. 2004
  • LÓPEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Ángeles. . Introducción a la documentación audiovisual. Sevilla : S&C Ediciones. 2003
  • MARTÍN VEGA, Arturo. Fuentes de información general. Trea. 1995
  • MOREIRO, José Antonio (Coord.). . Manual de Documentación informativa. Madrid: Cátedra . 2000
  • RIPOLL-MONT, Silvia; TOLOSA-ROBLEDO, Luisa. . ¿El documentalista de programas de televisión: horizontes profesionales¿.. El profesional de la información, 2009, mayo-junio, v. 18, n. 3, pp. 341-347.. 2009
Additional Bibliography
  • MARTÍN DE SANTOS, Inés. Propedéutica para la implementación de la metodología Flipped Classroom. Congreso CUICIID. 2018

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.