Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and / or application of ideas, often in a research context.
Students should be able to apply the acquired knowledge and problem-solving skills in new or unfamiliar environments, within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study.
That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of making judgments from information that, incomplete or limited, includes reflections on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.
That the students know how to communicate their conclusions and the latest knowledge and reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.
That the students possess the learning abilities that allow them to continue studying.
Analyze the different indicators that allow to know the relevance of Spanish tourism in the world.
Interpret ways to promote the growth of national, regional and local tourism, based on cultural and natural resources.
That the students interpret the keys of the territorial balance, and the cultural integration of the marginalized zones.
Identify the tourism fabric as the integration of natural and cultural goods, establishing relationships of commitment and balance between both realities.
Apply the ability to work as a team in themes related to cultural and natural heritage.
Manage adequately the use of innovative concepts linked to tourism management.
Define a methodology of work, from the field work to the interpretation and publication of results in the field of tourism resource management.
To evaluate the strategic role of tourism for the economic development of the peoples and the valorization and active conservation of natural and cultural resources.
Analyze the sources of information for the analysis of spaces and tourist activities.
Promote spaces for different types of tourism and tourists, with particular emphasis on cultural and environmental aspects through discovery and integration.
Train to interpret social and cultural diversity.
Identify specific tools to develop tourism products and activities based on environmental and cultural resources without jeopardizing the conservation of resources and the sustainability of tourism.
To value the critical spirit for a permanent improvement of the tourist product, taking the initiative in the renewal and permanent update of the offers.
Apply the economic, legal, social and political variables involved in Tourism, for the promotion of goods of cultural and natural interest.
Decide on the planning of tourist areas.
Evaluate appropriate resources to promote a space or a particular cultural asset.
Analyze states of conservation and quality of cultural assets linked to the tourism world
Demonstrate knowledge in tourism.
Identify problems and potentialities of tourism resources and areas.
Write diagnoses and strategies for territories and tourist destinations.
This subject will provide the students with the necessary knowledge to value the resources of a territory from a tourist perspective. Once they have completed their studies, they must be able to recognize the territory, detect their tourism potential, and design tools for locating, planning, managing, communicating and disseminating natural resources through proposals for different cultural and natural tourism products.