Checking date: 16/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Communication process. Verbal and non verbal expression. Writing and speaking
Master in Spanish Current Language and Literature (Plan: 322 - Estudio: 292)

Coordinating teacher: GARCES GOMEZ, MARIA PILAR

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Domain of Spanish language (high level)
OBJECTIVES: In this subject is pretended that the student know how the communication process takes place, what is a key in life´s development of the person and of the society. It´s described how this process is developed throughout the linguistic signals in the verbal communication, as much as throughout body language or corporal signs in not verbal communication. From a pragmatic point of view, it will be considered the function of the different components that take part in the linguistic and literature communication and it will be analyzed main concepts such as intentionality, inferential process and the paper of the context in the communicative act. It will be also studied the characteristics of messages in different situations in the different actual media: in the written speech (literary, journalist, publicity, scientific, juridical, medical, political, academic), in the oral speech (formal, informal) or in the digital discourse (electronic messages, forums, social networks, platforms, cyber journalism). GENERAL COMPETENCES - To power the development of communicative skills of students. - To impulse the students to be able of communicate their conclusions and knowledge and the reasons that support them, to general or specialized public, in a clear and not ambiguous way. - To know the last two decades Spanish linguistic and literature panorama. - To analyze the Spanish recent linguistic and literature culture from an interdisciplinary point of view. - To apply methodological tools to the right teaching paperwork and the programming of Spanish in the national and international ambit. - To generate conscience of the necessary close relation of language and literature, like a reality that must be studied in the teaching processes and in the Spanish acquisition together. - To develop teaching skills in the Spanish ambit throughout a working system based in the close collaboration between the student and the teacher´s team. - To build a critic own speech that integrates the studied contains and the application of the used methodology. - To develop the necessary skills, strategies and abilities to work in an actual Spanish representative cultural texts corpus. - To discuss and analyze the actual linguistic and literature culture and based on representative literature texts and on other recent communicative and esthetic materials. - To generate and to evaluate didactic material to the Spanish teaching, particularly in high levels. - To develop investigator skills in the ambit of Spanish - To know and to review the relevant bibliography about the studied and worked questions. - To evaluate and to create didactic materials according the student necessities. - To produce academic texts about the programmed subjects. - To impulse the abilities of artistic creation of the students, overall in the linguistic and literature ambit. - To know and to understand the process of communication ostensive-inferential. - To know and to understand the new communication ways throughout oral and written media. SPECIFIC COMPETENCES - To know and to understand how the verbal and not verbal communication process develops, and to apply the basic concepts that allow explaining that process. - To know and to understand which are the components that take part in the process of linguistic communication and to analyze its operation. - To know and to analyze the characteristics of the oral speech throughout the analysis of texts belonging to different social ambits and different genders. - To know and to analyze the written speech throughout the analysis of texts belonging to different modalities and different genders. - To analyze the properties of the digital speech throughout the analysis of texts belonging to different modalities and different genders. TRANSVERSAL COMPETENCES - Respect for gender equality and the principle of equal treatment and non-discrimination. - Respect for the principles of universal accessibility and design for all people. - Respect for human rights and fundamental rights. - Treatment of sustainability and climate change.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The communication process. Verbal and not verbal expression: writing and orality. The communication is the main element in the development of the individual and social life: cells communicate, animals communicate and human people communicate. This so general starting point requires focusing on about certain aspects. First of all, language is a communication system with particular and general characteristics, but it´s not the only one used by humans. People use also expressions and they communicate by evidences. So are described expressions and corporal encoded behavior, conscious or unconscious attitudes in the face to face dialogues. According to the linguistic communication, nowadays we don´t have only a written communication, but also a verbal communication in the distance, that works almost like a verbal face to face communication. However, face to face communication by videoconference, mobile, computer or any other electronic device is not like the one that takes place face to face in a physical presence of the speakers. In this way, it will be necessary to analyze the communicative process not only like a codification / decoding diagram, but also, specially, like an ostensive and inferential process, as the Relevance Theory proposes. In the second place, in every communicative process takes place the intention of the emitting and the capacity of the addressee to understand properly the messages. The pragmatic perspective helps us to analyze different communicative situations related to the communicative objectives, with the situation, with the surroundings and with the social distance established between the interlocutors. Finally, we must refer the specificity of messages in the different situations and in every different actual media. The use of oral signs, at the same time than visual signs is something fundamental in the contemporary world. The study of electronic messages, twits or chats has a big interest like new communication ways. The analysis of the communication process will be made following the next bases that configure the program of the subject: 1. Communication. People and voices of the speech 1.1. Communication process. 1.2. People in the discourse. 1.3. Voices in the discourse. 1.4. Texts comments. 2. Contexts and sense construction 2.1. Context. 2.2. Intention and interpretation. 2.3. Verbal and not verbal expression. Oral and written expression. 2.4. Texts comments. 3. Oral speech. The colloquial language 3.1. Characteristics of the colloquial language. 3.2. The colloquial language in the differents levels of use. 3.3. Text comments. 4. Verbal Politeness 4.1. Atenuation Process. 4.2. Intensification Process. 4.3. Text comments. 5. Coherence and cohesion 5.1. Discursive coherence. 5.2. Discursive cohesion. 5.3. Discourse markers. 5.4. Text comments. 6. Digital speech 6.1. Characteristics of digital speech. 6.2. Typology of ciber-genres. 6.3. Digital texts and contextualization. 6.4. Text comments.
Learning activities and methodology
The course will be carried out from a point of view that allows presenting the more actual thoughts about the speech discourse with the application of this knowledge to the characterization of the different speeches discourses in its different modalities, taking into account its characteristics and its relation with social and cultural circumstances in which they have taken place. Classes will be theoretical and practical, and will be focused on promoting the group work as much as the individual one. The teaching methodology includes, between others, the next options: - Oral expositions of the teacher, with audiovisual support. - Critical reading of recommended texts for its posterior debate and analysis in class. - Expositions and debates in class. - Analysis of different types of speeches from different perspectives in which the teacher will take part, as much as the students. - Exposition of the works elaborated by the students (in an individual or in a group way). TUTORIALS There will be two hours of tutorials every week.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • AGHA, A. . Language and Social Relations. . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. . 2007.
  • ALBELDA MARCO, M. / BARROS GARCÍA, M.ª J. . La cortesía en la comunicación. . Madrid: Arco Libros. . 2018 (2ª edición).
  • ALBELDA MARCO, M. / MIHATSCH, W. (eds.). . Atenuación e intensificación en diferentes géneros discursivos. . Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert. . 2017.
  • AYRES-BENNETT, W. / SANSON, H. (eds.).. Women in the History of Linguistics. . Oxford: Oxford University Press. . 2020
  • BARROS GARCÍA, M. J. . Cortesía valoralizadora. Uso en la conversación informal española. . Berlin: Peter Lang. . 2018.
  • BASSOLS, M. / TORRENT, A M. . Modelos textuales. Teoría y práctica. . Barcelona: Octaedro. . 1997.
  • BEAUGRANDE, R. A. (De) / DRESSLER, W. U. . Introducción a la lingüística del texto. . Barcelona: Ariel. . 1981.
  • BROWN, P. / LEVINSON, S. . Politeness. Some universals in language use. . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. . 1987.
  • CALSAMIGLIA, H. / TUSÓN, A. . Las cosas del decir. Manual de análisis del discurso. . Barcelona: Ariel. . 1999.
  • CLARK, H. H. . Using language. . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. . 1996.
  • ELVIRA, J. . La inteligencia verbal. El lenguaje como reforzador cognitivo. . Madrid: Visor.. 2020.
  • ESCANDELL VIDAL, M.ª V.. La comunicación: lengua, cognición, sociedad.. Madrid: Akal. . 2014.
  • ESCANDELL, M. V. / AMENÓS PONS, J. / AHERN, A. K. (coords.). . Pragmática. . Madrid: Akal. . 2020.
  • FAIRCLOUGH, N.. Analysing Discourse. Textual Analysis for Social Research. . London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. . 2003.
  • FAIRCLOUGH, N. . Critical Discourse Analysis: the Critical Study of Language. . London: Longman. . 1995.
  • FUENTES RODRÍGUEZ, C. (coord.). . Imagen social y medios de comunicación. . Madrid: Arco Libros. . 2013.
  • FUENTES RODRÍGUEZ, C. / BRENES PEÑA, E. (eds.). . Comunicación estratégica para el ejercicio del liderazgo femenino. . New York: Routledge. . 2022.
  • GARCÉS GÓMEZ, M.ª P. . La organización del discurso: marcadores de ordenación y de reformulación. . Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert. . 2008:
  • GARCÉS GÓMEZ, M.ª. P. . Los adverbios con función discursiva. Procesos de formación y evolución. . Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert. . 2013.
  • GARCÍA MOUTON, P. . Así hablan las mujeres. Curiosidades y tópicos del uso femenino del lenguaje. . Madrid: Esfera de los libros. . 2003.
  • GARCÍA MOUTON, P. . Cómo hablan las mujeres. . Madrid: Arco Libros. 2000.
  • GIAMMATTEO, M. / GUBITOSI, P. / PARINI, A. (eds.). . El español en la red. . Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert. . 2018.
  • GOFFMAN, E. . Forms of talk. . Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.. 1981.
  • GONZÁLEZ GÓMEZ, C. . El análisis del discurso político. . Madrid: Arco Libros. . 2023.
  • KOIKE, D. A. / CÉSAR FELIX-BRASDEFER, J. . The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Pragmatics. Routledge. 2020
  • KOIKE, D. A. / CÉSAR FELIX-BRASDEFER, J. . The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Pragmatics. . London: Routledge. . 2020.
  • LABORDA GIL, X. . De retórica. La comunicación persuasiva. . Barcelona: UOC.. 2012.
  • LANDOW, G. P. . Hipertexto. La convergencia de la teoría crítica contemporánea y la tecnología. . Barcelona: Paidós. . 1995.
  • LOUREDA LAMAS, Ó. / CRUZ RUBIO, A. / RECIO FERNÁNDEZ, I. / RUDKA, M. . Comunicación, partículas discursivas y pragmática experimental. . Madrid: Arco Libros. . 2021.
  • LOUREDA, Ó. / RUDKA, M. / PARODI, G. (eds.).. Marcadores del discurso y lingüística contrastiva en las lenguas románicas. . Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert. . 2020
  • LOUREDA, Ó. / SCHROTT, A. . Manual de lingüística del hablar. . Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter. 2021
  • LOUREDA, Ó. / SCHROTT, A. . Manual de lingüística del hablar. . Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter. . 2021.
  • LÓPEZ ALONSO, C. . Análisis del Discurso. . Madrid: Síntesis. . 2014.
  • LÓPEZ ALONSO, C. / SÉRÉ, A. (eds.) . Nuevos géneros discursivos: los textos electrónicos. . Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva. . 2003.
  • LÓPEZ FERRERO, C. / CARRANZA ISOLDA, E. / VAN DIJK, T. (eds.). . Estudios del discurso. The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Discourse Studies. . London/New York: Routledge. . 2022.
  • MAINGUENEAU, D. . Análisis de los textos de comunicación. . Buenos Aires: Ediciones Nueva Visión. . 2009
  • MANCERA RUEDA, A. / PANO ALAMÁN, A.. El español coloquial en las redes sociales. . Madrid: Arco Libros. . 2014.
  • MORENO FERNÁNDEZ, F. . Sociolingüística cognitiva. Proposiciones, escolios y debates. . Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert. . 2012
  • MÁRQUEZ GUERRERO, M. . Género gramatical y discurso sexista. . Madrid: Síntesis. . 2013.
  • MÉNDEZ SANTOS, M.ª C. / VELA DELFA, C. . Las redes sociales digitales en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera. . Madrid: Arco libros. . 2023.
  • PLACENCIA, Mª E. / PADILLA, X. A. . Guía práctica de pragmática del español.. London: Routledge. . 2020.
  • PORTOLÉS, J. . Pragmática para hispanistas. . Madrid: Síntesis. . 2004.
  • POYATOS, F. . La comunicación no verbal. Cultura, lenguaje y conversación. . Madrid: Istmo. . 1994.
  • PÉREZ BEJAR, V. / MÉNDEZ ORENSE, M. (coords.). . Perspectivas integradas en el análisis de la oralidad. . Sevilla: Universidad de Sevilla. . 2022.
  • RIDAO RODRIGO, S. . La puntuación en las redes sociales. . Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert. . 2022
  • RIDRUEJO, E. (ed.).. Manual de lingüística española. . Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter . 2019
  • ROBLES ÁVILA, S. / MORENO ORTIZ, A. (eds.).. Comunicación mediada por ordenador. . Madrid: Cátedra. . 2019.
  • SAMPIETRO, A. . Lengua e imagen en la comunicación digital. . Madrid: Arco Libros. . 2023
  • SANMARTÍN SÁEZ, J. . El chat. La conversación tecnológica. . Madrid: Arco Libros. . 2007.
  • SANMARTÍN, J. (ed.). . Discurso turístico e internet. . Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert. . 2012
  • SPERBER, D. / WILSON, D. . Relevance. . Oxford: Basil Blackwell. . 1986 (1ª edición) /1995 (2ª ed. revisada y aumentada).
  • TUSÓN VALLS, A. . El análisis de la conversación. . Barcelona: Ariel. . 1997.
  • VAN DIJK, T. A. . Discurso y poder. . Barcelona: Gedisa. . 2009.
  • VAN DIJK, T. A. . Discurso y contexto. . Barcelona: Gedisa. . 2012.
  • VELA DELFA, C. . La comunicación por correo electrónico: análisis discursivo de la correspondencia digital.. Madrid / Frankfurt: Iberoamericana / Vervuert. . 2021.
  • VELA DELFA, C. / CANTAMUTTO, L. . Los emojis en la interacción digital escrita. . Madrid: Arco Libros. . 2021.
  • WILSON, D. / SPERBER, D. . Meaning and Relevance. . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. . 2012.
  • YUS RAMOS, F. . Ciberpragmática. 2.0. . Barcelona: Ariel. 2010.
  • YUS RAMOS, F. . Ciberpragmática. El uso del lenguaje en Internet. . Barcelona: Ariel. . 2001.
  • YUS RAMOS, F. . Humor and Relevance. . Amsterdam: John Benjamins. . 2016.
Additional Bibliography
  • Alba Juez, L. . Perspectives on Discourse Analysis. . Newcastle, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Publishing. . 2009.
  • Gee, J. / Hanford, M. (eds.). . The Routledge Handbook of Discourse Analysis. . New York: Routledge. . 2014.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.