Checking date: 11/09/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Specifity of literary expression as a communicative practice
Master in Spanish Current Language and Literature (Plan: 322 - Estudio: 292)

Coordinating teacher: BLASCO MENA, MARIA DOLORES

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


COMPETENCES That the students know how to communicate their conclusions and the latest knowledge and reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way. That the students possess the learning abilities that allow them to continue studying. To know the panorama of the Spanish linguistic and literary culture during the last two decades To analyze the recent Spanish linguistic and literary culture from an interdisciplinary perspective Apply methodological tools for the correct management of teaching and the programming of Spanish in the national and international scope Generate an awareness of the necessary imbrication of language and literature as a reality that must be worked on in the processes of teaching and acquisition of Spanish together Developing teaching skills in the field of Spanish through a work system based on the close collaboration between the student and the team of teachers Construct a critical discourse of its own that integrates the contents studied and the application of the methodology used. Develop the skills, strategies and skills needed to work a corpus of cultural texts representative of current Spanish Discuss and analyze the current linguistic and literary culture from representative literary texts and other recent communicative and aesthetic materials Generate and evaluate didactic material for teaching Spanish, particularly at higher levels Developing research skills in the field of Spanish To know and to review the relevant bibliography on the studied and worked questions Evaluate and elaborate didactic material according to the student's needs Produce academic texts on the subject areas To promote the artistic creation capacities of the students, mainly in the linguistic and literary field To know and analyze the compositional mechanisms of the different literary genres and their application to current Spanish literature. Develop the skills, strategies and skills needed to compose own literary texts LEARNING OUTCOMES The student will become familiar with the linguistic instruments necessary for communication, creation and teaching, both from a theoretical and practical perspective, both in the field of oral expression and in the field of written expression. It will also develop its possibilities in what affects the creation of literary texts and that can lead to the teaching territory teaching and stimulating literary creativity and originality in expression.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1- DESCRIPTION The use of creative writing in teaching plans has Considerable growth, due to the many pedagogical offers. In the field of Teaching Foreign Languages ¿¿(ELE), and within the framework of Concrete teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language, creative writing Facilitates the assimilation of the acquired knowledge through creative tasks and Where the student learns to experiment with all kinds of tools Linguistic, thus facilitating their effective management. Within the present masters, the Creative writing subject allows you to become familiar with the personal dimension and Expressive of the language, through the study of models that, in any case, have to Focus on exercises of an eminently practical nature. 2- OBJECTIVES A) Create original texts that allow reflection on the difficulties of written expression in Spanish, and at the same time, enhance the expressive possibilities of students. B) Improve knowledge about the language in both its written dimension and its oral dimension. C) Put into practice the theoretical knowledge acquired through the creation of short narrative and / or dramatic texts. D) Adapt the uses of the language to different communicative situations. 3- METHODOLOGY A) Analyze some texts (stories, theatrical scenes, news, etc.) and reflect on the different uses of the language and its various structures. B) Propose writing exercises directed from certain guidelines (situation, number of interlocutors, expressive register, etc.) C) Propose written text writing to experiment with small textual variants. (For example, to observe the correct use of the verb to be and to be, the correct use of the gerund, etc.) D) Propose the writing of open texts in which the premises are determined by the students. E) Propose the pragmatic enunciation and dramatization of the texts created. 4- PROGRAM To the extent that the present subject does not include a progressive or sequential theoretical content, the program is articulated through four large blocks that allow different facets to be covered in language management and learning. These blocks can be modulated according to the needs and dynamics of each group. BLOCK A: The poetic slope of the language. Through creative writing techniques focused mainly on poetry, this block allows students to familiarize themselves with the most playful side of words, testing their meaning and their elasticity when producing and articulating a discourse of their own. These are exercises that affect the formative root of the lexicon, the syntactic variants, the expressive possibilities of language and the polysemy of its terms. BLOCK B: The practice of rules. This block focuses mainly on the application of the grammatical rules of the language, but avoiding the repetition of mechanical exercises, and replacing them with the production of texts that allow to test these rules and measure the different expressive effects that they entail, by writing brief paragraphs In which several textual practices are given (uses of the gerund, difference being and being, etc.) BLOCK C: Variants and transformations In order to measure the variability of each writing model and its adaptability to different situations of daily life, the present block obeys methods of rewriting rather than direct production. Following the example of Queneau in his Style Exercises, we analyze how a particular text responds to each specific situation, starting from the dramatization of news stories or games with the records of narrative polyphony (changes of views, management of Dialogue, etc.), all with the aim of attending to the pragmatic function of language.
Learning activities and methodology
FORMATION ACTIVITIES Theoretical-practical classes Tutorials Team work Individual student work TEACHING METHODOLOGIES Exhibitions in the teacher's class with support of computer and audiovisual media, in which the main concepts of the subject are developed and the bibliography is provided to complement the students' learning. Critical reading of texts recommended by the teacher of the subject: Press articles, reports, manuals and academic articles, either for later discussion in class, or to expand and consolidate the knowledge of the subject. Resolution of practical cases, problems, etc. Raised by the teacher individually or in a group Exposure and discussion in class, under the moderation of the professor of subjects related to the content of the subject, as well as of practical cases Elaboration of works and reports individually or in groups
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 0
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Alonso de Santos, José Luis. La escritura dramática. Castalia. 1998
  • Ayuso, Ana (ed.). El oficio de escritor. Fuentetaja. 2002
  • Cassany, Daniel. Describir el escribir. Cómo se aprende a escribir. Paidós Comunicación. 1991
  • Cassany, Daniel. La cocina de la escritura. Anagrama. 1997
  • Gardner John. Para ser novelista. Fuentetaja. 2001
  • Gardner, John. El arte de la ficción. Apuntes sobre el oficio para jóvenes escritores. Fuentetaja. 2001
  • Golberg, Nathalie. El gozo de escribir: el arte de la escritura creativa. La liebre de marzo. 2013
  • Gullón, Germán (et alt.). El oficio de narrar. Cátedra. 1989
  • Imizcoz, Teresa. Manual para cuentistas. El arte y el oficio de contar historias. Península. 1999
  • Lodge, David. El arte de la ficción. Península. 1998
  • Paéz, Enrique. Escribir: manual de técnicas narrativas. Ediciones SM. 2001
  • Queneau, Raymond. Ejercicios de estilo. Cátedra. 2004
  • Rodari, Gianni. Gramática de la fantasía. Introducción al arte de contar historias. Ediciones del Bronce. 2001
  • Sanchis Sinisterra, José. Narraturgia. Dramaturgia de textos narrativos. Paso de Gato. 2012

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.