Checking date: 21/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Images and representation: representing the body
Master in Spanish Current Language and Literature (Plan: 322 - Estudio: 292)

Coordinating teacher: CHECA PUERTA, JULIO ENRIQUE

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Spanish knowledge (advanced, proficient or superior)
By the end of this course the student should be able to hold an overview of the main images of the human body and how they are represented in theatre, novel, poetry and other literary discourses in Spanish. These may be considered nowadays as an extraordinary field for aesthetic and politic reflection in this imaginary. The student will develop the following competences: 1. Knowledge of various ways of representing body ad sexuality in contemporary Spanish literature. 2. Analyse critical writing literary relevant texts and performances on this subject. 3. Identify forms of represention of human body. 4. Apply the new acquired knowledge of these representations and its literature to middle and superior levels of Spanish. The program of the Imágenes y Representación subject is aligned, in general terms, with all the commitments voluntarily acquired by the uc3m in terms of compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals. Thus, objectives 4, 5, 8 and 16 are assumed as the backbone of the global teaching project of the literature area of the uc3m, which exercises its critical work within a higher public education institution, since they advocate quality education, gender equality, decent work and economic growth and peace, justice and the creation of strong institutions. In particular, this subject, as inferred from its reading program, the activity plan, the training process and the thematic repertoire addressed, with its corresponding explanations, also takes into account objectives 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, since as a whole they are concerned with reflecting on how to build a more just and decent society, favor inclusion within a diverse human fabric and act responsibly in the use and management of resources natural and caring for the environment.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. Literature, sexuality and writing: notes for a critical reading 2. Body, space and society: symbols and imaginaries on the sexual experience of the Spanish society 3. Exploring the visceral. Taboos and prejudices 4. Body and scenic representations 5.- The disability representation through fiction and performing arts
Learning activities and methodology
This course intends to focus the attention on the student and his development of independence in the process of learning and acquiring comunicative competence, particularly, literary competence and intercultural competence inside and outside the class. The student will be expected to do a series of readings, activities based on said readings, participate during the lesson as well as he wil have to do creativewriting exercises. In addition, the student will also have to prepare a critical discourse to be presented at the end of the course. In this subject, students must not use artificial intelligence tools to carry out the work or exercises proposed by the teacher. In the event that the use of AI by the student gives rise to academic fraud by falsifying the results of an exam or work required to accredit academic performance, the provisions of the Regulations of the Carlos III University of Madrid will apply.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • ANTEBI, Susan. . Carnal Inscriptions. Spanish American Narratives of Corporeal Difference and Disability. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.. 2009
  • BROZAS POLO, Mª PAZ. La expresión corporal en el teatro europeo del siglo XX. 2003. Ciudad Real, Ñaque.
  • CHECA PUERTA, Julio E. y GÓMEZ GARCÍA, Alba. Diversidad funcional en clave de género. Imágenes y prácticas en las artes escénicas, el cine y la literatura. ALEMANIA: Peter Lang. 2022
  • CHECA, Julio y Susanne HARTWIG (eds.). . ¿Discapacidad? Literatura, teatro y cine hispánicos vistos desde los disability studies.. Alemania: Peter Lang.. 2018
  • CORNAGO, ÓSCAR. Éticas del cuerpo: Juan Domínguez, Marta Galán, Fernando Renjifo. Madrid, Fundamentos.. 2008
  • FOUCAULT, Michel, (2000). . Los anormales. Nacimiento de la biopolítica.. Buenos Aires, Fondo de Cultura Económica. . 2009
  • GARLAND Thomson, Rosemarie. . Extraordinary Bodies. Figuring physical disability in American culture and literature.. New York: Columbia UP.. 1997
  • GOFFMAN, Erving.. Stigma. Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity. Harmondsworth: Penguin.. 1968
  • GOODLEY, Dan.. Disability studies. An Interdisciplinary Introduction. London et al.: Sage.. 2011
  • GÓMEZ GARCÍA, Alba, NAVARRO, David y VELLOSO, Javier. Ficciones y Límites. . La diversidad funcional en las artes escénicas, la literatura, el cine y el arte sonoro. 2021
  • HARTWIG, Susanne. Inclusión, Integración, Diferenciación. La diversidad funcional en la literatura, el cine y las artes escénicas. ALEMANIA: Peter Lang. 2020
  • HARTWIG, Susanne y CHECA PUERTA, Julio. ¿Discapacidad? Literatura, teatro y cine hispánicos vistos desde los disability studies. ALEMANIA: Peter Lang. 2018
  • HERNÁNDEZ SÁNCHEZ, Domingo (ed.). Arte, Cuerpo, Tecnología. Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad.. 2023
  • It will be provided . at the beginning. of the course.
  • LE BRETON, David. Antropología del cuerpo y modernidad. . Buenos Aires, Nueva Visión.. 2003
  • LE BRETON, David . La sociología del cuerpo.. Buenos Aires, Nueva Visión.. 2002
  • MITTCHELL, David T./Snyder, Sharon L. . Narrative Prosthesis. Disability and the Dependencies of Discourse.. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.. 2000

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.