Checking date: 22/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Literature and history: memory and representation
Master in Spanish Current Language and Literature (Plan: 322 - Estudio: 292)

Coordinating teacher: PEREZ-RASILLA BAYO, EDUARDO

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: Philosophy, Language, Literature Theory Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Knowlege of the Spanish language (upper level).
The aim of this subject is to approach and analyze the main lines in current Spanish literature on history and memory from a linguistic, historical and literary perspective in order to identify the themes and motifs addressed. The memory of the Spanish Civil War and the subsequent post-war period constitute a prominent theme of this chapter with its permanent inquiry about its causes, development and consequences, as well as the reflection about the place of personal and collective memory of the events and the responsibility that as citizens we must assume. On the other hand, current Spanish literature has reflected other issues such as the Spanish transition or the vision of international conflicts that can be extrapolated to the historical reality of the country. The student will develop a critical attitude towards public and private discourses. The competences that the student will acquire are: 1. To know the main literary manifestations around historical memory in recent Spanish literature. 2. To develop the ability to complement and correct the contents on the representation of history and its memory in the middle and higher levels of Spanish language teaching. 3. To recognize and analyze the diverse literary strategies in the fictional reconstruction of fragmented historical memory. 4. Construct a critical discourse of their own that integrates the contents studied and promotes the application of the methodology used. 5. Incorporate these issues to their knowledge of language and culture, to the programming and elaboration of didactic materials, as well as to the writing of cultural proposals in this field. Translated with (free version)
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Topic 1. The Spanish Civil War in the current literature. Topic 2. Testimonial memory of the dictatorship and literary fiction. Topic 3. State violence, censorship and metafiction. Topic 4. Narratives of the transition Topic 5. Dramaturgies of history: erased voices
Learning activities and methodology
This course is scheduled to thinking in education in which the student is the Center and as such, it aims to promote their autonomy in learning processes and the development of communicative competence and particularly literary and intercultural competence inside and outside the classroom. The student must perform the indicated readings, participate in class, practice and a job at the end of the course. It is a system of work and continuous assessment which aims to promote the involvement of the student and teacher exchange and the rest of the group. In this sense becomes available to students the possibility of maintaining individual tutoring outside of class to ensure the success of the process, and in the same way, request the call for tutorials that allow self-evaluation, reflection and the resolution of doubts of the learning process in a different and complementary to the traditional mentoring context: that of the class group.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 0
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Blasco, Lola. La armonía del silencio. IVC. 2019
  • CARRASCO GONZÁLEZ, Antonio M. . . La novela colonial hispanoafricana. Las colonias africanas de España través de la novela,. Madrid, Sial ediciones. (2000)
  • CHACÓN, Dulce. La voz dormida. Alfaguara. 2002
  • CHIRBES, Rafael. La caída de Madrid. Anagrama. 2000
  • Fusi, Juan Pablo, . La cultura,. Madrid, Marcial Pons, . (1999)
  • GONZÁLEZ ALCANTUD, José Antonio . Lo moro. Las lógicas de la derrota y la formación del estereotipo islámico,. Barcelona, Antropos. (2002)
  • Gil, Alberto, . La censura cinematográfica en España,. Madrid, Ediciones B. (2009)
  • LLAMAZARES, Julio. Luna de Lobos. Seix Barral. 1998
  • LÓPEZ BARRANCO, Juan José . El Rif en armas. La narrativa española sobre la guerra de Marruecos (1859-2005). Madrid, Marenostrum. (2006)
  • Oviedo, José Miguel. . Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana 4. De Borges al presente,. Madrid: Alianza. (2001)
  • QUEROL, José Manuel. La mirada del otro. La muralla. 2018
  • QUEROL, José Manuel. Postfascismos: el lado oscuro de la democracia. Díaz Pons. 2014
  • RIPOLL, Laia. Los niños perdidos. Yorick. 2005
  • ROSA, Isaac. El vano ayer. Seix Barral. 2004
  • Rojano, Antonio. El libro de Toji. Almuzara. 2022
  • SANZ, Marta. Daniela Astor y la caja negra. Anagrama. 2013
  • Santos, Juliá;. Historia de las dos Españas,. Madrid, Taurus. (2004)

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.

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