1. Correlation, causal effects and randomized trials.
Reading: AP Ch. 1 & 2, SW Ch. 4 & 5, W Ch. 2, 3.
2. The multiple linear regression model: OLS estimation, causal effects biases.
Reading: SW Ch. 6, W Ch. 4.
3. Inference in the linear multiple regression model.
Reading: SW Ch. 7, W Ch. 4, 5.
4. Nonlinear regression models.
Reading: SW Ch. 8, W Ch. 6,7.
5. Binary regression models: Modeling discrete choice.
Reading: SW Ch. 11, W Ch. 17-1.
6. The problem of endogeneity: Omitted variables, simultaneity and error in variables.
Reading: SW Ch. 12., W 15, 16.
7. Inference based on instrumental variables: Identification, two stages least squares and generalized method of moments.
Reading: SW Ch. 12., W 15,16.
SW: Stock & Watson, W: Wooldridge, AP: Angrist and Pichke.