Checking date: 13/03/2024

Course: 2024/2025

The law of the financial services in the EU
Master in European Union Law (Plan: 316 - Estudio: 302)

Coordinating teacher: RODRIGUEZ RODRIGO, JULIANA

Department assigned to the subject: International Law, Ecclesiastical Law and Philosophy of Law Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Administrative law, civil law, commercial law and private international law. Internal market of the EU.
ACHIEVEMENTS STUDENTS ARE EXPECTED TO FULFILL Being able to ground and develop reasoning on legal topics, often into an academic context. Capacity to focus the main issues of a concrete case and to expose to expert and non expert audience clearly. Refinement of those tools and abilities that will grant student's success in further readings and studies. Being conscious of growing importance of the EU Law in advocacy and full capacity of implementation of its principles and tools. Assessing the viability and worthy of the law as a mean to achieve market efficiency and macroeconomic stability. To use properly new technologies and information sources on EU law. Fostering individual initiative as added value in performing legal services as a single professional or a member of a law firm as well as any other organization. Knowledge and ability to use EU substantive and procedural law in legal advisory or proceedings before national and European courts. Ability to analyse, understand and expose the reaction of market subjects to supranational regulation. Ability to acquaint and build effective relationship with institutions and individuals entrusted with power of supervision of EU law Dominance of principles regarding State liability for infringements of EU law.
Learning Outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The Law of the Financial Services in the EU Class 1: Monetary markets of capitals and currencies; 1.1 System and finantial markets; 1.2 ECB and liquidity check; 1.3 Organization and kinds of monetary market products; 1.4 Public debt market; 1.5 Currency market. Class 2: Market of variable income, derivatives, and investment funds; 2.1 Stock market; 2.2 Negotiation and regulation of variable income markets; 2.3 Settlement and liquidation facilities; 2.4 Short-term derivatives; 2.5 Options, futures and swaps; 2.6 Structured products; 2.7 Investment funds.
Learning activities and methodology
ACTIVITIES Face-to-face classes Practical sessions Tutorships Work in group Individual reports METHODOLOGY Lectures, often through informatic and audiovisual facilities. The teacher will expose the basics of the subject as well as provide related bibliografy. It is mandatory for students to read and analyse the lecture material indicated by the teacher: it could be about academic and non-academic papers, reports, text books, for public discussion in class as well as a tool to consolidate the personal awareness and knowledge of the topic. Solving practical cases prepared by the lecturer, individually or per groups. Exposure in class under the presence of the lecturer of topics related to the subject and practical cases. Presentation of reports and other research works individually or per groups.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Boccuzzi, G.. The European Banking Union. Supervision and Resolution. Palgrave. 2015
  • Dahan, F.. Research Handbook on Secured Financing in Commercial Transactions. Elgar. 2016
  • De Haan, J, OOsterloo, S., Schoenmarker, D.. Finantial Markets and Institutions. Cambridge University Press, 3. ed.. 2015
  • Haentjens, M., Wessels, B.. Research Handbook on Cross-Border Bank Resolution. Elgar. 2018
  • Laprévote, F.-Ch., Gray, J., De Cecco, F.. Research Handbook on State Aid in the Banking Sector. Elgar. 2017
  • Lastra, R., Russo, C., Blair, W.. Research Handbook on Law and Ethics in Banking and Finance. Elgar. 2018
  • Lo Schiavo, G.. The European Banking Union and the Role of Law. Elgar. 2019
  • Moreiro González ,Carlos Javier. In search of the Golden Bank Fleece..... CDT,12,2. 2020
  • Zilioli, Z & Wojcik, K.-P.. Judicial Review in the European Banking Union. Elgar. 2021

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.