Checking date: 17/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Personal work on audiovisual communication
Master in Telecommunications Law and Information Technology (Plan: 314 - Estudio: 299)

Coordinating teacher: SERNA BILBAO, MARIA NIEVES DE LA

Department assigned to the subject: Pascual Madoz Institute of Land, Urbanism and Environment

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Those required by the master program
The development of this subject pursues as objectives that students: -Know how to present facts orally and in writing, and extract legal consequences, in attention to the context and the recipient to whom they are addressed. -Be able to know, identify, understand and use in practice the essential principles in audiovisual matters and the rules of competition. -Develop the ability to interpret the legal, organizational and contractual framework that regulates and conditions professional activities in the area of ¿¿audiovisual communication and apply that knowledge in the different areas in which they can develop their professional activity. -Acquire the ability to identify situations in which fundamental rights of citizens may be found to be particularly compromised in the audiovisual communication sectors -Analyze, plan, evaluate and control the risks derived from not complying with the audiovisual communication regulations and propose solutions in this regard -Analyze and, where appropriate, control the risks derived from non-compliance with the audiovisual regulations. -Identify conflicts of interest and know the techniques for their resolution, in the subjects of the master's degree and preserve, in all cases, professional secrecy and confidentiality. -To know how to find means of proof, master the techniques of each of them for the investigation of the facts, and assess the material available in the different areas of study of the master to initiate administrative or jurisdictional procedures -Know and be able to integrate the defense of the rights of service providers in the subjects of the master's degree before the competent public bodies and, in the judicial field -Develop skills and abilities to choose the correct strategy to defend the rights of audiovisual users -Interpret, analyze and assess the regulations that regulate the audiovisual sector, being able to advise general aspects and issues related to content, especially, matters related to intellectual property, protection of minors and people with disabilities. -Ability to critically analyze legal texts for their correct interpretation and, where appropriate, application in the subjects of the master's degree
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
IV. Personal work on audiovisual communication (3 ECTS). The final work consists of the analysis of a specific topic with the purpose of preparing a report that must be done individually or in groups on a current topic previously assigned by the coordinating teacher of the subject of audiovisual communication. The development of the work must be delivered in writing on the day scheduled for its exhibition. Both in the elaboration as in the exhibition in class of the work must participate all the members of the equipment that can be asked indistintamente on its content. The presentation should be brief, highlighting the main work and in particular the conclusions. The exhibition and defense of the same becomes, in the main part of the evaluation given that through it is detected if the student knows the matter that has worked, solves with ease the problems that have been identified, can identify the regulations and Main jurisprudence that exists on the subject and if it is able to answer the questions that are plated. All this is insisted on a short time, which allows to identify the speed, handling and ease with which the material and exposure has been prepared.
Learning activities and methodology
TRAINING ACTIVITY The students must prepare a personal work on the subject, applying all the knowledge acquired in the three previously taught subjects related to audiovisual communication, working with the regulations and jurisprudence as well as the existing doctrine and making original and critical contributions. For this, the students will have enough time ahead with a list of topics on which they must develop the work by the teacher who will be hung in AULA GLOBAL. In all cases, they will be provided with a briefing detailing the main aspects for the correct preparation of the works. The students will also have the support of those teachers who will teach the subjects to be developed. TEACHING METHODOLOGIES The methodology that will be followed in this subject will be the following: Students will be given a subject in sufficient time to individually or in groups to develop, always with the teacher's tutoring, a more in-depth study on the same. Students will be sent a list of general bibliography and links to the library to consult how to prepare the work and serve as learning for the development of TFM. Students should elaborate this work, focusing on the assigned topic and working with existing national, autonomous or local regulations, jurisprudence - national, European, etc. - and / or information on law and comparative jurisprudence. Exposition and discussion in class, under the moderation of the teacher, of the guide elaborated with questions and approaches related to the content of the exposed subject. TUTORIALS: Students will have access to tutorials with the person responsible for the coordination of the subject throughout the module of Legal Regime of Audiovisual Communication Likewise, they will meet in sessions with the coordinator of the subject to solve the doubts and delimit the content of the work, bibliography, objectives, etc ... With the tutoring is intended to organize the teaching and learning processes that is based on the interaction between the student and the teacher for the purpose of: (I) Orient the autonomous and group work of the students (Ii) To deepen in different aspects of the matter (Iii) Orient the academic and integral education of the student
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Boix Palop, Andre¿s; Vidal Beltra¿n, Jose¿ Mari¿a. La nueva regulacio¿n del audiovisual: medios, derechos y libertades. edit. Estudios. 2014
  • Coord. Carmen Chinchilla-Miguel Azpitarte. ESTUDIOS SOBRE LA LEY GENERAL DE LA COMUNICACIÓN AUDIOVISUAL. edit Thomson Reuters. 2011
  • Director Santiago Muñoz Machado. DERECHO DE LA REGULACIÓN ECONÓMICA, Tomo V AUDIOVISUAL. edit. IUSTEL. 2011
  • GUICHOT REINA, E. (coord..). Derecho de la comunicación . Ed. Iustel. 2011
  • Troncoso Reigada A (direc). Comentarios a la Ley 19/2013, de 9 de diciembre, de Transparencia, acceso a la información y buen gobierno. edit. Thomson. 2017
  • Valero Torrijos, J y Fernández Salmerón (coord.) . Valero Torrijos, J y Fernández SaRégimen jurídico de la transparencia del sector público: del Derecho de acceso a la reutilización de la información. edit. Aranzadi. 2014
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
Additional Bibliography
  • Belando Garín, Beatriz; Montiel Roig, Gonzalo. Contenidos y mercado en la regulación de la comunicación audiovisuaL. edit Editorial Tirant lo Blanch. 2011
  • García Castillejo, A. Régimen jurídico y Mercado de la Televisión en abierto en España, edit. UOC, 2012. edit. UOC. 2012
  • García Castillejo, A. Régimen jurídico y Mercado de la Televisión de pago en España, edit. UOC, 2012. edit. UOC. 2012
  • Martínez Otero, Juan María,. La protección de los menores en la política audiovisual de la Unión Europea : un objetivo prioritario. Revista de Derecho Político nº 84. mayo-agosto 2012, pp 493-528.
  • Santiago Muñoz Machado. Derecho europeo del audiovisual. edit Escuela libre,2.volumenes. 2007
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
(*) Access to some electronic resources may be restricted to members of the university community and require validation through Campus Global. If you try to connect from outside of the University you will need to set up a VPN

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.

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