Checking date: 20/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Introduction. Rightholders. Protectable creations and services
Master in Intellectual Property (Plan: 313 - Estudio: 298)


Department assigned to the subject: Private Law Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


- To have an understanding of the knowledge which have the base or have the opportunity of being original in the development and/or application of ideas, often within an investigation context. - Students have to learn to apply the knowledge acquired and have the capacity to solve problems in new areas or little known areas in broader concepts (or multidiscipline) related to their field of study. - Students have to be capable of integrate such knowledge and face the complexity of making decisions starting from an information that, being incomplete or limited, includes thinking about the social and ethical responsibilities related to the application of their knowledge, judgements and opinions. - Students have to know how to communicate their conclusions, knowledge and the ultimate reasons that support specialized and non-specialized public in a clear manner and without ambiguities. - Students have to acquire the skills of own and autonomous learning. - Understand all the institutional web of Intellectual Property and master the access and control to its legal sources of information. - Acquire a systematic knowledge of all the applicable legislation to the subject of the Master Program as well as of the decisions of the Spanish Supreme Court and the Court of the European Union. Students have to know how to analyze, interpret and apply them. - Identify conflicts of interest in the scope of Intellectual Property and determine the techniques for their solving. - Elaborate legal text of quality in which the student has to be capable of synthesize the acquired knowledge and make new proposal and solutions in light of the changing social scenario in the field of Intellectual Property. - Integrate the particularities of Intellectual Property in the general system of acquisition, modification, transfer and extinction of real rights. - Have a solid background of the founding and principles of Intellectual Property that enables them to develop the knowledge and techniques acquired in an autonomous, personal and direct manner. - Find the correct legal rule applicable to the cases related to Intellectual Property and find the corresponding legal consequence. - Elaborate and synthesize in a clear and precise contract the rights and obligations of the parties in the assignment of rights over the works and performances subject to protection, identifying the ways of exploitation within each of them and respecting the imperative Law whether it is expressly stated or not. - Give legal advice to persons, institutions and corporations that use products or services protected by Intellectual Property with respect to relevant legal facts, understanding the analysis of legal problems, the valuation of risks or possible liabilities and the taking of professional decisions. - Be able to act professionally in the field of Intellectual Property, whether in advising or transacting activities or in litigious situations, through the exercise of civil, commercial, criminal or administrative actions. - Determine the applicable Law and the jurisdiction in transnational cases. - Evaluate the possibilities of fraud that the owners of IP rights can suffer in the digital field and know how to apply the technologic measures for the protection of such rights always respecting the established legal limits.
Learning Outcomes
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 85
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 15

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • AUTORES VARIOS (Coordinador R. Bercovitz). Manual de propiedad intelectual. Tirant lo Blanch. 2017. Libro electrónico: Texto completo en línea a través de Biblioteca UC3M.
  • SÁNCHEZ ARISTI Y OYARZÁBAL OYONARTE. Decadencia y caída del Texto Refundido de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual: la transposición de la Directiva 2019/790 sobre derechos de autor en el mercado único digital por el Real Decreto-ley 24/2021, de 2 de noviembre. Pe.i. Revista de Propiedad Intelectual, núm. 69. 75 páginas. 2021
  • AUTORES VARIOS (Director J.M. Rodríguez Tapia). Comentarios a la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual . Thomson-Civitas. 2011
  • AUTORES VARIOS (coord. Anguita Villanueva). En torno a la reforma de la ley de propiedad intelectual. Reus. 2014
  • AUTORES VARIOS (dir. Eduardo Serrano). Bases para una reforma de la Ley de propiedad Intelectual. Reus. 2020
  • Autores Varios (dir. Eduardo Serrano). Bases para una reforma de la Ley de propiedad Intelectual. Reus. 2020
  • FERNÁNDEZ CARBALLO-CALERO, Pablo. La propiedad intelectual de las obras creadas por inteligencia artificial. Aranzadi Thomson Reuters.. 2021
  • GOLDSTEIN, Paul y HUGENHOLTZ, PB. Derechos de autor internacionales: principios, leyes y prácticas . Nueva Prensa de la Universidad de Oxford. 4ª ed. 2021
  • GOLDSTEIN, Paul y HUGENHOLTZ, PB. Derechos de autor internacionales: principios, leyes y prácticas . Nueva Prensa de la Universidad de Oxford. 4ª ed. 2021
  • KURT M. SAUNDERS . intellectual property and the law of ideas autor . Abingdon, Oxon Routledge. 2021
  • Kurt M. Saunders . intellectual property and the law of ideas autor . Abingdon, Oxon Routledge. 2021
  • MORILLO GONZÁLEZ, Fernando. Las acciones civiles y el procedimiento de tutela administrativa de la propiedad intelectual. Thomson Reuters Aranzadi. 2020
  • ORTEGO RUIZ, Miguel. Los derechos de autor de los humanoides en un mundo global e interconectado. . Reus. 2022
  • PÉREZ VALLEJO, Ana Mª y VIVAS TESÓN, Inmaculada. La transmisión mortis causa del patrimonio intelectual y digital.. Aranzadi. 2022
  • SAIZ GARCÍA, Concepción.. Objeto y sujeto del derecho de autor. Tirant lo Blanch. 2000
  • VV.AA.(director ORTEGA BURGOS, Enrique). Propiedad Intelectual 2021 . Tirant lo Blanch. 2021
Additional Bibliography
  • GUERVÓS MAILLO, Carlos. La propiedad intelectual como herramienta de desarrollo económico, social y cultural.. Boletín económico de ICE, Información Comercial Española, Nº 3137 Julio de 2021. 2021

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