-Develop skills for legal advice from a national and an international law points of view in the field of regulated sectors, in particular in the field of hydrocarbons and mines
- To understand how to identify conflicts of interest and learn techniques for resolution in regulated sectors.
- To be able to apply the skills which will be learnt in this module to an organizational, commercial and management setting, particularly in the hydrocarbon and mining sectors.
- To evaluate the various responsibilities related to the exercise of a professional activity in the regulated sectors, including the operation of legal aid, in particular in the field of hydrocarbons and mines.
- To understand the need for constant self-learning and continuing training
as tools that facilitate adaptation to the legal innovations,
technological and organizational in the field of regulated activities, in particular in the field of hydrocarbons and mines.
- To develop a high level of specific expertise of both national and international regulatory frameworks for all legal matters affecting the regulated sectors, in particular in the field of hydrocarbons and mines.
- To master the relevant financial and accounting tools for advising companies engaged in regulated sectors, in particular in the field of hydrocarbons and mining.
- To understand how to identify the requirements for providing legal advice in regulated sectors.
- To identify public and private bodies responsible for monitoring the areas covered, in particular, in the area of hydrocarbons and mining.
-To learn how to advise international companies in connection with their investments in the regulated activities sector
- To understand how to develop skills to improve consumer protection in regulated sectors
- To develop a strategic and holistic approach to addressing common legal problems in the field of regulated sectors and allow students to make assessments of especially complex cases covering various subjects
- To understand how to develop professional work in an interdisciplinary and international team-environment and to acquire the ability to integrate various contributions towards a common goal
- To develop an understanding of the professional activity in the field of hydrocarbons and mining
- To understand and develop essential and instrumental skills in areas of law that enable to implement specialized knowledge in the field of hydrocarbons and mining