Checking date: 15/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Technical grounds of network services
Master in Law of Regulated Sectors (Plan: 311 - Estudio: 294)


Department assigned to the subject: Public State Law Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
- Basics of Administrative Law
Generic competences (Tuning Project) Capacity to learn and stay up-to-date with learning Ability to communicate both orally and through the written word in first language Ability to be critical and self-critical Ability to plan and manage time Ability to show awareness of equal opportunities and gender issues Capacity to generate new ideas (creativity) Ability to search for, process and analyse information from a variety of sources Commitment to safety Ability to identify, pose and resolve problems Ability to apply knowledge in practical situations Ability to make reasoned decisions Ability to undertake research at an appropriate level Ability to work in a team of the subject area and understanding of the profession Ability to work in an international context Ability to act on the basis of ethical reasoning Ability to communicate with non-experts of one¿s field Ability for abstract thinking, analysis and synthesis Spirit of enterprise, ability to take initiative Interpersonal and interaction skills Ability to design and manage projects Ability to act with social responsibility and civic awareness Determination and perseverance in the tasks given and responsibilities taken Appreciation of and respect for diversity and multiculturality Ability to work autonomously Skills in the use of information and communications technologies Commitment to the conservation of the environment Ability to adapt to and act in new situations Ability to evaluate and maintain the quality of work produced Ability to motivate people and move toward common goals Specific Competences Ability to analyse and structure a legal problem and design a solution Design and implement legal strategy Identify and use adequate tools (i.e. market research, statistical analysis, comparative ratios) Identify the legal characteristics of an operator and others agents in regulated sector Understand existent and new technology and its impact for new / future markets and legal frameworks Understand the principles of engineering and link them with legal framework
Learning Outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. Technical basic conceptos about services and networks 2. Regulated market framework: railway transport and energy 3. Legal and technical basis about right of access to network:railway transport and energy 4. Legal and technical basis about unregulated markets: energy and air transport 5. Legal and technical basis about services public obligations: energy and transport in rural areas 6. QoS in network services: energy and transport system 7. Security in network services: energy and transport 8. Trends in network services: smartgrid and transport system management
Learning activities and methodology
The module is taught through lectures, primarily by leading practitioners specialising in the applications of competition law and regulation to particular sectors. The lectures are supplemented by specialist seminars delivered by economists and lawyers, each of whom provides an alternative perspective on the problems already covered in the lectures.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • González-Varas Ibáñez, Santiago. General interest markets, telecommunicatiosn, postal, energy and transport.. Comares. 2001
  • Jorge Fabra Utray . Liberalization or regulation?: electricty market. Instituto Pascual Madoz del Territorio, Urbanismo y Medio Ambiente de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. 2003
  • Jose Manuel Huidobro . All about telecommunications . Paraninfo Thomson Learning. 2002
  • Santiago Muñoz Machado (dir) . Economic Regulation Law . Iustel. 2011

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.