Checking date: 22/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Electricity sector law
Master in Law of Regulated Sectors (Plan: 311 - Estudio: 294)

Coordinating teacher: GAMEZ MEJIAS, MANUEL MIGUEL

Department assigned to the subject: Public State Law Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 5.0 ECTS


1. Develop the basic capacity of legal advice from national and international points of view in the context of the electricity sector. 2. Able to identify conflicts of interest and learn the techniques for its resolution in the electricity sector. 3. Know and apply in practice the organizational, management and business environment of the activities of the electricity sector. 4. Understand and evaluate the various responsibilities related to the exercise of a professional activity in the electricity sector. 5. Acquire training and self-learning capacity to adapt to the legal, technological and organizational innovations in the electricity sector. 6. Develop a high level of specific technical knowledge of the national and international regulatory framework in matters affecting the electricity sector. 7. Learn to identify the decisive provision and organization requirements for legal advice in the electricity sector. 8. Know and identify public and private national and international relevant agencies in the electricity sector. 9. Aware of the need for protection of consumers and users in the electricity sector. 10. Develop a knowledge of real professional activity in the electricity sector.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. Electricity sector. Definition and basic rules. Distribution of competences. 2. Economic overview to the electricity sector. Economic and environmental sustanaibality. 3. Electricity supply. Security of supply and protection of vulnerable consumers. 4. Wholesale electricity market. 5. Generation of electricity from renewables sources. Decarbonisation of the generation of electricity. 6. Unbundling and acquisition of holdings. 7. Tariffs. 8. Electric networks retribution and settlement procedures of electricity transmission and distribution costs 9.Retail market. 10. Authorisation procedures. 11.Third-party access to the system Dispute settlement procedure. 12. Penalties in electricity sector.
Learning activities and methodology
TRAINING ACTIVITIES Individual work to the study of theoretical and practical materials produced and provided by the professor. Theoretical and practical classes. Tutorials. Group work. Use of Artificial Intelligence tools selectively allowed in this subject. The faculty may indicate a list of works and exercises that the student can perform using AI tools, specifying how they should be used, and how the student should describe the use made of them. If the use of AI by the student gives rise to academic fraud by falsifying the results of an exam or work required to accredit academic performance, the provisions of the Regulation of the University Carlos III of Madrid of partial development of the Law 3/2022, of February 24th, of University Coexistence will be applied. EDUCATIONAL METHODOLOGIES -Master class with audiovisual and computer support. -Critical reading of texts recommended by the course teacher: press articles, reports, manuals and academic articles. -Resolution of case studies, problems, individually or in a group. -Presentation and discussion in class of issues related to the content of the matter, as well as case studies -Development work and reports, made individually or in a group -Reading of theoretical and practical educational materials produced and provided by the professor in the virtual educational platform.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • Antonio J. Alonso Tirón (Coord.) . Sectores regulados, sectores energéticos y sector de las telecomunicaciones. . Dykinson. 2014.
  • Juan Carlos Hernández (Dir.). Regulación y competencia en el sector eléctrico. . Aranzadi.. 2005
  • Luis María Cazorla (Director). Tratado de regulación del sector eléctrico (2 volúmenes).. Aranzadi. 2009
  • Santiago Muñoz Machado (Dir).. Derecho de la regulación económica. Vol 3. Tomo 2 (Sector energético). Iustel. 2010

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.