Checking date: 10/05/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Master's Thesis
Máster in Biomedical Technologies Management and Development (Plan: 326 - Estudio: 287)

Coordinating teacher: VALENCIA BLANCO, LETICIA

Department assigned to the subject: Bioengineering Department

Type: Master Final Project
ECTS Credits: 12.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
All courses in the Master. The public defense of the Master´s Thesis (TFM, Trabajo Fin de Máster) will occur when the student has passed all the subjects of the master, within the period established for this purpose in the current academic calendar for postgraduate studies and according to the regulations set by the University and by the Polytechnic School (EPS).
BASIC COMPETENCES CB6. Acquire knowledge and understanding to provide the basis to develop and/or apply original ideas, often in a research context. CB7. Apply the acquired knowledge and the ability to solve problems in new contexts within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study. CB8. To be able to integrate the acquired knowledge and handle complexity of formulate judgments based on incomplete or limited information, including reflections on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments. CB9. To be able to communicate their conclusions and thoughts to a specialized and non-specialized audience in a clear and unambiguous manner. CB10. Learn skills that will enable the students to continue their studies. GENERAL COMPETENCES CG1. Achieve a multidisciplinary scientific view, with a clear translational orientation and applied to the field of biomedical science and technology. CG2. Demonstrate a deep theoretical and practical knowledge about both the principles and the most advanced technologies in biomedical sciences. CG4. Ability to analyze, synthesize and apply knowledge to propose original solutions to biomedical problems. CG5. Develop abilities to identify and understand the social needs and to provide scientific and technological solutions in the biomedical field. CG6. Identify the keys of technology transfer in the Spanish and in the EU market, and understand the basis for the management and building of a biomedical based company. LEARNING RESULTS The student must be able to identify a relevant biomedical problem (from the scientific and/or technological point of view) and must be able to search for relevant information in relation to its state of the art. Using that information, students should be able to: 1) If it the topic requires research, design and execute the procedures, indicating the biomedical impact of your results and design a collaborative research action or a transfer strategy to a hospital or biomedical/biotech company. 2) If the topic/product hasn´t been exploited commercially, design a market-entry strategy. In adition, the student must be able to prepare a report describing the work done and must be able to present and defend the Final Master Thesis in front of a tribunal. Students will defend their Master´s thesis in a public session.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The Master's thesis (TFM) aims to carry out an individual work under the direction of an academic tutor. The student must carry out an original research project in which she/he applies or develops the knowledge and competences acquired during the Master. The student will write a report reflecting the work done and will defend the results obtained during the master's thesis in front of a committee Description of contents: - Presentation of work topics. - Compilation and analysis of information related to the Master's Thesis. - Development of the Master's Thesis. - Preparation of the report and defense of the Master's Thesis. The coordinator of the TFM is in charge of searching for project offers and communicate them to the students throughout the web of the TFM course. The students value them apply for those in which they are interested. To that end, students must send a CV and a motivation letter that are re-submitted to the responsible of those offers. A personal interview is the most common step to finally select an appropriate student for each offer. All students are assigned a director of the TFM, and when the TFM is carried out outside UC3M, tstudents will also have an academic tutor, who is a PhD from the department of the Master. In all cases, the tutors will have the necessary qualifications to guide and follow the student¿s project, as well as to evaluate their performance. In this way, the acquisition of the stablished learning results is guaranteed. The coordinator of the TFM encourages the communication with the students, teachers and departments and supervises the correct planning and implementation of the projects by the students including the proposal presentation, the development and the final public defense. According to the learning results, there are two TFM modalities: a research project or an innovation project. In each case, the structure of the report is explained below: 1) Research project: the structure of the report must include an abstract, introduction, goals and hypothesis, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions and bibliography. Since almost a third of the ECTS in the Master are related to economy and business, the project must have a specific section about the socio-economic aspects As an example, some of these aspects can be (*): a) Legal and social framework b) Identification of the problem, business opportunity and time to market. c) Public market size; customers, major competitors, stakeholders and target audience. d) Economic needs related to the degree of maturity of the technology, or the creation of the company, and ways to solve these needs. e) How will the entities involved be affected economically by potential savings or improved incomes? f) Viability of the commercialization of the results, and ways to do it. If it involves a topic that requires research, design a collaborative research strategy, or a transfer to a hospital or biomedical/biotechnological industry, indicating the expected biomedical impact of the results. If the technological or scientific topic is mature enough but not commercially exploited yet, design a strategy for its market launch. g) Possibility and viability of creating a company from the results h) Partners and strategic alliances (*) Depending on the scope of the Project, different extent and combination of these examples will be required. 2) Innovation project. The structure of the report should cover all the sections that reasonably support the opportunity and viability of their creation, including at least the following points: opportunity and value proposition, state of the art, business idea (generation and viability analysis), strategic analysis and competitive advantages, marketing plan, production plan, organization plan, human resources plan, legal-fiscal plan as well as economic and financial plan. Other proposals different from the creation of a company, as for example, launching new lines or new market products, will reasonably adapt its content in the terms of the scope of each section.
Learning activities and methodology
FORMATION ACTIVITIES Tutorials (10 hours) Individual student work (350 hours) TEACHING METHODOLOGIES Preparation of individual or group reports TFM specific regulations:
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 100
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 0

Assessment Matrix
Detailed subject contents or complementary information about assessment system of B.T.
Additional information

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.