Criminal Section
1. The criminalization of legal persons from criminal political prospects, dogmatic and compared.
2. The Spanish criminal imputation model. A. The two-way system. B. Autonomy of the responsibility of the legal person. C. Subjects excluded
3. Spanish model problems of attribution of criminal responsibility to legal persons under the Criminal Code. A. Special features of each of the pathways of imputation. B. The duty of internal control and compliance purposes.
4. The system of penalties for legal persons. A. The fine. B. Suspension of activities and closure of premises. C. Bans strict sense. D. Judicial intervention. E. Dissolution. F. Scheme for unincorporated businesses.
5. Selection of the penalty. A. Legal Regime. B. The specific mitigation.
6. Corporate compliance. Prevention programs and internal control to the Spanish model of criminal liability of legal persons. Requirements and implementation. Completeness of control as a duty or cosmetic compliance control?
7. Extinction of criminal liability. A. The so called "covert solution." B. Transmission? Responsibility among legal?
8. Criminal liability of compliance officer and other subjects with the guarantor in the company. A. Function responsible for compliance and enforcement. B. Criminal risk assumptions for officer.C compliance. Other possible suspects. Administrators. The chief financial officer. Internal and external auditors.
Procedural Section
1. Legal entity and Criminal Procedure. 1.1. Introduction to Legal framework: A. LO 5/2010, of June 22. B. Law 37/2011, of October 10. 1. Two. The delimitation of the concept of "legal person". 1.3. Matter jurisdiction because of the pain and because of the crime.
2. The legal person 'accused' and its procedural legal status. 2.1 The right to the presumption of innocence. 2.2 The right of access to the process and the right of defense. 2.3. The right not to testify and other fundamental rights.
3. The legal person charged and the instructional-research phase trial. 3.1. The attendance to the procedure and the testimony of the legal person. 3.2. The precautionary measures. 3.3. Proceedings advance research and testing. A.1. Special consideration of entry and search of the concept address's legal person. 3.4. The declaration in absentia.
4. The legal person on the trial. 4.1. The conformity of the legal person. 4.2. Judgment. A. Brief analysis procedural penalties and modifying circumstances. A.1. The penalties provided for the legal person responsible. A.2. Ways to avoid and / or mitigate the criminal liability of the legal person. 4.3. Appeals.
5. Alternative dispute resolution to criminal judicial process and legal persons. 5.1. Posibilities and usefulness. 5.2. Comparative regulation. 5.3. In particular, mediation.
This subject is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, primarily goal 16 on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.