Checking date: 26/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Bachelor in Neuroscience (Plan: 517 - Estudio: 389)

Coordinating teacher: SAN MIGUEL ARNANZ, VERONICA

Department assigned to the subject: Materials Science and Engineering and Chemical Engineering Department

Type: Basic Core
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Chemistry at High School
CB1. Students have demonstrated knowledge and understanding in a field of study that builds upon their general secondary education, and is typically at a level that, whilst supported by advanced textbooks, includes some aspects that will be informed by knowledge of the forefront of their field of study CB2. Students can apply their knowledge and understanding in a manner that indicates a professional approach to their work or vocation, and have competences typically demonstrated through devising and sustaining arguments and solving problems within their field of study CB3. Students have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data (usually within their field of study) to inform judgments that include reflection on relevant social, scientific or ethical issues CB4. Students can communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences CB5. Students have developed those learning skills that are necessary for them to continue to undertake further study with a high degree of autonomy CG2. Learn new methods and technologies from basic scientific and technical knowledge, and being able to adapt to new situations. CG3. Solve problems with initiative, decision making, creativity, and communicate and transmit knowledge, skills and abilities, understanding the ethical, social and professional responsibility of the engineering activity. Capacity for leadership, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. CG5. Use the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in the definition, approach and resolution of problems in the framework of the exercise of their profession. CE7. Understand and apply the principles of basic knowledge of general and inorganic chemistry and its use in engineering. CE8. Understand and handle the basics of organic chemistry and its use in the production of complex materials and biological systems. CT1. Work in multidisciplinary and international teams as well as organize and plan work making the right decisions based on available information, gathering and interpreting relevant data to make judgments and critical thinking within the area of study. RA1. To have acquired sufficient knowledge and proved a sufficiently deep comprehension of the basic principles, both theoretical and practical, and  methodology of the more important fields in science and technology as to be able to work successfully in them; RA2. To be able, using arguments, strategies and procedures developed by themselves, to apply their knowledge and abilities to the successful solution of complex technological problems that require creating and innovative thinking; RA3. To be able to search for, collect and interpret relevant information and data to back up their conclusions including, whenever needed, the consideration of any social, scientific and ethical aspects relevant in their field of study; RA6. To be aware of their own shortcomings and formative needs in their field of specialty, and to be able to plan and organize their own training with a high degree of independence.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
1. Structure of Matter. The Atomic structure. Isotopes and radioactivity. Electron configuration. Periodic table and periodic properties. 2. Chemical Bonding. Types of chemical bonding: Ionic, covalent, and metallic bonding theory. Intermolecular forces. 3. Gases. Aggregation states: long and short range-order. Liquids and Solids. Gases: kinetic theory of gases. Liquid vapor equilibrium: Clausius equation. 4. Thermochemistry. Laws of thermodynamic. Enthalpy, heat capacity, reaction enthalpy, temperature dependence of reaction enthalpy. Entropy, reaction entropy, temperature dependence of reaction entropy. Gibbs free energy: spontaneity, standard free energy of formation. 5. Chemical Equilibrium. Equilibrium constant, heterogeneous equilibria, factors affecting chemical equilibrium (pressure, temperature, concentration, inert gases, temperature). LeChatelier¿s principle. 6. Acid-base Equilibrium. Arrhenius, Brönsted-Lowry, and Lewis theories of acids and bases. Water self-ionization. Strength of acids and bases. Polyprotic acids and bases. Hydrolysis of salts. Buffers. Solubility product. Factors that affect solubility. 7. Electrochemistry. Electrochemical reactions: reducing and oxidizing agents. Balance of redox reactions. Electrochemical cells: conventions, galvanic potential, standard electrode potential, free energy, and electrode potential. Nernst equation. Electrolytic cells: Faraday¿s law. 8. Chemical Kinetics. Reaction rate law. Differential and integrated reaction rates. Reaction mechanism: elemental process, molecularity, limiting reactant, reaction intermediate. Rate constants and equilibrium constants. Collision theory. Catalysis: homogeneous and heterogeneous. 9. Organic Chemistry. Organic molecules and functional groups. Nomenclature. Properties associated with structure. Main components of living organisms (Macromolecules). 10. Stereochemistry. Isomerism and Stereoisomerism. Conformational isomerism. Enantiomerss: chirality, optical activity, absolute configurations, Fischer projections. Diastereomers. 11. Structural Determination. Structural characterization of organic compounds: 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, and IR. 12. Organic Compound Reactivity. Addition, substitution, elimination, and condensation reactions with various functional groups.
Learning activities and methodology
- Classroom lectures and face-to-face classes: reduced (workshops, seminars, case studies). Knowledge and concepts students must acquire. They will receive course notes and will have basic reference texts to help class understanding and subsequent development of working. Students partake in exercises to resolve practical problems. They will perform assessments to acquire necessary abilities. - Student individual work. - Laboratory sessions. Applied/experimental learning/teaching in workshops and laboratories under the tutor's supervision. - Final exam. Global assessment of knowledge, skills, and capacities acquired throughout the course. Seminars and lectures supported by computer and audiovisual aids. Practical learning based on cases and problems, and exercise resolution. Individual and group tutorials to resolve doubts and queries about the subject. Individualized attendance (individual tutoring sessions) or in-group (group tutoring sessions) for students with teacher as tutor.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Atkins P.W., Jones L., Laverman L., Young K., Patterson J.. Chemical Principles: The Quest for Insight. Macmillan learning. 2023
  • McMurry J.. Organic Chemistry: A tenth edition. Openstax. 2023
Additional Bibliography
  • K. Peter C. Vollhardt and Neil E. Schore. Organic Chemistry: Structure and Function. W. H. Freeman. 2018
  • Overby J., Chang R.. Chemistry. McGraw Hill. 2022

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.