Checking date: 16/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Master's Thesis
Master in Computer Science and Technology (Plan: 462 - Estudio: 71)

Coordinating teacher: MOLINA LOPEZ, JOSE MANUEL

Department assigned to the subject: Computer Science and Engineering Department

Type: Master Final Project
ECTS Credits: 18.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
The TFM subject can be started at any time, for which the student needs an assigned tutor.
That the student applies the knowledge acquired throughout the study of the subjects of the master's degree and makes a contribution in R&D to the chosen field.
Description of contents: programme
The Master's Thesis consists of the elaboration of a research work in one of the areas covered in the syllabus and its public presentation before a court. The student must make a review of the state of the art for the problem posed, a critical analysis of different alternatives found in the state of the art and a description and evaluation of the solution developed by the student. The student must write a report of the work done, which may be written in Spanish or English, and will publicly defend the main results obtained in the master's thesis before a panel of judges.
Additional information

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.