Checking date: 26/04/2023

Course: 2024/2025

Theory and History of Social Movements
Bachelor in History and Politics (Plan: 394 - Estudio: 352)

Coordinating teacher: UÑA RUANO, RAFAEL

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


CB1. That students have demonstrated to possess and understand knowledge in an area of study that starts from the base of general secondary education, and is usually found at a level that, although supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that imply knowledge from the cutting edge of your field of study CB4. That students can transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialized and non-specialized audiences CB5. That students have developed those learning skills necessary to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy CG5. Being able to debate and formulate critical reasoning using precise terminology and specialized resources, on international and global phenomena, using both the concepts and knowledge of the different disciplines and the analysis methodologies, paradigms and concepts of the Social Sciences. CG6. Being able to apply the scientific method to social, political and economic questions posed by globalized society as well as to pose a problem in this area, identifying a possible explanation or solution, and a method to contrast it by carefully interpreting the data. CG7. Know how to make judgments that include an ethical reflection on fundamental social, scientific and economic issues in a representative context of past and present societies, both in the international and national or local order. CE9. Know and understand the relevance of technological advances in their historical context to become agents of political, economic and social change. CE16. Know how to carry out case studies and apply the comparative method to analyze institutions, processes and policies of different countries. CT2. Being able to evaluate the reliability and quality of the information and its sources using said information ethically, avoiding plagiarism, and in accordance with the academic and professional conventions of the study area. Being able to organize, plan work and make judgments by making decisions based on said information. RA2. Apply the knowledge acquired, the understanding of these and their capacities to solve complex and / or specialized problems in the professional field; RA3. Have the ability to collect and interpret data and information on which to base their conclusions, including, when necessary and pertinent, reflection on matters of a social, scientific or ethical nature in the scope of their field of study; RA4. Being able to cope in complex situations or that require the development of new solutions both in the academic, labor or professional fields within their field of study;
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
PART I - Theory and General History of social movements Topic 1- Theory of social movements a) Introduction b) Concept and features (social movements with political goals) c) Key components that determine the emergence and development of social movements: Political opportunities; Mobilizing structures; Framing processes d) Other issues related to social movements: Civl society; Revolution; The protest´s dynamic dimension Topic 2- General History of social movements a) First period: 19th and 20th centuries (until the sixties) b) Second period (sixties-seventies-eighties): The reappearance of civil societies and ¿new¿ social movements c) Global age (1990-today): Global civil society and global social movements PART II - Social movements (specific study) Topic 3- Cosmopolitism as theoretical foundations of the ideological content of many social movements Topic 4- Political liberalism Topic 5- Nationalism Topic 6- Labour/labor movement: ¿Utopian¿, Anarchism, Social-Democracy, Communisms Topic 7- Pacifism and Peace movement Topic 8- Racial and cultural groups rights movements: Abolitionism/ Anti-slavery movement; Black racial movements (US Civil Rights m., South-African Anti-Apartheid m.); Indigenous movements Topic 9- Feminism Topic 10- Environmentalism Topic 11- Alter-globalization movement Topic 12- LGBT social movements Topic 13- Animal rights movement / Anti-Speciesism Topic 14- Constructed international auxiliary languages movements: Esperantist movement Topic 15- Federalism: Regional Federalisms; World Federalism Topic 16- Other social movements
Learning activities and methodology
AF1. LECTURE CLASSES. AF2. TUTORIALS. Individual or group tutorials. AF3. Students¿ individual/group work. MD1. LECTURE CLASS. lesson is typically delivered via a speech or presentation by the instructor. MD2. PRACTICAL CLASSES´ ASSIGNMENTS. Tasks given to students by their teachers to complete in a defined time. MD3. TUTORIALS. Teaching session given to one student or a small group of students.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • CASQUETE, Jesús. Política, cultura y movimientos sociales. Bakeaz (Bilbao). 1998
  • CASQUETE, Jesús . El poder en la calle. Ensayos sobre acción colectiva. Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales. 2006
  • CRUZ, Rafael. Repertorios, la política de enfrentamiento en el siglo XX. CIS. 2008
  • GUILLEM MESADO, Juan Manuel. Los movimientos sociales (en las sociedades campesinas e industriales). UNED. 2003
  • HOBSBAWM, Eric J.. Naciones y nacionalismo desde 1780. Crítica. 1991
  • IBARRA, Pedro y TEJERINA, Benjamín. Los movimientos sociales: transformaciones políticas y cambio cultural. Trotta. 1998
  • JAVALOY, Federico, RODRÍGUEZ CARBALLEIRA, Álvaro y ESPELT, Esteve. Comportamiento colectivo y movimientos sociales: un enfoque psicosocial. Pearson Prentice Hall. 2001
  • LARAÑA, Enrique. La construcción de los movimientos sociales. Alianza Editorial. 1999
  • MCADAM, Doug, MCCARTHY, John D. y ZALD, Mayer N. (eds.). Movimientos sociales: perspectivas comparadas. Oportunidades políticas, estructuras de movilización y marcos interpretativos culturales. Istmo. 1999
  • MCADAM, Doug, TARROW, Sidney, y TILLY, Charles. Dinámica de la contienda política. Hacer. 2005
  • NÚÑEZ FLORENCIO, Rafael. Sociedad y política en el siglo XX: viejos y nuevos movimientos sociales. Síntesis. 1993
  • PORTA, Donatella della, y DIANI, Mario. Los movimientos sociales. Complutense/CIS. 2011
  • TARROW, Sidney. Poder en movimiento. Los movimientos sociales, la acción colectiva y la política.. Alianza Editorial. 2004 (Segunda edición revisada)
  • TARROW, Sidney. El nuevo activismo transnacional. Hacer. 2011
  • TILLY, Charles. Los movimientos sociales, 1768-2008: desde sus orígenes a Facebook. Crítica. 2009
  • TILLY, Charles. Las revoluciones europeas 1492-1992. Crítica. 1995
  • TRAUGOTT, Mark (ed.). Protesta social. Repertorios y ciclos de la acción colectiva. Hacer. 2002
  • UÑA, Rafael. La Evolución histórica del Estado. Catarata. 2023

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.