Checking date: 26/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Communication, sponsorship and public relations techniques
Bachelor in Tourism (Plan: 381 - Estudio: 209)

Coordinating teacher: CERVIÑO FERNANDEZ, JULIO

Department assigned to the subject: Business Administration Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
The aim of this subject is to teach the students the basic foundations of the different techniques and instruments of communications within the modern corporation. To reach the objective, the student must acquire a set of different theoretical concepts (knowledge), aptitudes, skills and capabilities. In regard to concepts and knowledge, once the student finishes this course, he/her should be able: To know and understand the commercial and institutional global communication process. To understand the different corporate and commercial communication techniques, from the conventional advertising to public relations, and getting into other non conventional techniques, such as the below the line activities. To evaluate and analyze the profitability in terms of performance of advertising and communication investments. To design and manage the communication investments as well as do the selection of different advertising media channels in order to reach the maximum efficiency in terms of objectives and investments. To know the different media channels available to companies in the market To understand the importance of Public Relations in different economic sectors and also within the organization, through programs of internal marketing. To summarize in a briefing document the objectives of a advertising and communication project. To understand the ¿ad hoc¿ terminology utilized in the advertising community by designers, advertisers, creative analysts, advertising agents, and media companies. In terms of specific capabilities, at the end of the course, the student should be able: To establish a 360 communication plan for a company or institution. To establish instruments and mechanisms to value the performance of communication activities and investments. To establish an appropriate budget for communication activities based on the company¿s set objectives. In regard to the more general capabilities or skills, during the course activities will be developed in order that the student will: Develop the skills to analyze advertising data and advertising campaigns and to estimate the efficiency of advertising investments. Develop skills to work in groups, analyzing and presenting group work classroom projects related to actual advertising campaigns. Develop skills to summarize the evaluation and analyze advertising campaigns Establish and develop diagnosis and recommendations about creative strategies and media selection in regard to a specific communication project previously set in the classroom. This project will be developed by team work. Develop skills to work either as a single autonomous individual (analysis of advertising campaigns develop individualistically by the student) or as a group member (Communication project for a company or institution set forth by a student team), emphasizing in the analysis and practical application of communication techniques studied during the course.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Topic 1: Fundamentals of Communications and Public Relations Topic 2: Structure of Advertising and Public Relations activities. Topic 3: Systems and process of Advertising and Public relations. Topic 4: Creativity in Advertising Topic 5: Advertising Planning and media coverage. Topic 6: Advertising and communication efficiency, performance and profitability: Models of analysis. Topic 7: Theories and techniques of public relations Topic 8: Non conventional communication techniques: Below the line activities. Topic 9: Managament of corporate communications. The Dircom Topic 10: The internal communication ¿ Internal Marketing Topic 11: New trends in advertising Topic 12: Ethics and Deontology in Advertising and Public Relations.
Learning activities and methodology
The knowledge, capabilities and skills will be acquired by students through a set of different activities: lectures, individual and group case resolution in relation to advertising campaigns of well known brands and companies, and a student group final project, that will cover a full communication plan for a company or institution (private or public). Skills and other generic capabilities (in regard to diagnosis and recommendations of advertising and communication actions, as well as the skills to synthesize and summarize projects and results) will be established during the semester, either through individual student work (analysis of specific campaigns) as well as group related activities within a full final project. This project will be compulsory and will be an important part of the final grade. The course will have the following structure and development: The students will have all the reference materials and bibliographic references available in advance. The student will have also available published information about recent advertising campaigns of well known brands and companies, which will be utilized as brief study cases. A final project guideline in regard to a full global communication plan. The assigned cases, either individual or in group, will be printed and hand out to the professor in due datelines. The student progress will be measured by written exams, exercises, cases and projects. The 6 ECTS will be structured as follows: Theoretical lectures: 3 ECTS Individual cases of advertising campaigns: 1 ECTS Global Communication Project ¿ Student group work: 2 ECTS The theoretical lecture classes will allow to establish the conceptual basis in order for the student to be able to develop the set competencies, and specially, to know and understand the specific characteristics of the advertising industry, its agents and its relevant in modern society. The brief case analysis of advertising campaigns as well as the main group advertising project will allow the student to better diagnose, evaluate and brief advertising campaigns, and to develop skills to be responsible and better work in a group.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 55
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 45

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.