Checking date: 12/03/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Geography of tourism and current tourism trends
Bachelor in Tourism (Plan: 381 - Estudio: 209)

Coordinating teacher: GAMIR ORUETA, AGUSTIN

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Basic Core
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Branch of knowledge: Social Sciences and Law

Competences: - Know the importance of space and territory for a global understanding of tourism. - Know the main tourist flows on a global scale. - Know the tourist regions of the world and the diversity of tourist spaces - Know the new modalities of tourism. - Understand the consequences and impacts of tourism on the territory Skills: - Locate and manage geographic information as an instrument of tourism analysis. - Ability to interrelate geographic processes and tourism at different scales. - Ability to link the events and processes at different geographical scales. - Understanding spatial relationships Attitudes: - A globalizing attitude which allows to link events of various kinds, and to understand the multiple causes of social realities. - An honest attitude and scientific management that enables the interpretation and production of information accurately and objectively. - A participatory approach, which allows, through direct contact with the area to observe, recognize and interpret them directly in the events and processes. - A critical, committed and responsible, allowing awareness of the risks and consequences of certain actions on the territory, promoting social justice and practices or strategies for sustainable development.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
Basic training course which provides students with a summary overview of the key issues addressed by tourism geography. 1. Geography of Tourism and related sciences. Basic concepts in Tourism Geography. Study sources. 2. Historical evolution of tourism. 3. Tourism and climate. 4. Tourism outlets and flows worldwide 5. The tourist regions. 6. Tourism and transport. 7. Typology of tourism and new forms of tourism. 8. Tourism in Spain 9. Tourism and territory. 10. Tourism and cinema.
Learning activities and methodology
The formative activities of the course include: - Contact classes of theoretical and lecture (3 ECTS) - Attendance of practical classes (2 ECTS). - Creation of works (1 ECTS). The theoretical and practical contents as well as the methodologies for its teaching are easily adapted to online teaching. In this sense, the use of programs such as Black board Collaborate or similar is foreseen, which allow online written, oral and visual communication between the teacher and the students.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 30
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 70

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • ALONSO FERNÁNDEZ, J.. Geografía de los recursos y actividades turística. Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces. . 2008
  • ALONSO, J.. Geografía turística: Europa y el resto del Mundo. Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces. 2004
  • ANTÓN CLAVÉ, S. Y GONZÁLEZ REVERTÉ, F. (Coords.) . A propósito del turismo. La construcción social del espacio turístico. UOC. 2008
  • AUGÉ, M.. El viaje imposible. El turismo y sus imágenes. Gedisa. 1998
  • AZQUETA, D.; PÉREZ, L.. Gestión de Espacios Naturales. La demanda de servicios recreativos. McGraw-Hill. 1996
  • BARRADO, D.A. y CALABUIG, J. (Eds.) . Geografía mundial del turismo. Síntesis. 2001
  • BLACJ, J.. Italy and the Grand Tour. Yale University Press. 2003
  • BONIFACE, B.G.. Worldwide destinations: the geography of travel and tourism. Elsevir, Butterworth-Heinemann. 2005
  • BUENDÍA AZORÍN, J.D.; COLINO SUEIRAS J. . Turismo y medio ambiente. Cámara de Murcia-Civitas. . 2001
  • CALABUIG, y MISTRAL, M. . Manual de geografía turística de España. Síntesis. 1991
  • CALABUIG, y MISTRAL, M. . Manual de geografía turística de España. Síntesis. 1995
  • CALLIZO SONEIRO, J. . Aproximación a la Geografía del Turismo. Síntesis. 1991
  • CAMINO, V. ; MARTÍNEZ, X. . Manual de Geografia turística de Europa. Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces. 2003
  • CASTEJÓN, R. Et. Al. . Introducción a la economia para el turismo. UNED-Pearson. 2014
  • COOPER, C.; WAHAB, S.. Tourism in the age of globalisation. Routledge. 2001
  • DAVIDSON, R. . Viajes y turismo en Europa. Síntesis. 2001
  • DE LA CALLE, M.. La ciudad histórica como destino turístico. Ariel. 2002
  • DONAIRE, J.A.. Turismo cultural. Entre la experiencia y el ritual. Vitela. 2012
  • DÍAZ ÁLVAREZ, J.R.. Geografía del turismo. Síntersis. 1989
  • ELIZAGÁRATE, V. . Marketing de ciudades. Pirámide. 2003
  • FERNÁNDEZ FUSTER, l. . Geografía general del turismo de masas. Alianza. 1991
  • FRANKLIN, A.. Tourism an introduction. SAGE Publications. 2003
  • FUENTES VEGA, A.. Bienvenido, Mr. Turismo. Cultura visual del boom en España. Cátedra. 2017
  • GARCIA HENCHE, B. . Marketing del turismo rural. Pirámide. 2003
  • HALL, C.M.. El turismo como ciencia social de la movilidad. Síntesis. 2009
  • HALL, C.M. . The geography of tourism and recreation: environment, place and space. Routledge. 2009
  • HALL, C.M. y PAGE, S.J. . The Geography of Tourism and Recreation. Environment, Place and Space. Routledge. 2014
  • MESPLIER, A.; BLOC-DURAFFOUR, P. . Geografía del turismo en el mundo. Síntesis. 2000
  • PARDO ABAD, C.J.. Territorio y recursos turísticos. Análisis geográfico del turismo en España. Ramón Areces. 2013
  • PARDO ABAD, C.J.. Turismo y patrimonio industrial. Síntesis. 2014
  • SPATARO A.. Le Tourisme Méditerranée. Harmattan. 2000
  • VERA REBOLLO, J. F.; LÓPEZ PALOMEQUE, F; MARCHENA, M. y ANTÓN, S.. Análisis territorial del turismo. Ariel. 1997
  • WILLIAMS, S.. Tourism Geography. Routledge. 1998

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.