Checking date: 27/03/2023

Course: 2024/2025

Audiovisual Archiving
Bachelor in Library and Information (Blended learning) (Plan: 250 - Estudio: 210)

Coordinating teacher: ROBLEDANO ARILLO, JESUS

Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
The objectives of this course are: 1. Knowing what a Center for Documentation and Archives Media is: its purpose, features, services, functions, types and their professional profiles. 2. Know the different types of audiovisual documents and its quality control , applying selection criteria, relevance, authenticity, reliability, update, legality, etc. 3. Obtain audiovisual information by contacting their owners and ensuring the rights attached to them. 4. To know, interpret and apply the legislation that protects the rights over audiovisual works according to the different types of sources and uses. 5. Analyze, synthesize and characterize the main theme or the main concepts of non-textual documents, understanding the differences in search and information retrieval by the users of such documents. 6. Describe the main requirements and technical protection of current records from deterioration, theft, and the rules of conservation and preservation. 7. Know and verify the conditions and file storage. Identify and implement possible treatments.
Description of contents: programme
This course deals with the identification processes of the main sources of audiovisual information: photography, radio, film and television. On the special characteristics of the analysis and treatment of such documents as well as specific problems related to these collections and space conditioning. On the digitization, preservation and ethical issues and rights to such documents. Lesson 1. Audiovisual heritage. Historical evolution and its values. Lesson 2. History of media and formats. Technical identification. Lesson 3. Photographic Documentation. Lesson 4. Documentation of sound documents: music, speech and other sounds. Lesson 5. The moving images (film and television documentation). Lesson 6. Access rights, use and reproduction of audiovisual documentation.
Learning activities and methodology
Acquisition of knowledge and skills (3 credits) through lectures, practical classes, the teaching materials developed by its teacher, specialized readings and discussions, as well as students' personal study. It relates to the competencies 1 to 7. Acquisition of skills and abilities (3 credits) through lectures, individual or group work, debates and forums, case studies, etc. strengthen the theoretical knowledge acquired by students and allow them to apply to specific situations. It relates to the competencies 1 to 7.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • AMO GARCÍA, Alfonso del. Inspección técnica de materiales en el archivo de una filmoteca. Filmoteca Española, Madrid. 1996
  • BELLVESER, E. (Ed.). . Manual de documentació audiovisual en radio i televisió. Valencia: Universidad de Valencia, . 1999
  • CUADRA, Elena de. Documentación cinematográfica. UOC. 2013
  • EDMONDSON, Ray. Filosofía y principios de los archivos audiovisuales. . Paris: UNESCO. 2004
  • LÓPEZ DE SOLÍS, Iris. El film researcher. UOC. 2013
  • LÓPEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Ángeles. . Introducción a la documentación audiovisual. Sevilla : S&C Ediciones. 2003
  • MOREIRO, José Antonio (Coord.). . Manual de Documentación informativa. Madrid: Cátedra . 2000
  • RIPOLL-MONT, Silvia; TOLOSA-ROBLEDO, Luisa. . ¿El documentalista de programas de televisión: horizontes profesionales¿.. El profesional de la información, 2009, mayo-junio, v. 18, n. 3, pp. 341-347.. 2009
  • SALVADOR BENÍTEZ, Antonia (coord.). Patrimonio fotográfico. De la visibilidad a la gestión. Trea. 2015
  • UNESCO. Recomendaciones de la UNESCO para la Salvaguardia y Conservación de las Imágenes en Movimiento. . Obra disponible en Internet:
  • VVAA. Conservación de fotografías: treinta años de ciencia . CAAP. 2016

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.