Checking date: 21/04/2022

Course: 2024/2025

Analysis and description of ancient books
Bachelor in Library and Information (Blended learning) (Plan: 250 - Estudio: 210)

Coordinating teacher: VIANELLO OSTI, MARINA

Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


1. Know, understand and learn to use the terminology and basic concepts of this subject, specially related to disciplines as codicology and physical bibliography. 2. Understand and distinguish the peculiarities of the ancient book, whether manuscript or printed, learning to identify and analyse its constituent elements, both formal and physical. 3. Analyse and describe the ancient book by applying the theoretical and methodological foundations of physical bibliography. 4. Know and handle with ease the sources and resources for the identification and location of ancient books: repertoires and specialized catalogues. 5. Gain consciousness of the difficulties in the bibliographic and cataloguing treatment of this kind of books. 6. Represent ancient book¿s information using the existing standards for cataloguing description (e.g.: ISDB (A)). 7. Develop basic and high order thinking skills (e.g.: discursive and argumentative, analysis, synthesis and problem solving, oral and written communication, critical thinking and reasoning attitude¿)
Description of contents: programme
The overall objective of the subject is to provide students a basic training for the analysis and description of the ancient Spanish book, a concept that includes the manuscript book. This subject is based on previous knowledge on Book History. Firstly, the basic concepts of the discipline and the foundations of the Spanish law on bibliographic heritage will be introduced. Secondly, the study of book¿s physical and structural features will be enphasized. Finally, the bibliographic and cataloging description will be adressed. These contents are structured in the following units: Unit 1: Basic concepts and features of the ancientbook 1.1. The ancient book: concept and boundaries 1.2. Ancient bibliographic collections. Definition 1.3. Bibliographic Heritage legislation Unit 2: The ancient manuscript book 2.1. Physical and formal features, lighting, binding and typology of manuscript books. 2.2. The description of manuscripts: medieval catalogues and contemporary description. 2.3. The instruments for location and identification of manuscripts. Unit 3: The printing press 3.1. Printing materials and techniques Unit 4: Incunabula 4.1. External features: formats, types, marks, foliation, illustration 4.2. Textual features: front page, preliminaries, colophon 4.3. Instruments for the study and identification of incunabula. Unit 5: The book in the 16th and 17th centuries 5.1. Book structural features 5.2. Legislation and censorship 5.3. Publishing structure and typology 5.4. Typographic analysis 5.5. Instruments for the study and identification of copies Unit 6: The book in the 18th century 6.1. The structure of the book 6.2. Technological advances and book evolution Unit 7: Techniques for analysis and description of ancient books 7.1 Description systems: synthetic, bibliographic and cataloguing
Learning activities and methodology
The course will run through the platform and through contact classes On the platform will be made available materials for students learning the theoretical and practical content. The materials consist of notes, dossiers of images, sketches, readings, videos, practical exercises and verification. In the classes are theoretical contents may expose or have practical and strengthen and complete the contents present on the platform. These contents be made available to students who can not attend campus classes in video format or through synthetic notes and transparencies to illustrate the topics covered. The activities to be performed by students consist in the analysis and description of illustrations or bookbinding; in identifying formal or structural elements of the manuscripts or printed; in the description and cataloging them; in the use of codes and databases to identify the ancient book, from the teaching materials developed or selected by the teacher and the bibliography recommended basic character. Communication with students will be conducted through tutorials conducted in the office of professor coinciding with the sessions and through the forum of the subject and the other media present on the platform
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • ISBD(A). Descripción Bibliográfica Internacional Normalizada para Publicaciones Monográficas Antiguas.. 2ª ed. revisada. Madrid: ANABAD; Arco/libros, 1993..
  • MARTÍN ABAD, J.. Los libros impresos antiguos.. Valladolid. Univ. de Valladolid. 2004..
  • McKERROW, R. B... Introducción a la Bibliografía material.. Madrid. Arco Libros. 1998..
  • PETRUCCI, A.. La descrizione del manoscritto. Storia, problemi, modelli.. Roma, La Nuova Italia Scientifica 1995.
  • RUIZ, E.. Manual de codicología.. 2ª ed. Madrid: Fund. Germán Sánchez Ruipérez, 2002..
  • SIMÓN DÍAZ, J.. El libro español antiguo: Análisis de su estructura.. 2ª ed. Madrid: Ollero & Ramos, 2000..
  • SÁNCHEZ MARIANA, M.. Introducción al libro manuscrito.. Madrid: Arco/Libros, 1995..

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.