Checking date: 10/07/2020

Course: 2024/2025

Intellectual Property
Bachelor in Library and Information (Blended learning) (Plan: 250 - Estudio: 210)


Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


The main goal of this course is helping students to reach a reasonable knowledge of the rules and principles of copyright law, in order to interpret and apply them in the field of Information and Library science. As a professional they must know the possibilities and limitations of this Act in relation with the dissemination of information, namely, what´s the essential legal framework under their work is performed. It´s knowledge is crucial in the daily work of information workers, as it affects the products and services offered by libraries, including dissemination of information on the Internet. To achieve this goal, the student must acquire the program outcomes, related to the following competences: 1. General competences - Be familiar with the basic concepts related to intellectual property rights, both national and internationally. - Be familiar with the legislative regulation applicable to different types of works usually disseminated and preserved in an information unit. - Understand the application of intellectual property in the digital environment. - Recognize other models of intellectual property protection. - Understand the role that the professional has, as an information manager, to ensure respect for intellectual property rights. - Be familiar with the exceptions applicable to libraries. 2. Specific competences - Critically evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency and quality of the search process performance and the obtained content, in order to get feedback - Work well in a team: share tasks, trust on the peers work, and accomplish the responsibilities undertaken. - Ethical use of information: make an appropriate, responsible and legal use of the information that we use and produce. - Maintain an appropriate level of quality in the delivery of their work assignments: acquire some basic guidelines for submission, and respect the deadlines.
Description of contents: programme
The course focuses on four main areas or sections: authorship, and creations and performances susceptible of protection; moral and economic monopolies; contracts for the transfer and license of exploitation rights; and the protection of copyright. The duration of the course is fourteen weeks, with two sessions every week. LESSON 1. GENERAL OVERVIEW AND LEGAL STATUS OF AUTHOR¿S RIGHT AND RELATED RIGHTS 1.1 Property right and Intellectual Property Rights. A brief history 1.2 Author¿s right and Related Rights. 1.3 Spanish Law. The Spanish Constitution and author¿s right. The Author¿s Right Act 1996 (ARC) and subsequent reforms. 1.4 EU Law. 1.5 International Agreements: Berne Convention, WIPO Treaties and TRIPS. LESSON 2. BASIS OF PROTECTION: SUBJECT MATTER 2.1 Works: Section 10.1 ARC. 2.2 Literary, artistic and scientific works. 2.3 Special cases: artistic works, audiovisual works, computer programs and databases. 2.4 Exclusions from protection. Section 13 ARC. 2.5 Subject matter of Related Rights. LESSON 3. AUTHOR¿S RIGHT AND RIGHT HOLDERS 3.1 Authorship of work. Presumptions and proofs. 3.2 First ownership of Author's right. 3.3 Other right holders. 3.4 Works of joint authorship (Collaboration, Collective and Compound). LESSON 4. AUTHOR'S MORAL RIGHT 4.1 Concept and characters. 4.2 Paternity, unpublished and disclosure. Integrity. Removal, modification and access. 4.3 Assumptions of legitimacy upon death. 4.5 Moral rights of the artist. LESSON 5. ECONOMIC RIGHTS 5.1 Concept and characters. 5.2 Contents: Reproduction, transformation, communication and distribution. 5.3 Other economic rights and related rights. 5.4 Duration and limits. LESSON 6. TRANSFER OF RIGHTS (DEALING WITH RIGHTS) 6.1 General rules. 6.2 Assignments and exclusive licenses. 6.3 Most typical operating agreements. 6.4 Licensing digital resources. LESSON 7. PROTECTION OF AUTHOR¿S RIGHT AND RELATED RIGHTS 7.1 Author's rights Registry. 7.2 Collective management organizations. 7.3 Technological measures and DRM. 7.4 The Intellectual Property Commission. 7.5 Criminal Protection: offenses. LESSON 8. OTHER MODELS OF PROTECTION
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Barberán Molina. Manual Práctico de Propiedad Intelectual. Tecnos, Madrid, 2010.
  • Rogel Vide y Serrano Gómez. Manual de Derecho de Autor. Reus/Aisge, Madrid, 2008.
  • Varios Autores (coord. R Bercovitz) . Manual de Propiedad Intelectual. Tirant lo Blanch, 5ª edición. Valencia.. 2012
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
Additional Bibliography
  • BONDÍA ROMÁN, Fernando. Propiedad Intelectual. Su significado en la sociedad de la información. Ed. Trivium, Madrid, 1988..
  • COLOMBET, Claude. Grandes Principios del Derecho de Autor y de los Derecho Conexos en el Mundo. Ed. CSIC, Madrid, 1996.
  • ROGEL VIDE, Carlos. Estudios completos de propiedad intelectual. Reus/Aisge, Madrid, 2009.
  • VV. AA. (Coordinador R. Bercovitz). Comentarios a la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual. 3ª edición. Ed. Tecnos, Madrid, 2007..
  • VV.AA. (Director J.M. Rodríguez) E. Comentarios a la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual. Ed. Thomson-Civitas, Madrid, 2007..
  • VV.AA. (Directores M. Albaladejo y S. Díaz). Comentarios a la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual. Ed. Edersa, Volúmenes I y II, Madrid, 1994-1995..
  • VV.AA. coord. Francis Lefebvre. Memento práctico de Propiedad Intelectual e Industrial . Lefebvre. 2012
(*) Access to some electronic resources may be restricted to members of the university community and require validation through Campus Global. If you try to connect from outside of the University you will need to set up a VPN

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.