Checking date: 09/05/2018

Course: 2024/2025

Public and school libraries
Bachelor in Library and Information (Blended learning) (Plan: 250 - Estudio: 210)


Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


1. To Known for effective implementation in future professional performance, the regulatory framework for public and school library in the social and educational environment as well as within national and international cooperation in the library system. 2. Understanding to exercise the policy criteria and collection development, according to the characteristics of user communities of both types of libraries and technological environments 3. Test to exercise the specific principles of management of resources and services of both types of libraries, for a more effective impact in their communities of users, according to their information needs and performance of the assigned tasks, with a sense of social responsibility 4. Test to exercise the tools and ways of knowing the strategies and methods of use of information by the user community, potential and actual, for both types of libraries, to plan efficiently their services and activities 5. Known to exercise from a professional perspective the importance of quality in services and collection of both types of libraries according to evaluation criteria, adjusted to models of appropriate indicators for both types of libraries and in line with current trends 6. Meet for a professional application performance challenges, items, stages in the transformation to educational digital libraries, as a model of progress in both types of library 7. Understanding tools of Web 2.0 for an effective partnership and convert both types of library in 2.0 library, as a way to understand their new services, collections and users 8. Know to exercise their content management tools for understanding and designing the processing and hiperdocumental collection services through permanent and collaborative learning 9. Know, as a guide for planning and design of both types of libraries, foundations of education as a means to ensure an effective impact in their communities of users 10. Meet for a library extension design the foundations of the transformation of reading entertainment plans to promote reading, with links to plans to promote reading 11. Meet for a successful design of both types of library challenges and nature of the digital divide, to determinate actions for social inclusion, as the foundation of multiculturalism and interculturalism, as basic action for social cohesion 12. Know the design of the "integrated library" as a new mode of cooperation, along with information literacy programs
Description of contents: programme
1. UNIT 1. SCHOOL LIBRARY AS A TYPE LIBRARY We study the framework and context of the school library, its evolution and current situation from the perspective of their typology and traditional functionality 1.1. Model development and regulatory framework 1.2. Design and organize of a school library 1.3. Collection of the school library and curriculum: from gutenberg type to web sites 1.4. The school library and education: curriculum and educational impact 2. UNIT 2. PROJECTION OF THE SCHOOL LIBRARY We study the basic functions that school libraries must meet the current educational environment, with a special analysis referred to the development of documentary and educational trends updated 2.1. Functions of the school library and its instruments 2.2. School Library Services and tools 2.3. School library and reading 2.4. Revitalization of the school library 2.5. School library associations, events, research 3. UNIT 3. CREATE A SCHOOL LIBRARY Model analyzes the transformation of school libraries in the Web environment, studying its transformation to educational digital libraries and culminating in CREA, as an appropriate model current 3.1. Conversion elements in educational digital library 3.2. Instruments in the school library association in the web of knowledge: educational library 2.0 3.3. Networks and digital platforms for educational digital libraries 3.4. Defining resource center. School library as CREA 3.5. Items, services and functions typical of CREA 4. UNIT. TYPE AS PUBLIC LIBRARY LIBRARIAN We study the characters, functions and services, from a conceptual standpoint and policy that have been granted to public libraries since its founding to today 4.1. Models, evolving regulatory framework 4.2. Organization and public library services 4.3. Management and collection development in public library 4.4. Services and functions of public libraries: evolution 5. UNIT 5. PROJECTION OF THE PUBLIC LIBRARY We study the social projection in the community of users that public library must meet currently, considering the current challenges of information to citizens 5.1. Community of users in public libraries 5.2. Promotion and extension activities from the public library 5.3. The public library and cultural heritage of the community 5.4. Research, associations, forums for public libraries 6. UNIT 6. PUBLIC LIBRARY AND THE KNOWLEDGE SOCIETY We analyze current trends, prospects and future developments in the models and functionality of public libraries in the knowledge society, with emphasis on processing 6.1. Context, challenges and actions of the public library to the Knowledge Society 6.2. Library 2.0 and the public library: new services and functions 6.3. New dimensions of public libraries in the knowledge society: multiculturalism, social inclusion, information literacy 6.4. Impact of public libraries in the new technological environments 7. UNIT 7. INTEGRATED LIBRARY We analyze the integrated library model, as one of the most successful models in the convergence, confluence and, finally, integration, and school among public libraries, especially referred to "education in the knowledge society" 7.1. Concept and model of cooperation 7.2. Integrated library models 7.3. Areas of cooperation of public and school libraries, and virtual 7.4. Trends, best practices and applications of integrated library
Learning activities and methodology
The methodology proposes a training model that allows the student active learning and encouraging continued participation and support for teaching and interaction with the use of technological tools. It will provide for effective learning: transparencies ppt, email addresses, computer programs and practice models through Aula Global. The subject is structured: 1. To provide students with a theoretical vision of the discipline to acquire the fundamental concepts and knowledge to adapt to changing types of libraries, which also call for a new library model towards the knowledge society, giving the keys to plan and design resources centers and libraries 2.0. It will provide a pdf document with the notions and concepts to work in each teaching unit 2. Complementary framework. So that students understand that both types of libraries, in transformation, have different perspectives, trends and schools, students will perform a series of individual reading along the course. These readings, in electronic form, will be offered throughout the course through the Aula Global platform and shall constitute a basis for evaluating the attitude, motivation and monitoring of the subject by the student 3. Illustrative framework. For the student to confirm their understanding of the concept, assimilation and application to efficient their future professional, electronic resources and/or virtual will be offered, complemented by discussions. This framework will be underpinned by e-mail addresses, resources, software and tutorials support the conceptual discourse. This illustrative framework allow to exercise practical understanding of the subject of an ongoing (lifelong learning) 4. Practices framework. For students acquire skills, abilities and skills practice activities will be proposed for students development in parallel with the development of classes. His goal is to prove that the student knows and knows about the competences proposed in each Learning Unit. It is designed as an object of learning: instructional design, additional associated material, examples, suggested exercises, completion by the student. 5. It may offer questionnaires for completion by the students, which will serve as a basic element of individual assessment and monitoring of quality in the learning process 6. Tutorials. To develop effectively the educational model, the tutorial system becomes important to ensure a collaborative and meaningful learning. We propose two types of tutorials: one derived from the collective face tutorials; other personal tutorials, and training relating to their academic career, virtual tutorials to focus on certain days.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 40
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 60

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Camacho Espinosa, José Antonio. La biblioteca escolar en España: pasado, presente y un modelo para el futuro. Madrid : Ediciones de la Torre, 2004.
  • Cortejoso Hernández, Pilar. La biblioteca escolar como recurso educativo. Oviedo : Consejería de Educación y Cultura, Servicio de Innovación y Participación de la Comunidad Educativa, 2002.
  • Felicié Soto, Ada Myriam. Biblioteca pública, sociedad de la información y brecha digital. Buenos Aires : Alfagrama , 2006.
  • Ferreira dos Santos, Vanda. Biblioteca pública y desarrollo económico. Buenos Aires : Alfagrama , 2007.
  • García Gómez, Francisco Javier. Desarrollo y gestión de la colección local en la biblioteca pública.. Buenos Aires : Alfagrama , 2005.
  • García López, F. Los servicios bibliotecarios multiculturales en las bibliotecas públicas españolas.. Gijón: TREA, 2009.
Additional Bibliography
  • AASL. Standards for the 21st-Century Learner in Action. ALA . 2009
  • AASL. Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Programs external link icon. ALA . 2009
  • IFLA. School Library Guidelines. IFLA. 2015
  • Kerby, M. Collection Development for the School Library Media Program: A Beginner's Guide. ALA . 2006
  • Leverkus, C; Shannon, A. Ebooks and the School Library Program: A Practical Guide for the School Librarian. ALA . 2013
  • M. Sullivan. Library Spaces for 21st-Century Learners: A Planning Guide for Creating New School Library Concepts. ALA. 2012
  • P. Owen. A 21st-Century Approach to School Librarian Evaluation. ALA. 2009
  • S. Andrews. The Power of Data: An Introduction to Using Local, State, and National Data to Support School Library Programs. ALA . 2012

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.