Checking date: 25/04/2022

Course: 2024/2025

Human, financial resources and equipment management
Bachelor in Library and Information (Blended learning) (Plan: 250 - Estudio: 210)

Coordinating teacher: PACIOS LOZANO, ANA REYES

Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Information Centres Management and Marketing (Degree: Library and Information Science. Course: 2th. Semester: 2th)
After completing this course, students will be able to: 1. Check and optimize the organizational resources and their use in information centers. 2. Ensuring the integration, efficiency and staff welfare of an information unit, applying the laws and regulations in force, respecting the objectives of the organization, favoring personal and professional development of individuals. 3. Develop a budget and calculate the unit costs of services. 4. Organize the space for workspace, conservation, public reception or exhibitions, aiming to provide appropriate services. 5. Choose the right equipment according to applications, services and information unit type.
Description of contents: programme
The overall objective of the course is that students know the basic processes and management techniques related human, economic and financial resources, space and equipment in libraries and information centers. 1. Introduction. Organizational resources and their management (organizational resources management and professional skills) 2. Human resources management (planning, recruitment and selection, career planning and ascription to workplace, training in the workplace, evaluation of job performance, workplace and workplace environment). 3. Economic and financial resources management (budget, costs, Financial Statements). 4. Equipment management (characteristics required of a library building, equipment and security).
Learning activities and methodology
- Acquisition of knowledge and skills (3 credits) through lectures, teaching materials developed by teachers, specialized readings and discussions, as well as students' personal study. - Acquisition of skills and abilities (3 credits) through lectures, case studies, practical exercises conducted individually and in groups
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • GÓMEZ HERNÁNDEZ, J.A.. Gestión de bibliotecas. Murcia: Universidad. 2002
  • IGNASI, B. y VIDAL SUÉ, A.. Empresa y recursos organizativos. Madrid: Pirámide,. 2004.
  • JORGE GARCÍA-REYES, C. . "La gestión de los RRHH". En Tratado básico de biblioteconomía. . Madrid: Universidad. 1995, p. 441-454.
  • PAÑOS ÁLVAREZ, A. (Coord). Administración de recursos en unidades informativas. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia,. 2004.
  • PEÓN PÉREZ, J.L.. Principios para la organización y gestión de bibliotecas y centros de documentación. Madrid: ANABAD. 1994
  • RAMOS SIMÓN, L.F. . Dirección, Administración y marketing de empresas e instituciones documentales. . Madrid: Síntesis, 1995. . Cap. 10, 11 y 12, p. 119-144.
  • SOLIMINE, G.. Gestión y planificación de bibliotecas. Buenos Aires: Alfagrama. 2010
  • STUEART, R.D. y MORAN, B.B. . Gestión de bibliotecas y centros de información. Barcelona: Pagés, 1998. Gestión de Personal, p. 151-228.
Additional Bibliography
  • Se proporcionarán para cada tema . otros recursos. a medida que se imparten. los temas en clase.
Detailed subject contents or complementary information about assessment system of B.T.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.