Checking date: 27/03/2023

Course: 2024/2025

Information search and retrieval
Bachelor in Library and Information (Blended learning) (Plan: 250 - Estudio: 210)

Coordinating teacher: ROBLEDANO ARILLO, JESUS

Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
There is no prerequisites in this subject.
The objectives to be achieved with the study of this subject are: 1. Understand and know the definition of terms related to Information Retrieval (IR). 2. Understand and apply the principles and techniques for Information Retrieval (IR) and its evaluation. 3. Distinguish the different theoretical models of IR and to recognize them in actual Information Retrieval Systems (IRS). 4. Convert a request for information in a search strategy appropriate to the system and transcribe and transmit the results of a search. 5. Manage with ease, compare and evaluate different query languages and interfaces that allow you to interact with a local IRS or an Internet serch or metasearch engine and other search tools on the net. 6. Mastering at least one information recovery software, with advanced features, extended installation and recognized quality that serve as a basis for analysis and evaluation of any other. 7. Evaluate the results of a search in terms of relevance and reliability in any environment using a IRS.
Description of contents: programme
The topics that are part of the content of this subject are: Topic 1. Information Retrieval (RI) in Documentary Databases. Topic 2. The theoretical framework of Information Retrieval: Information Retrieval as a discipline. Topic 3. The Boolean and Extended Boolean model. Topic 4. Models that exceed the Boolean model (vector space, probabilistic). Topic 5. Principles of evaluation of the effectiveness of the Information Retrieval (IR): Relevance; Completeness and Precision and its complements; interrelation between P and R; other measures.   Topic 6. Recovery and linking of data in the context of the Semantic Web. The query of linked data.
Learning activities and methodology
- Acquisition of theoretical knowledge (total 3 credits ECTS) through lectures, teaching materials prepared by the teacher, online tutorials, specialized readings and discussions (1.2 ECTS), and the personal study and work of students (1.8 ECTS). It relates to the abilities 1 to 3. - Acquisition of practical skills (total 3 ECTS) through various practical assumptions of information retrieval in different environments (local systems, online and other websites), with which they can acquire skills and develop abilities 4 to 7. - Tutorship: The schedule of tutorship sessions could be looked up in the Aula Global space for the course. In addition to the tutorship at the times and places officially set for the course, students can apply for other outside these hours and to be held by digital media.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • BLAIR, D.C.. Language and Representation in Information Retrieval. Amsterdam [etc.]: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1990.. 1990
  • CHOWDHURY, G.G.. Introduction to modern information retrieval (3ª ed.). London: Library Association, 2010.. 2010
  • LANCASTER, F.W.. El control del vocabulario en la recuperación de la información (2ª ed. corr.). València: Universitat de València, 2002.. 2002
  • MEADOW, CH.T.; BOYCE, B.R.; KRAFT, D.H.. Text information retrieval systems (3ª ed.). San Diego, Academic Press, 2007.. 2007
Additional Bibliography
  • Baeza-Yates, R.; Ribeiro-Neto, B.. Modern information retrieval. New York, ACM Press, Harlow [etc.]; Addison-Wesley, 1999.. 1999
  • Buckland, M.K.:. "Information and Information Systems".. New York [etc.], Greenwood Press, 1991..
  • Chamis, A.Y.. Vocabulary Control and Search Strategies in Online Searching. New York [etc.]: Greenwood Press, 1991.
  • Cleverdon, C.W.; Mills, J.. The Testing of Index Language Devices. Aslib Proceedings, 15(4):106-30, abr 1963.
  • Crane, B.; R. Niro (The Dialog Corporation). Introduction to Dialog; Featuring DialogClassic. (The Dialog Corporation) intro_dialogclassic.pdf.
  • Ellis, D.:. Progress and problems in information retrieval. (2ª ed.) London, Library Association Publishing, 1996..
  • Frakes, W.B.; Baeza-Yates, R.:. "Information retrieval: data structures and algorithms Upper Saddle River".. Prentice-Hall, 1992..
  • Guinchat, C.; Menou, M.:. "Introducción general a las ciencias y técnicas de la Información y Documentación".. Madrid, CINDOC (CSIC) - UNESCO, 1990..
  • Kent, A., et al.. Machine Literature Searching. VIII. Operational criteria for designing information retrieval systems. American Documentation, 6(2):93-101, 1955.
  • Kimberley, R.; Hamilton, C.D.; Smith C.H.:. "Text Retrieval in Context".. London, Taylor Graham, 1985..
  • Korfhage, Robert R.:. "Information storage and retrieval".. New York [etc.], John Wiley & Sons, 1997..
  • Lancaster, F.W.:. "El control del vocabulario en la recuperación de la información" (2ª ed. corr.). València, Universitat de València, 2002..
  • Manning, C.D.; Raghavan, P.; Schütze, H.. Introduction to Information Retrieval. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2008.
  • Meadow, Ch.T.:. "Text information retrieval systems".. San Diego [etc.], Academic Press, 2000..
  • Rowley, J.E.:. "Organizing Knowledge: An Introduction to Information".. Retrieval Aldershot, Gower, 1987..
  • Salton, G.:. "Automatic text processing: The Transformation, Analysis, and Retrieval of Information by Computer".. Reading, Mass.; Addison Wesley, 1989..
  • Schäuble, P.:. "Multimedia information retrieval: content-based retrieval from large text and audio databases".. Boston [etc.], Kluwer Academic, 1997..
  • Slype, G. van:. "Lenguajes de indización: concepción, construcción y utilización en los sistemas documentales".. Madrid [etc.], Fundación Germán Sánchez, 1991..
  • Sparck Jones, K., Willett, P. (ed.). Readings in information retrieval. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann, 1997.
  • Strzalkowski, T.:. "Natural language information retrieval".. Dordrecht [etc.], Kluwer Academic, 1999..
  • Tramullas Saz, J; Cubillo, A.J.:. "BRS/Search: Introducción a los sistemas de gestión de bases de datos documentales".. Zaragoza, Ed. Kronos, 1995..

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.