Checking date: 02/06/2021

Course: 2024/2025

Digital Publishing
Bachelor in Library and Information (Blended learning) (Plan: 250 - Estudio: 210)


Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
- Computer Science (210-13364) - History and Technologies of Internet (210-13372) - Database Design (210-13375) Related courses: - Digital Systems in Information Centres (210-13380) - Record Management (210-13394) - Information Retrieval (210-13383) - Web Contents Management (210-13401)
1. Skills to create and reproduce digital documents in any format (production and digital editing). 2. Knowledge, definition and management of terms related to digital edition. 3. Appropriate choice of formats suitable for the creation, storage and dissemination of digital documents. 4. Skills in managing computer tools involved in the different stages and tasks of digital publishing, especially in creating and maintaining digital objects, digitisation, and disseminating digital information through the Web.
Description of contents: programme
Nowadays both the creation and dissemination of information take advantages of the information and communications technologies. This course describe the most relevant digital publishing techniques, and the best practices for an effective organisation and dissemination of digital information. The syllabus presents a wide range of theoretical, technical, legal and economic aspects related to digital libraries, information design, usability, accessibility, metadata, interaction and Web design. Part I. Digital Contents. Lesson 1. Information Design. 1.1. Planning. Analysing the audience. 1.2. Technologies and resources. 1.3. Navigation models. 1.4. Information design tools. Lesson 2. Presentation Design. 2.1. User-centered design. 2.2. Contents design. 2.3. Technical aspects (typography, colours, screen resolutions, use of images). Part II. Description of Digital Objects. Lesson 3. Digital Formats 3.1. Types of formats. 3.2. Markup languages. 3.3. Selection of digital formats. 3.4. Digital Image. Part III. Design and Assessment of Interaction. Lesson 4. Design of Interaction. 4.1. Introduction to interaction. 4.2. Types of interaction. 4.3. Design of navigation structures. Lesson 5. Usability. 5.1. Introduction to usability. 5.2. Accessibility of digital objects. Lesson 6. New Digital Publishing Technologies. 6.1. Web design principles. 6.2. E-books. Lesson 7. Digital Preservation. 7.1. Digital formats. 7.2. Challenges in digital preservation. 7.3. Technical strategies in digitisation. Part V. Dissemination of Digital Contents Lesson 8. Management and Dissemination of Digital Contents. 8.1. Management and promotion of Web sites. 8.2. Dissemination of digital contents and Web publishing. Lesson 9. Legal and Economic Aspects of Digital Publishing. 9.1. Freedom of information. 9.2. Copyright. 9.3. Data protection. 9.4. Publishing agreements and subscriptions. 9.5. Open Access movement.
Learning activities and methodology
The acquisition of theoretical knowledge will be made from lessons, additional readings related to the topics, online tutorials, exercises and class discussions (3.6 ECTS).The acquisition of skills and abilities will be developed through practical assignments (2.4 ECTS).
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Ashford J, Odam J. El escáner en el diseño gráfico. Madrid: Anaya Multimedia. 1998
  • Cordón García JA, Gómez Díaz R, Alonso Arévalo, J. Gutenberg 2.0. La revolución de los libros electrónicos. Gijón: Trea. 2012
  • Federación Internacional de Asociaciones de Bibliotecarios y Archivos. Consejo Internacional de Archivos. Directrices para proyectos de digitalización de colecciones y fondos de dominio público. Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura. 2009
  • Fernández-Coca A . Producción y diseño gráfico para la World Wide Web. Barcelona: Paidós. 2006
  • Keefer A, Gallart N. La preservación de recursos digitales. Barcelona: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. 2007
  • Pollaris M. Introducción a la digitalización. Bruselas: Agfa-Gevaert. 1994
  • Sachs T. Sitios Web orientados al usuario. Madrid: Pearson Educación. 2002
  • Zeldman J. Diseño con estándares Web. Madrid: Anaya Multimedia. 2004

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.

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