Checking date: 02/06/2021

Course: 2024/2025

Automation systems in information services
Bachelor in Library and Information (Blended learning) (Plan: 250 - Estudio: 210)


Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Informatics (210-13364) Internet technologies (210-13372) Database design (210-13375) Related specialization courses: Digital Publishing (210-13380) Business archives: electronic document management (210 - 13394) Information search and retrieval (210-13383) Web content management (210-13401)
Provide students the theoretical and practical fundamental issues that may be able to: A. Describe technologies available in cultural institutions of Memory (Archives, Libraries, Museums) B. Understand the complexities of digital libraries. C. Participate in creating and organizing a digital collection and virtual exhibition. D. Design and manage metadata standards-compliant schemas for organizing digital collections E. Participate in operations of selection and implementation of systems used in digital libraries. F. Contribute to the evaluation of a digital library and its services.
Description of contents: programme
Fundamental issues, problems, and approaches to digital libraries, reflecting differing efforts and thinking in a number of fields and enterprises. Variety of digital library types,architectures,aplication software, digital repositories,social software (sharing, interchange, networking), and standards and protocols. Services, use, evaluation of digital libraries. Management issues; relation to traditional libraries. Research and developmental projects and initiatives. Trends into the future. UD 1. Digital libraries UD 2. Application software UD 3. Open access repositories UD 4. Systems users UD 5. Interfaces UD 6. System evaluation UD 7. Digital libraries architecture
Learning activities and methodology
The acquisition of theoretical knowledge will be made from class,readings related to each of the teaching units,online tutorials, exercises, individual and group tasks, quizzes and class discussions shortcuts,addition to students' personal study (3.6 ECTS).The acquisition of skills and abilities will be a total of 2.4 ECTS, and developed from practical assumptions made ¿¿in the computer classroom with direct supervision of the teacher. The tutorial system will be established by the University and published in "Aula Global".
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 30
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 70

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Agenjo Bullón X, Hernández Carrascal F. La biblioteca virtual: función y planteamiento. Boletín de la ANABAD, 2009, 59 (4), p. 25-105.
  • Alonso, J,Subirats, I, Martinez Conde, ML. Informe APEI sobre acceso abierto. Gijón: Asociación Profesional de Especialistas en Información. 2008
  • Bearman, D. Digital libraries. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 2007, 41, p. 223-272.
  • García Melero, LA. La biblioteca digital revisitada. Boletín de la ANABAD, 2009, 59 (4), p. 123-146.
Additional Bibliography
  • Chowdhury, GG. Digital libraries and information access: research perspectives. London: Facet Publishing. 2012
  • Dobreva, M. User studies for digital library development. London: Facet. 2012
  • Ariadne. [Online]. Bath: University. 1996
  • Arms, WY. Digital libraries. Cambridge [Mass]: MIT Press. [Online:]. 2005
  • Chowdhury, GG; Chowdhury, S. Information users and usability in the digital age. London: Facet. 2011
  • D-Lib Magazine. The Magazine of digital Library Research. [Online]. Reston [Vir.]: Corporation for National Research Initiatives. 1995. Bimensual.
  • Lesk, M. Understanding digital libraries. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann. 2005
  • Monson, JD. Jump-Start your career as a digital librarian. Chicago: American Library Association TechSource. 2013

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