Checking date: 22/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

User Studies
Bachelor in Library and Information (Blended learning) (Plan: 250 - Estudio: 210)

Coordinating teacher: SANZ CASADO, ELIAS

Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
There are no prerequisites, but it is recommended to have passed a of basic statistics course.
1. To understand the concepts involved in habits and user information needs, as well as those related to the training of users from different perspectives, one of which is information literacy. 2. To Design different data collection methods, in order to meet the information needs of users. 3. To Identify types and characteristics of the various users of information, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the organizations, products or services of information regarding its users. 4. To analyze the needs of information users and customers, anticipating their demands from the development of indicators to assess the use and information needs. 5. To Compare the value for the user of information services provided and its cost. 6. To Collect, analyze and interpret the demands, needs and expectations of current and potential users. 7. To Know and manage computer applications and statistical knowledge necessary for studies of users.
Description of contents: programme
This course aims to explain the basics involved in user studies: factors influencing the needs and use of information from the various user groups, appropriate statistical techniques for analysis and identification of user characteristics . And through indicators to determine the profiles of the habits and information needs of different user groups. The contents are divided into the following topics: LEARNING UNIT 1. Basics of user studies Topic 1. Users Study: Basic Concepts 1.1. Definitions 1.2. Types of User Studies 1.3. Objectives of User Studies 1.4. Concept of information, knowledge, need, demand and use 1.5. Factors involved in habits, needs and uses of information Topic 2. Background and historical evolution of user studies 2.1. Background 2.2. Historical Evolution of User Studies 2.3. Current status of User Studies in Spain LEARNING UNIT 2. Statistical analysis tools and the user studies Topic 3. Transversal competences at Information Society 3.1 Digital competences 3.1.1 Social Web 2.0 3.2 Information competences 3.3 Information centers role Topic 4. Information literacy 4.1 Information literacy concept 4.2 User training planning LEARNING UNIT 3. Statistical analysis tools and the user studies Topic 5. Statistical tools (1): Descriptive statistics 5.1. Variables and variable types 5.2. Representation of variables 5.3. Measures of central 5.4. Measures of dispersion 5.5. Normal distribution 5.6. Time Series 5.7. Index Numbers 5.8 Case studies using spreadsheets Topic 6. Statistical tools (2): Relations between variables 6.1. Correlation 6.2. Types of correlation 6.3 Case studies using spreadsheets Topic 7. Statistical tools (3): Inferencial statistics 7.1. Inductive Statistics 7.2. Sampling methods 7.3. Statistical Inference 7.4. Hypothesis 7.5. Confidence intervals 7.6. Statistical significance tests 7.7 Case studies using spreadsheets LEARNING UNIT 3. Type of users and data collection Topic 8. Types of information users 8.1. User information 8.2. Types of information users 8.2.1. Sources of information used 8.2.2. References location methods 8.2.3. Attendance at conferences and congresses 8.2.4. Age of the information used Topic 9. Data collection of information users 9.1. Introduction to the methodology 9.2. Data collection methods 9.3. Survey Design 9.4. Questionnaires 9.4.1 Tools for online questionnaires Topic 10. Direct methods of data collection 10.1. Self-administered survey 10.2. Personal interview 10.3. Critical incident Topic 1. Indirect methods of data collection 11.1. Analysis of references 11.2. Analysis of use 11.3. Daily observations 11.4 Case studies: Applying software for bibliographic records analysis LEARNING UNIT 5. Data analysis and evaluation Topic 12. Assessment techniques of habits and information resources 12.1. Direct or quantitative assessment 12.2. Indirect or qualitative assessment 12.3. Assessment through indicators 12.4. Evaluation of information sources 12.5. Evaluation of effectiveness of an information center Topic 13. Management and user profiles 13.1. Studies of habits and information needs 13.1.1. Needs assessment and use of information 13.1.2. User profiling 13.2. Management of library activity 13.2.1. Organization and planning of library processes 13.2.2. Development of specific information products
Learning activities and methodology
Acquisition of knowledge and skills (4 ECTS) through lectures, teaching materials prepared by the teacher, specialized readings and commentary on the readings, as well as students' personal study. It relates to the competences 1, 2 and 3. Acquisition of skills and abilities (2 ECTS) through practices that apply data collection techniques and statistical knowledge using computer programs (collected from databases and application programs such as Excel, Statgraphics, etc.). It relates to the competences 4, 5 and 6. During the teaching period there will be four group tutorials, dates and times will be available on the course site at the Aula Global.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • "ENCUESTA piloto a usuarios: biblioteca-Facultad CC. de la Información". (1993).. Madrid: Universidad Complutense, Biblioteca. . Documentos de Trabajo UCM nº 93/9..
  • AREA, M.; GUARRO, A. La Alfabetización informacional y digital: Fundamentos pedagógicos para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje competente . Revista Española de Documentación Científica, nº monográfico, 46-74. 2012
  • BAWDEN, D. . Revisón de los conceptos de Alfabetización informacional y Alfabetización digital. Anales de Documentación, nº 5, 361-408. 2002
  • CALVA GONZÁLEZ, J. J. (1995).. "Surgimiento y manifestación de las necesidades de información en los investigadores".. Investigación Bibliotecológica. 9 (19): 17-29..
  • Case, D. O. . Looking for information: A survey of research on information seeking, needs and behavior.. Bingley, England: Emerald.. 2012
  • ELLIS, D.; COX, D.; HALL, K. (1993). . "A comparison of the information seeking patterns of researchers in the physical and social sciences". . Journal of Documentation, 49 (4): 356¿369..
  • GONZÁLEZ TERUEL, A. (2005).. "Los estudios de necesidades y usos de la información: Fundamentos y perspectivas actuales".. Gijón. Ediciones Trea, SL..
  • GONZÁLEZ TERUEL, A., BARRIOS CERREJÓN, M.. Métodos y técnicas para la investigación del comportamiento informacional. Gijón. Ediciones Trea, SL. 2012
  • GORRAIZ, J. . Los mil y un reflejos de las publicaciones en el laberinto de espejos de las nuevas métricas.. El profesional de la información, 27(2), 231-236. 2018
  • González-Teruel, A. Referentes teóricos y dimensiones aplicadas en el estudio del usuario de la información. En: MN González de Gómez y R. Rabello. Informaçao: agentes e intermediaçao. Brasilia: IBICT.. 2016
  • GÓMEZ DEL PULGAR RODRÍGUEZ SEGOVIA, G. (2001).. "Evaluación de la Revista de Estudios Políticos".. Revista de Estudios Políticos, (III): 227-250..
  • MARTÍN MORENO, C.; SANZ CASADO, E. (2001).. "Aplicación de dos técnicas de recogida de datos: Validación de los resultados de un estudio de usuarios".. Investigación Bibliotecológica; 15 (30):194-213..
  • MOYA ANEGÓN, F.; LÓPEZ GIJÓN, J.; GARCÍA CARO, C. (1996).. "Técnicas cuantitativas aplicadas a la Biblioteconomía y Documentación".. Madrid: Síntesis..
  • SANZ CASADO, E. (1994).. "Manual de estudios de usuarios".. Madrid: Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez..
  • SANZ, E. (1993).. "La realización de estudios de usuarios: una necesidad urgente".. Revista General de Información y Documentación, 3 (1): 144-166..
  • SANZ, E.; MARTÍN, C. (1997).. "Técnicas bibliométricas aplicadas a los estudios de usuarios".. Revista General de Información y Documentación, 7 (2): 42-68..
  • SANZ-CASADO, E.; GARCÍA-ZORITA, C.; SERRANO-LÓPEZ, A.; DE FILIPPO, D.; VANTI, N.. Desarrollo de indicadores para los nuevos hábitos de información y comunicación científica. Educación Médica, 17 (2): 45-50. 2016
  • SIATRI, R. (1999).. "The evolution of user studies".. Libri, 49 (3):132-141..
Additional Bibliography
  • Afzal, W. . Conceptualisation and Measurement of Information Needs: A Literature Review. . Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association, 1-23.. 2017
  • DERVIN, B. (2003). . "Human studies and user studies: a call for methodological interdisciplinarity". . Information Research, 9(1) paper 166. Available at:
  • GONZÁLEZ-TERUEL, A.; ABAD-GARCÍA, M.F. (2007).. ¿Information needs and uses: An analysis of the literature published in Spain, 1990¿2004¿.. Library & Information Science Research, 29 (1): 30-46..
  • HERNÁNDEZ SALAZAR, P. (2001).. ¿La producción del conocimiento científico como base para determinar perfiles de usuarios¿.. Investigación bibliotecológica, 15 (30): 29-64..
  • HEWINS, E.T. (1990). . ¿Information need and use studies¿. . Annual review of information science and technology , 25: 145-172..
  • JULIEN, H.; DUGGAN, L.J. (2000).. ¿A longitudinal analysis of the information needs and uses literature¿. . Library and Information Science Research, 22: 291¿309. .
  • Kwanya, T. . Information Seeking Behaviour in Digital Library Contexts. In Information Seeking Behavior and Challenges in Digital Libraries (pp. 1-25).. IGI Global.. 2016
  • MARCELLA, R.; BAXTER, G. (2000). . ¿Information need, information seeking behaviour and participation, with special reference to needs related to citizenship".. Journal of Documentation, 56 (2):136-160..
  • MARTÍ LAHERA, Y. . Diseño de programas de Alfabetización informacional. ACIMED, 15(3), . 2007
  • MARZAL GARCÍA QUISMONDO, M. A. . La Alfabetización en información como dimensión de un nuevo modelo educativo: La innovación docente desde la Documentación y los CRAI. RIED, 11(2): 41-66. 2008
  • OLMOS-PEÑUELA, J.; CASTRO-MARTÍNEZ, E.. ¿Cómo interaccionan los investigadores de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales del CSIC con otros agentes sociales fuera de los cauces institucionales?. Revista Española de Documentación Científica 37(4), octubre-diciembre, e072. 2014
  • PINTO, M.; URIBE TIRADO, A. Las bibliotecas públicas híbridas en el marco de la Alfabetización informacional. Revista Española de Documentación Científica, nº monográfico, 136-168. 2012
  • ROMÁN ROMÁN, A.; GIMÉNEZ TOLEDO, E. (2004). . ¿Productores de información interesantes para las empresas: resultados de una encuesta sobre consumo de información a empresas de la CAM¿. . Revista Española de Documentación Científica, 27 (1): 73-92..
  • Stieg-Dalton, M.; Charnigo, L.. Historians and their Information Sources. College & Research Libraries, September: 400-425. 2004
  • WILSON, T.D. (2000).. "Recent trends in user studies: action research and qualitative methods".. Information Research, 5(3) Available at:
  • WILSON, T.D. (2006). . "On user studies and information needs". . Journal of Documentation, 62 (6): 658¿670..
  • WILSON, T.D. (2006). . "On user studies and information needs". . Journal of Documentation, 62 (6): 658-670..
  • Yeo, G. . Information needs analysis: principles and practice in information organizations, by Daniel G Dorner, GE Gorman and Philip J Calvert.. Taylor & Francis. 2016

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.