Checking date: 01/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Records Management
Bachelor in Library and Information (Blended learning) (Plan: 250 - Estudio: 210)

Coordinating teacher: CRUZ MUNDET, JOSE RAMON

Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Archival science
PROFESIONALS COMPETENCES 1. To identify and to analyze the processes of production, revenue, selection, valuation and elimination of documents 2. To understand the different intellectual and physical activities of the documentary organization 3. To introduce the pupil in the phases and technical operations that they understand from the creation of the documents up to his controlled elimination or his definitive conservation across the life cycle of the documents. 4.To understand the organization, division and structure of the administrative organizations, public and deprived as producing entities of documents 5. To understand the organization, division and To identify and to analyze the principal typologies and documentary series generated by the administration, specially the process. 6. To identify and to analyze the measures of preventive character that guarantee an effective politics of conservation and management of archival records.
Description of contents: programme
INTRODUCTION. Presentation of the subject and of his educational guide. Aims, methodology and educational organization. Bibliography and sources of information for this subject 1. Records Management: Definition and models 2. Foundations of a GD 3. The functional analysis and the management for processes: base of a SGDA 4. The subsystem of incorporation and professional follow-up of documents 5. The subsystem of documentary classificatio 6. The subsystem of valuation 7. The subsystem of description and indexation 8. The subsystem of control of access
Learning activities and methodology
Acquisition of knowledge and skills (3 credits) through lectures, analysis of teaching materials prepared by the teacher, development of practical cases useful for actual files, online tutorials, independent study and supervised, forecast charts and graphs ( POWERS: 2, 3, 4). Acquisition of skills and abilities (3 credits) by reading specialized texts, the development of practical schemes for each teaching unit, participation in exercises and practical cases in each teaching unit, group readings and development of group work, round tables invited experts, and development and public advocacy presentations (COMPETENCIES: 1, 5, 6, 7). TUTORIAL ACTION 1) Collective (space face): to raise general issues related to teaching the subject both theoretical and practical aspects. These sessions are called booster sessions and will serve to clarify concepts or content or elaborate on certain issues. The place provided for the development of these tutorials is assigned classroom theory to the subject, although it is possible that some of these tutorials are conducted in the classroom computer to reinforce the more practical aspects of the subject 2) Personal interviews scheduled (space-to-face virtual space ") for planning and monitoring work progress, etc.. This type of guardianship may be requested at the request of a group of students or the professor if you understand that it is necessary to guide or redirect the activity of a particular group of students. 3) special tutoring (space-to-face virtual space "): an individual basis and will be at the request of the student or teacher in individual cases where necessary. In the case of being required by a student, it must formally request either verbally or through some other means of interpersonal communication (telephone, email, etc.)..
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • . Archives and Records Management . web links and Professional Organizations.
  • . Archives and Records Management resources. Society of American Archivist.
  • . Archives and Records Management resources. Society of American Archivist.
  • Conde Villaverde, M. L.. Manual de tratamiento de archivos administrativos. Madrid. dirección de archivos estatales, 1992.
  • Conde Villaverde, M. L.. Manual de tratamiento de archivos administrativos. Madrid. dirección de archivos estatales, 1992.
  • Conde Villaverde, M. L.. Manual de tratamiento de archivos administrativos. Madrid. dirección de archivos estatales, 1992.
  • Conde Villaverde, M.L.. Dcoumentos de archivo en la Administración electrónica: necesidad de un modelo de gestión integrada. FESABID, 2005.
  • Conde Villaverde, M.L.. Dcoumentos de archivo en la Administración electrónica: necesidad de un modelo de gestión integrada. FESABID, 2005.
  • Duplá del Moral, A.. Manual de archivos de oficina para gestores.. Madrid: Marcial Pons, Ediciones jurídicas y sociales, 1997.
  • Duplá del Moral, A.. Manual de archivos de oficina para gestores.. Madrid: Marcial Pons, Ediciones jurídicas y sociales, 1997.
  • Fernández Gil, P. Manual de organización de archivos de gestión en las oficinas municipales.. Manual de organización de archivos de gestión en las oficinas municipales..
  • Hernández Olivera y M. Moro Cabero.. Procedimientos de Valoración Documental. Acal Ediciones, 2002.
  • Hernández Olivera y M. Moro Cabero.. Procedimientos de Valoración Documental. Acal Ediciones, 2002.
  • LLansó y Sanjuan, J.. Gestión de documentos.. Bergara. Irargi, 1993.
  • LLansó y Sanjuan, J.. Gestión de documentos.. Bergara. Irargi, 1993.
  • Latorre Merino y M. Martín-Palomino. Madrid, Mº de Educación, Cultura y D. Metodología para la identificación y valoración de fondos documentales.. Madrid, Mº de Educación, Cultura y D.
  • Latorre Merino y M. Martín-Palomino. Madrid, Mº de Educación, Cultura y D. Metodología para la identificación y valoración de fondos documentales.. Madrid, Mº de Educación, Cultura y D.
  • Martín-Pozuelo Campillos, M.P. La construcción teórica en Archivística. el principio de procedencia.. Madrid: BOE y Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 1996.
  • Martín-Pozuelo Campillos, M.P. La construcción teórica en Archivística. el principio de procedencia.. Madrid: BOE y Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 1996.
  • Molina Nortes y V. Leyva. . Técnicas de archivo y tratamiento de la documentación admnistrativa. ANABAD, Castilla La Mancha, 1996.
  • Molina Nortes y V. Leyva. . Técnicas de archivo y tratamiento de la documentación admnistrativa. ANABAD, Castilla La Mancha, 1996.
  • Nuñez Fernandez, E.. Organización y getión de archivos. Ed. TREA, . 1999
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