Checking date: 02/06/2021

Course: 2024/2025

Indexing and Abstracting
Bachelor in Library and Information (Blended learning) (Plan: 250 - Estudio: 210)


Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


1) Understand problems and techniques related to the analysis and representation of the content, including the main theories and methods of indexing and abstracting. 2) Recognize the role of indexing and abstracting in the access and retrieval of information. 3) Synthesise and represent the content of documents using both natural and controlled vocabularies. 4) Prepare informative abstracts and technical communications. 5) Develop skills in indexing and abstracting. 6) Select, understand and manage indexing languages: thesauri and classification systems. 7) Evaluate current applications and services for indexing and abstracting. 8) Accurate indexing of digital contents. 9) Apply semantic vocabularies and knowledge organisation systems in information units.
Description of contents: programme
Contents Lesson 1. Content analysis. 1.1. The organisation of information. 1.2. Data, information and knowledge. 1.3. Tools for organising information. 1.4. Description of documents. Lesson 2. Abstracting. 2.1. Abstracting theory. 2.2. Analytical strategies. 2.3. Writing abstracts. 2.4. Main aspects of abstracting. 2.5. Types of abstracts. 2.6. Features of abstracts. 2.7. Functions and uses of abstracts. Lesson 3. Indexing. 3.1. Types of languages in indexing. 3.2. Features of indexing languages. 3.3. Practices in indexing. Lesson 4. Indexing languages. 4.1. Thesaurus definition. 4.2. Parts of a thesaurus. 4.3. Thesaural structures. 4.4. Creation and presentation of thesauri. 4.5. Applications of thesauri. Lesson 5. Semantic representation of information. 5.1. Development of a thesaurus. 5.2. Stages in the development of a thesaurus. 5.3. Managing and updating thesauri. 5.4. Semantic relationships in controlled vocabularies. 5.5. Automatic services. Lesson 6. Knowledge organisation. Metadata. 6.1. Knowledge organisation. 6.2. Knowledge organisation systems. 6.3. Types of knowledge organisation systems. 6.4. Use of knowledge organisation systems. 6.5. Comparison of classification systems. 6.6. Metadata. 6.7. Use of metadata. 6.8. Metadata and interoperability. Lesson 7. Semantic Web. Linked data. 7.1. Markup languages (HTML and XML). 7.2. The semantic Web. 7.3. Semantic Web solutions. 7.4. Web Semantic technologies. 7.5. Linked data.
Learning activities and methodology
1. Oral presentations: based on the critical study of the teaching materials of the different lessons, including additional readings. The schedule is indicative and has been formulated to distribute the load of the lessons homogeneously. One of the objectives of the course is the teamwork, so that interactions, communications and collaborations with other students and with the teacher are essential. There are several tools to support the collaboration (fora, messages, etc.). 2. Assignments: the practical exercises will be resolved with the advice of the teacher and will be delivered through the channels and dates spelled out in Aula Global. 3. Tutorships: useful for students to solve or clarify doubts related to the lessons, the assignments or the readings related to the subject. 4. Teaching material: all the materials needed to accomplish the whole requirements of the subject are available at Aula Global.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • AMAR M. Les fondements théoriques de l'indexation: une approche linguistique. Paris: ADBS Editions. 2000
  • CHAUMIER J. Análisis y lenguajes documentales. Barcelona: Mitre. 1996
  • LANCASTER FW. Indización y resúmenes: teoría y práctica. Buenos Aires: EB Publicaciones. 1996
  • MANIEZ J. Los lenguajes documentales y de clasificación: concepción, construcción y utilización en los sistemas documentales. Madrid: Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez. 1993
  • van SLYPE G. Los lenguajes de indización: concepción, construcción y utilización en los sistemas documentales. Madrid: Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez. 1991
Additional Bibliography
  • Fox, V. Análisis documental de contenido : principios y prácticas . Buenos Aires: Alfagrama. 2005
  • Gil Leiva, I. Manual de indización: teoría y práctica . Gijón: Trea. 2008
  • Peña Huertas, MJ. El resumen documental: ejercicios prácticos. Madrid: Estudios de técnicas documentales. 2011
  • Pinto, M. Aprendiendo a resumir: prontuario y resolución de casos. Gijón: Trea. 2005

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.