Checking date: 23/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Advanced Cataloging
Bachelor in Library and Information (Blended learning) (Plan: 250 - Estudio: 210)

Coordinating teacher: GARCIA LOPEZ, FATIMA

Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Automated Cataloguing; Advanced cataloguing
1. Identify and describe the special materials in libraries, in any medium, to facilitate their organization, storage and retrieval in the automated catalog. 2. Knowing the special documents for your support and / or its contents: film, videos, sound recordings, printed music, cartographic material, electronic resources. 3. Analyze and present information of special documents and systems using metadata standards (ISBD, FRBR, Cataloging Rules, Format MARC, Dublin Core). 4. Organize the bibliographic description and access points of special documents. 5. Organize and store the bibliographic records of special documents using an integrated library management. 6. Create authority records for special documents from the cataloging module. 7. Create a Bibliographic Database of special documents.
Description of contents: programme
In the current library collections, audiovisual documents, cartographic, audio and electronic resources grow in number and importance. The aim of this course is to teach the theory and practice of cataloguing special documents to enable retrieval in bibliographic catalogs. Its contents are: Theme 1. Introduction to the special materials: type of information, type of media. The documentation process. Theme 2. Standards applied to special materials (ISBD Cataloguing Rules, MARC Format for Bibliographic Data, Dublin Core). Theme 3. Automated cataloging of audiovisual resources. Bibliographic description and the choise and the form of catalog access points in MARC format. Theme 4. Automated cataloging of cartographic material. Bibliographic description and choice and form of access points in MARC format. The access point by the geographic area represented in the document Theme 5. Automated cataloging of sound resources. Bibliographic description and choice and form of access points in MARC format. The uniform title for classical music works. Theme 6. Automated cataloging of electronic resources. Bibliographic description and choice and form of access points MARC Format. Practical aspects: creation of a database of bibliographic records of special documents.
Learning activities and methodology
Acquisition of knowledge (3 credits) through lectures, teaching materials prepared by the teacher, online tutorials, specialized readings and discussions, as well as students' personal study. It relates to the powers 1, 2 and 3. Acquisition of skills and abilities (3 credits) through individual exercise resolution proposed by the teacher, group work, group tutorials and creation of a database cataloging where they can develop the skills 4, 5, 6 and 7 .
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • FORMATO IBERMARC para registros de autoridad.. Madrid : Biblioteca Nacional , 1999.. Disponible también en:
  • FORMATO MARC 21 bibliográfico . Ed.completa, act.a octubre de 2016. Madrid : Biblioteca Nacional. 2012.
  • ISBD : Descripción Bibliográfica Internacional Normalizada . Ed. consolidada rev. y act. por Elena Escolano Rodríguez. [The Hague] : IFLA. 2013. Disponible en:
  • MARC21 Format for authority data [en línea]. 1999 ed. update nº 16 (April 2013). Washington : Library of Congress. 2013.
  • REGLAS de catalogación. Ed. nuevamente rev.. Madrid: Ministerio de Educación y Cultura, Centro de Publicaciones : Boletín Oficial del Estado, 1999. Disponible también en: h .
Additional Bibliography
  • CARTOGRAPHIC materials : a manual for AACR2. / prepared by The Angloameric Cataloguing Committee for Cartographic Materials ; Elizabeth U.Mangan, ed.. Chicago [etc.] : American Library Association [etc.] . 2003
  • CATALOGACIÓN de los materiales especiales en las bibliotecas. Coordinado y dirigido por Carmen Díez Carrera. Gijón : Trea . 2005
  • CATALOGAGE : méthode et pratiques. II, Multimédias par Marie-Renée Cazabon... [et al.]; sous la direction de Isabelle Dussert-Carbone.. Paris : Editions du Cercle de la Librairie. , 2003.
  • DOCUMENTACIÓN cartográfica : tratamiento, gestión y uso. Editores, Jesús Jiménez Pelayo, Jesús Monteagudo López-Menchero.. [Huelva] : Universidad de Huelva. 2001
  • ESTIVILL RIUS, ASSUPCIÓ.. Catalogación de recursos electrónicos.. Gijón : Trea, 2006.
  • FRITZ, Deborah A.. Cataloging with AACR2 and MARC 21 : For Books, Electronic Resources, Sound Recordings, Videorecordings and Serials. 2nd ed.. Chicago : American Library Association, 2004.
  • HSIEH-YEE, Ingrid.. Cómo organizar recursos electrónicos y audiovisuales para su acceso : guía para la catalogación.. Buenos Aires : Gebyd, 2002.
  • LÍTER MAYAYO, Carmen ; GARCÍA CALATAYUD, Carmen.. Materiales cartográficos : manual de catalogación. Madrid : Arco-Libros , [1999].
  • OLSON, Nancy B.. Cataloging of audiovisual materials and other special materials : a manual based on AACR2 and MARC 21. Wesport : Libraries Unlimited, 2008.
  • SMIRAGLIA, Richard P. Describing music materials : a manual for descriptive cataloging of printed and recorded music, music videos and archival music collections. Lake Crystal (Minnesota) : Soldier Creek Press , [1997].
  • WEBER, Mary Beth. Describing electronic, digital, and other media using AACR2 and RDA : A how-to-do-it manual and CD-ROM for librarians . London : Facet. cop.2011

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.