Checking date: 02/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Internet Technologies
Bachelor in Library and Information (Blended learning) (Plan: 250 - Estudio: 210)

Coordinating teacher: MORALES GARCIA, ANA MARIA

Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
The general purpose of the course is to provide students a general set of knowledge, skills and abilities in relation to the underlying technology and fundamental applications or services available on the Internet for communication, the search and dissemination of information, which will serve to address the acquisition of knowledge and skills in other tools and services that rely on this basic technology. Specifically, it aims to: 1. Understand and learn the definition of commonly used terms in the Internet context. 2. Understand the basis of Internet technology (protocols, addressing...) and the major services and search tools (engines, directories, etc.) available on the internet. 3. Know the principles of the Web-based technology (protocols, URI, hypertext...). 4. Know and manage at the basic level the markup (HTML) and stylesheet (CSS) languages used in the Web, emphasizing the importance of respect for standards and accessibility. 5. Use the most common Internet client applications correctly: telnet, FTP, mail, news, IRC, web. 6. Use different value-added services that use the Web as a platform. 7. Install and configure client software for Internet applications on a personal computer or a mobile device. 8. Use all functions of the Internet search tools, as search and meta search engines, directories, etc.
Description of contents: programme
LEARNING UNIT 1: Introduction to Internet and classic Internet applications. - Lesson T1: Nature and evolution of the Internet. Communication protocols and device identification. - Lesson T2: Remote terminal and file transfer. - Lesson T3: Electronic mail and mailing lists. Network news and other communication tools with their own protocols. LEARNING UNIT 2: Integration of Internet services. The World Wide Web. - Lesson T4: Origin and nature of the WWW. The WWW as a platform for other applications. - Lesson T5: Types of Internet search tools. Directories of information resources. - Lesson T6: Internet search engines and metasearch tools. LEARNING UNIT 3: Web publishing. HTML. - Lesson T7: HTML (1): Introduction to text markup languages: HTML and its relation to SGML and XML. Semantics and display: HTML and CSS. HTML 4 and XHTML 1. HTML 5. - Lesson T8: HTML (2): General document structure and major block and inline elements. Hypertext links. Inserting images and other digital objects. - Lesson T9: HTML (3): Other block elements: Lists and tables. New structures in HTML 5. Web publishing. LEARNING UNIT 4: Web publishing. CSS. - Lesson T10: CSS (1): Introduction to style sheet languages. CSS. Integration in HTML. Some style properties. - Lesson T11: CSS (2) Selectors. - Lesson T12: CSS (3): Other style properties. Inserting and modifying HTML and CSS with JavaScript (introduction).
Learning activities and methodology
- Acquisition of theoretical knowledge (total 3 ECTS) through lectures, learning materials prepared by the professor, online tutorials, specialized readings and discussions (1.2 ECTS), as well as students' personal study (1.8 ECTS). It relates to the competencies 1 to 4. - Acquisition of practical skills and abilities (total 3 ECTS) through various practical assumptions made with computer and Internet connection-oriented and customer installation and use of major Internet applications, the use of its search tools and familiarization with HTML and CSS standards and their validation. They are especially related with competencies 4 to 8. - Tutorship: The schedule of tutorship sessions could be looked up in the Aula Global space for the course. In addition to the tutorship at the times and places officially set for the course, students can apply for other outside these hours and to be held by digital media.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • BERNERS-LEE, Tim.. Tejiendo la Red: El inventor del World Wide Web nos descubre su origen.. Madrid: Siglo XXI de España, 2000..
  • CARBALLAR, José A.. Internet: libro del navegante.. Madrid: Ra-Ma, 2005..
  • CARR, Nicholas G.. El gran interruptor: el mundo en red, de Eddison a Google.. Barcelona: Deusto S. A. de Ediciones, 2009..
  • CARRETERO, Jesús et. al.. Descubre Internet.. Madrid [etc.]: Prentice Hall, 2004..
  • CASTRO, Elizabeth.. HTML con XHTML y CSS: todo el código para crear sitios web efectivos y originales.. Madrid: Anaya Multimedia, 2003..
  • CHARTE OJEDA, Francisco.. La biblia de HTML.. Madrid: Anaya Multimedia, 2004..
  • DÍAZ MARTÍN, José Manuel.. Creación de sitios web.. Madrid: Pearson Educación, 2006..
  • FROIDEVAUX MÜLLER, Jeanne.. A Librarian¿s Guide to the Internet: Searching and Evaluating Information.. Oxford [etc.]: Chandos, 2003..
  • GRALLA, Preston.. Cómo funciona Internet.. Madrid: Anaya Multimedia, 2007..
  • HERNÁNDEZ, Antonio. ¿Las infraestructuras de la sociedad de la información: las redes de telecomunicación¿. En: CARIDAD, Mercedes (coord.) La Sociedad de la Información:. Madrid: Ed. Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces S.A, 1999.
  • HERNÁNDEZ, Antonio.. ¿La búsqueda y recuperación de información en Internet¿. En: CARIDAD, Mercedes (coord.) La Sociedad de la Información: Política, Tecnología e Industri. Madrid: Ed. Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces S.A, 1999..
  • HERRING, James E. The Internet and Information Skills: a guide for teachers and school librarians. London: Facet Publishing, 2004.
  • Hope N. Tillman (ed.).. INTERNET tools of the profession: a guide for information professionals.. Washington: Special Libraries Association, 1997..
  • LANCKER, Luc van.. XHTML 1 y CSS 1 y 2: los nuevos estándares de la Web 2.0.. Barcelona: Ediciones ENI, 2007..
  • NAFRAI, Ismael.. Web 2.0: el usuario, el nuevo rey de Internet.. Barcelona: Ediciones Gestión 2000, 2008..
  • NICOLAS RIVAS, Carlos.. Internet.. Madrid: Anaya Multimedia, 2008..
  • NOGALES, J. Tomás.. ¿La revolución de la World Wide Web¿. En: CARIDAD, Mercedes (coord.) La Sociedad de la Información: Política, Tecnología e Industria de los contenidos. Madrid: Ed. Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces S.A, 1999..
  • NOGALES, J. Tomás.. ¿Los usos básicos de Internet: Servicios y aplicaciones¿. En: CARIDAD, Mercedes (coord.) La Sociedad de la Información: Política, Tecnología e Industr. Madrid: Ed. Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces S.A, 1999..
  • POULTER, Alan.. The Library and Information Professional's Guide to the Internet.. London : Library Association Publishing , 2000..
  • SAUERS, Michael P.. Using Internet as a Reference Tool: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians.. London: Library Association Publishing, 2001..

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.