Checking date: 01/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Bachelor in Library and Information (Blended learning) (Plan: 250 - Estudio: 210)

Coordinating teacher: CRUZ MUNDET, JOSE RAMON

Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


1. Knowledge of archives and records. 2. Knowledge of the authorities and the archival environment. 3. Understanding the value of archives in the information society . 4. Acquisition of a methodology for organizing archives. 5. Learning ability based on the analytical processes.
Description of contents: programme
This course aims to: 1. Bringing students to the field of archives and records, public and private. 2. Provide them with a contextual framework that will raise awareness about the importance of archives and records in society. 3. Provide them with a conceptual framework that provides the theoretical. 4. Provide them with technical and analytical competencies object-oriented of the subject. CONTENT Item 1. History of Archives. 1.1. Antiquity. 1.2 The Middle Ages 1.3 The Old regime 1.4. The period of archival development. Item 2. Fundamental concepts. 2.1. The concept of Archives. 2.2 The auxiliary sciences of the Archives. 2.3. The concept, functions and stages of the archive. 2.4. The concept, characters and values ¿¿of the record. Item 3. Archival systems. 3.1. Spanish archival system: state and regional level. 3.2 The European archival systems: France, Italy, Britain and Germany. 3.3 The U.S. archive system. 3.4. Other systems. Item 4. The archive in its early stages. 4.1. The office archive. 4.2 The administrative documents: the record. 4.3. The organization of the office archive. Item 5. The records center 5.1 Origins and functions. 5.2 Construction and equipment. 5.3 Services. Item 6. The historical records and cultural role of archives. 6.1 Users. 6.2 The marketing of the archive. 6.3 The services. Item 7. Recods accession. 7.1. Usual accessions: the transfer of records. 7.2 Planning of the transfers. 7.3 The terms of delivery. 7.4. Extraordinary accessions. Item 8. The arrangement of the archive. 8.1. Classification. 8.2 Ordening. 8.3. Installation. 8.4 Description. Item 9. The appraisal of records 9.1 Principles. 9.2 The assessment. 9.3 The selection. 9.4 The disposal Item 10. The building and facilities. 10.1 General design of the building. 10.2 Architectural features. 10.3 The furniture. 10.4 Environmental and Safety Measures.
Learning activities and methodology
It's a combination of teacher presentations and practical activities equally. Oral presentations. Each lesson will have a theoretical discussion illustrated that serves students guidance and encouragement in the deepening of knowledge. Practical activities. All contents of the course will have their corresponding activities, consisting of lectures and practical scenarios that serve to establish and deepen the contents of the subject. Compulsory reading books (see basic bibliography): La aventura de la información, and ¿Qué es un archivero?, and critical review of the same. Reading and review will be provided indspensable to take the exam. All these training activities are aimed at acquiring the skills of the subject.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Cruz Mundet, José Ramón. Archivística: gestión de documentos y administración de archivos. Alianza. 2012

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.