Checking date: 08/05/2023

Course: 2024/2025

History of the Institutions
Bachelor in Library and Information (Blended learning) (Plan: 250 - Estudio: 210)

Coordinating teacher: NAVARRO BONILLA, DIEGO

Department assigned to the subject: Library and Information Sciences Department

Type: Basic Core
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Branch of knowledge: Social Sciences and Law

Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
History Paleography
1. Define and relate concepts, sources, methods and working lines linking Administration, Documentation and History. 2. Describe the major historical spanish institutions as generators of documentation: since Middle Ages to Contemporary Age 3. Define the functions of a historical institution and its reflection in the created documentation. 4. Identify the origin, course and document flow of records in the historical and administrative processes. 5. Plan and develop a project to analyze, study and evaluate historical institutions and documentation, using the appropriate method and techniques. 6. Use sources, resources and services to to find out such documentation. 7. Analyze the administrative organization of a specific historical institution, the result of its evolution and functions. 8. Determine a flow diagram with the documents generated insight an institution. 9. Assess the situation archival fonds current generated by a specific historical institution (contingency, destination, conservation, management, dissemination). 10. Finally, it will be required to understand the necessary context of production, use and conservation for archival proposes of the typologies of records generated by historical institutions.
Description of contents: programme
Focus on Historical institutions, documentation, records and archives, notably in relation to Spain in modern and contemporary age through the study of: 1. General Assumptions and concepts (administration, administrative and historical documentation, institutional history ...), historical research methodology, sources and use scientific and institutional administrative procedure 2. The Middle Ages: Institutions 2.1 Introduction: The Middle Ages: Society, Economy, Politics 2.2 Essential Concepts 2.3 The King 2.4 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2.5 The origin of the Courts. Medieval Courts 2.6 The territorial administration in the Christian kingdoms. 2.7 The local authority in the Christian kingdoms. 2.8 The administration of justice in the Christian Kingdoms 3. The Modern Age: The institutions 3.1 Introduction: Society, Economy, Politics 3.2 The absolute monarchy 3.3 Limit of royal power. 3.4 The courts of the various kingdoms. 3.5 The central administration of state and Writing office (Régimen Polisinodial) 3.6 The territorial administration. 3.7 The local administration. 3.8 The finances and the military. 3.9 The judicial organization 3.10 The Borbon Monarchy Reforms: Centrality and administration 4. The administration and the Liberal State (XIXth century) 4.1Introducción: society, politics, ideology and periodization 4.2 The central government: the ministries and the cabinet. 4.3 The territorial administration: Structuring of the territory, territorial administration bodies. 4.4 The local administration 4.5 The treasury and the army 4.6 The Administration of Justice 5. The Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939) 5.1 Proclamation of the republic. 5.2 The constitution of 1932. 5.3 The central administration of the state. 5.4 The territorial administration: organization of the territory. 5.5 The local administration. 6.1 The Franco dictatorship (1936-1975) 6.1 The national uprising of 18th July: Spanish Civil War 6.2 The fundamental laws of the kingdom, an open constitution. 6.3 The central administration of the state. 6.4 The territorial administration. 6.5 The local administration. 7. The parliamentary monarchy today's Spain 1975-2000. 7.1 The constitution of 1978: The Congress and Senate. 7.2 The head of state: The crown. 7.3 The central administration of the state. 7.4 The territorial administration. 7.5 The local administration.
Learning activities and methodology
Acquisition of knowledge and skills through theoretical sessions, educational materials prepared by the teacher (handouts with diagrams, bibliography, texts and documents, PowerPoint presentations for each teaching unit), reading specialist recommended and through the study and individual work of students, and online tutorials. A technical visit to Historical Archives will also be planned. Acquisition of skills and abilities through text comments and compulsory duties as a team, continued throughout the course, supervised and exposed.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Bermejo Cabrero, José Luis. Poder político y administración de justicia en la España de los Austrias. Madrid, Ministerio de Justicia, 2005.
  • Brendecke, Arndt. Imperio e Información: funciones del saber en el dominio colonial español. Iberoamericana-Vervuert. 2012
  • Escudero, José Antonio, . Curso de historia del derecho: fuentes e instituciones político-administrativas, . Autor-Editor. 1995
  • García de Valdeavellano, L., . Curso de historia de las instituciones españolas: de los orígenes al final de la Edad Media, . Madrid, Alianza, 1986.. 1986.
  • Tomás y Valiente, Francisco. Gobierno e instituciones en la España del Antiguo Régimen, . Madrid, Alianza, . 1982.

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.

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