Checking date: 23/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Registration and support of cultural heritage
Master in Hispanic Cultural Heritage (Plan: 357 - Estudio: 254)

Coordinating teacher: VILLALBA PEREZ, ENRIQUE

Department assigned to the subject: Humanities: History, Geography and Art Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


. Perceive and value the function of the supports for the creation of an exempt memory and its importance for the formation and maintenance of a culture. 2. Observe how the characteristics of the support condition the free memory that can be built and the evolution that has taken place so far. 3. Detect the continuity of the evolution of free memory from the first stone, metal or clay supports to the digital ones and analyze the critical transformation processes in each change. 4. To achieve a capacity to analyze the current critical situation, and also to prospect for new emergencies that the digital world facilitates. 5. Have a theoretical and conceptual foundation, sufficient to understand the profound cultural transformations that are taking place and the role that the technological environment plays in these changes.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The subject focuses on the study of written culture and visual culture, its evolution and the transformations of its media, technology and as memory records. It will be divided into two parts: Part One: Written Culture 1. Presentation and introduction. Word, technology and memory. 2. The written culture in Antiquity. Records and supports 3. Medieval written culture: - From the papyrus roll to the parchment codex. - The Era of the Manuscript Codex 4. From manuscript to print - Technology and business model - The Library Artifact - Book and censorship in the modern world - Uses and practices of written culture: reading and writing 5. Transformations in the contemporary world - The contemporary edition - Reading habits 6. Written culture in the digital world Part Two: Visual Culture 1. Presentation 2. The birth of visual culture 3. Theoretical foundations 4. Visual culture and cultural legacy 5. Cultural practices and representative effects of the gaze
Learning activities and methodology
1. Exposure by the teacher through materials and resources of the theoretical and conceptual approach of the topics contained in this subject. 2. Collective discussion of implicit issues in this expositions. 3. Analysis of cases that illustrate what is theoretically exposed. 4. Maintenance of a virtual space where collaborative work will be carried out throughout the course.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 50
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 50

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Basic Bibliography
  • ARNHEIM, R., . Arte y percepción visual: psicología del ojo creador,. Alianza Forma,. 2002
  • BERGER, John,. Ways of seeing. Penguin,. 1972.
  • BERGER, John,. Ways of seeing,. Penguin,. 1972.
  • BLOM, Philippe,. Encyclopédie. El triunfo de la razón en tiempos irracionales.. Anagrama,. 2007.
  • BLOM, Philippe,. Encyclopédie. El triunfo de la razón en tiempos irracionales,. Anagrama,. 2007.
  • BOWMAN, Alan y WOOLF, Greg, comps., . Cultura escrita y poder en el Mundo Antiguo,. Gedisa,. 2000.
  • BREA, José Luis (ed.),. Estudios visuales. La epistemología de la visualidad en la era de la globalización,. Akal,. 2005.
  • BRIGGS, Asa & BURKE, Peter,. De Gutenberg a internet. Una historia social de los medios de comunicación,. Taurus,. 2002.
  • BRYSON, Norman, HOLLY, Michael, & MOXEY, Keith (eds),. Visual Culture. Images and interpretation,. Wesleyan University Press,. 1994.
  • Brea, José Luis (ed.),. Estudios visuales. La epistemología de la visualidad en la era de la globalización,. Akal,. 2005.
  • CASTILLO, Antonio, coord.,. Historia de la cultura escrita. Del Próximo Oriente Antiguo a la sociedad informatizada,. Trea, . 2002.
  • CAVALLO, Guglielmo & CHARTIER, Roger, dirs., . Historia de la lectura en el mundo occidental, . Taurus, . 1998.
  • CHARTIER, Roger,. Inscribir y borrar. Cultura escrita y literatura (siglos XI- XVIII),. Katz, . 2006.
  • CLAYTON, Ewan,. La Historia de la Escritura,. Siruela,. 2015.
  • EVANS, Jessica. & HALL, Stuart (eds.),. Visual Culture: the reader,. Sage,. 1999.
  • FOSTER, Hal. Preface. En H. Foster (ed.),. Vision and visuality. (p. ix-xiv),. The New Press,. 1988.
  • GREENBLATT, Stephen, . El giro. De cómo un manuscrito olvidado contribuyó a crear el mundo moderno, . Crítica,. 2012.
  • GUBERN, R.,. Del bisonte a la realidad virtual: la escena y el laberinto,. Anagrama,. 2007.
  • JENKS, Chris,. Visual Culture,. Routledge,. 1995.
  • LUCÍA MEGÍAS, José Manuel, . Elogio del texto digital. Claves para interpretar el nuevo paradigma, . Fórcola, . 2012.
  • LYONS, Martyn, . Historia de la lectura y de la escritura en el mundo occidental, . Editoras de Calderón,. 2012.
  • LYONS, Martyn, . Historia de la lectura y de la escritura en el mundo occidental, . Editoras del Calderón,. 2012.
  • MIRZOEFF, Nicholas (ed.),. The Visual Culture Reader,. Routledge,. 2013.
  • MIRZOEFF, Nicholas,. Una introducción a la cultura visual,. Paidós,. 2003.
  • MITCHELL, W.J.T. ,. ¿Qué es la cultura visual? Jornadas Más allá de la educación artística. Cultura visual, política de reconocimiento y educación,. Fundación La Caixa,. 2000.
  • RODRÍGUEZ DE LAS HERAS, Antonio,. Metáforas de la sociedad digital,. SM, . 2015.
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
Additional Bibliography
  • BAUDRILLARD, Jean,. Cultura y simulacro,. Kairós,. 1978.
  • BONFANTES, L. et alii, . Leyendo el pasado. Antiguas escrituras del cuneiforme al alfabeto, . Akal,. 2003.
  • BRYSON, Norman, . Visión y pintura. La lógica de la mirada, . Alianza,. 1991.
  • BURGIN, Victor,. Different spaces: place and memory in Visual Culture,. University of California Press,. 1996.
  • CARDONA, Giorgio Raimondo, . Antropología de la escritura,. Gedisa, . 1994.
  • DARNTON, Robert,. Las razones del libro. Futuro, presente y pasado, . Trama editorial, . 2010.
  • DELEUZE, Gilles. & GUATTARI, Felix,. Rizoma,. Pretextos,. 2000.
  • DIDI-HUBERMAN, Georges,. Ante la imagen. Pregunta formulada a los fines de una historia del arte,. Cendeac,. 2010.
  • HALL, Stuart y DU GAY, Paul, . Cuestiones de identidad cultural,. Amorrortu,. 2003.
  • HAVELOCK, Eric A.,. La musa aprende a escribir: reflexiones sobre oralidad y escritura desde la Antigüedad al presente, . Paidós,. 1996.
  • INFANTES, Víctor; LOPEZ, François; BOTREL, Jean-François (dirs.),. Historia de la edición y de la lectura en España, 1472-1914,. Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez,. 2003.
  • LLEDÓ, Emilio, . El silencio de la escritura,. CEC, . 1991.
  • MANGUEL, Alberto,. Una historia de la lectura,. Alianza,. 1998.
  • MARTIN, Henri-Jean, . Historia y poderes de lo escrito,. Trea, . 1999.
  • MORISON, Stanley, . Principios fundamentales de la tipografía,. Ediciones del Bronce,. 1998.
  • OLSON, David R., . El mundo sobre el papel. El impacto de la escritura y la lectura en la estructura del conocimiento,. Gedisa, . 1998.
  • ONG, Walter J.,. Oralidad y escritura: Tecnologías de la palabra,. Fondo de Cultura Económica,. 1987.
  • PETRUCCI, Armando,. Libros, escrituras y bibliotecas,. Universidad de Salamanca, . 2011.
  • PONS, Anaclet,. El desorden digital,. Siglo XXI, . 2013.
  • RODRÍGUEZ DE LAS HERAS, Antonio,. La red es un bosque, . ALT autores, . 2017.
  • VIÑAO, Antonio,. Leer y escribir. Historia de dos prácticas culturales,. México,. 1999.
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
(*) Access to some electronic resources may be restricted to members of the university community and require validation through Campus Global. If you try to connect from outside of the University you will need to set up a VPN

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.