Checking date: 24/05/2023

Course: 2024/2025

Industrial Organization
Bachelor in Electrical Power Engineering (Plan: 443 - Estudio: 222)

Coordinating teacher: ISASI SANCHEZ, LUIS

Department assigned to the subject: Mechanical Engineering Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Introduction to Engineering Management
The main objective for this course is to learn and apply the essentials of industrial firms organization. Allow the student to develop the basic competences required to manage the production planning and control and logistic activities in industrial companies. By the end of this content area, students will be able to have: 1. knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts about production planning and control and logistics. 2. awareness of the wider multidisciplinary context of engineering applying knowledge of mathematics, statistics, economics and other scientific fields to the analysis of business situations. 3. the ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve problems of industrial organization using established methods; 4. the ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to analyse engineering products, processes and methods; 5. the ability to apply their knowledge to develop and realise design and operation of productive and logistic systems; 6. the ability to select and use appropriate tools and methods in industrial organization; 7. an awareness of the non-technical implications of engineering practice; 8. demonstrate an awareness of project management and business practices, such as risk and change management, and understand their limitations;
Skills and learning outcomes
CB1. Students have demonstrated possession and understanding of knowledge in an area of study that builds on the foundation of general secondary education, and is usually at a level that, while relying on advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that involve knowledge from the cutting edge of their field of study. CB2. Students are able to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional manner and possess the competences usually demonstrated through the development and defence of arguments and problem solving within their field of study. COCIN1. Ability to draft, sign and develop projects in the area of industrial engineering for construction, renovation, repair, preservation, demolition, manufacture, installation, assembly or operation of: structures, mechanical equipment, energy installations, electrical and electronic installations, industrial plants and installations and automation and manufacturing processes. COCIN4. Ability to resolve problems with initiative, decision-making, creativity, and critical reasoning skills and to communicate and transmit knowledge, skills and abilities in the Industrial Engineering field. COCIN5. Knowledge to perform measurements, calculations, assessments, appraisals, surveys, studies, reports, work plans and other similar jobs. COCIN9. Ability to organize and plan within a company as well as in other institutions and organizations. CEP1. Capacity to design a system, component or process in the area of electrical engineering in compliance with required specifications. CER11. Applied knowledge of business organization. CER9. Basic knowledge of production and manufacturing systems. By the end of this content area, students will be able to have: RA1.1. Knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts about production planning and control and logistics. RA1.4. Awareness of the wider multidisciplinary context of engineering applying knowledge of mathematics, statistics, economics and other scientific fields to the analysis of business situations. RA2.1. The ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to identify, formulate and solve problems of industrial organization using established methods. RA2.2. The ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to analyse engineering processes and methods. RA3.1. The ability to apply their knowledge to develop and realise design and operation of productive and logistic systems. RA5.1. The ability to select and use appropriate tools and methods in industrial organization; RA5.4. An awareness of the non-technical implications of engineering practice. RA6.4. Demonstrate an awareness of project management and business practices, such as risk and change management, and understand their limitations.
Description of contents: programme
1. Organization of industrial firms. 1.1. Introduction to operations, production and the Supply Chain. 1.2. Qualitative and quantitative tools and techniques applicable in the organization of industrial firms. 2. Demand forecasting, inventory management and warehousing. 2.1. Demand management. 2.2. Independent demand inventory management models. Lot sizes. 2.3. Warehousing. Lifecycle: reception, warehousing, picking, expedition. Information Systems. 3. Logistics and manufacturing planning and control systems. MRP. 3.1. Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems (MPCS). 3.2. Materials Requirements Planning (MRP). Master Schedule. Needs breakdown and anticipation. 4. Alternative approaches for coordinating production. 4.1. Push, pull, hybrid. 4.2. JIT. 5. (Re-)Design of products and processes. 5.1. Product (Re-)Design. 5.2. Process (Re-)Design. 5.3. Work organization in industrial environments.
Learning activities and methodology
Lectures, exercises, practical sessions, cases and assignments to be carried out by the students and discussed during the sessions, readings assigned by the instructor or identified by the students.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Instructor provided material: Slides, exercises.... URLs and other Internet resources provided by the instructor. Through Aula Global..
  • Jacobs, F.R.; Chase, R.B.; Aquilano, N.J. Operations and Supply Chain Management. McGraw-Hill (ed: 16e). 2019. (ed: 16e). 2019
Additional Bibliography
  • J. Heizer, B. Render. Operations Management. Prentice Hall. 10e. (2011)
  • R.G. Schroeder, S.M. Goldstein, M.J Rungtusanatham. Operations management. Contemporary concepts and cases. Mc Graw-Hill. 5e (2010)

The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.