Checking date: 21/04/2024

Course: 2024/2025

Fundamentals of film and television direction I
Dual Bachelor in Journalism and Film, Television and Media Studies (Plan: 384 - Estudio: 231)


Department assigned to the subject: Communication and Media Studies Department

Type: Compulsory
ECTS Credits: 6.0 ECTS


Requirements (Subjects that are assumed to be known)
Subject with intensive use of audiovisual production laboratories, cameras, sound equipment, video editing, and studio. Basic training in audiovisual expression is recommended: preparation, recording, and video and audio editing, including basic operation of post-production equipment and software. It will be very beneficial to have acquired the competencies from the subject Techniques and Technologies of Audiovisual.
This subject aims for students to immerse themselves deeply in the aspect of writing in their audiovisual literacy, especially - but not exclusively - concerning multi-camera conception. Unlike other courses that may also use cameras, editing, or studio in activities with a similar appearance, the goal of Theory and Techniques of Directing is to understand and manage the concepts and procedures that allow for the construction of Screen Presentation of audiovisual formats comparable to those produced for multicamera television with live techniques. 1. Understand the production processes as necessary for constructing the audiovisual narrative. 2. Comprehend and practice the conception and development of both single-camera and multi-camera audiovisual projects. 3. Develop and deploy skills to present programs on television studio sets or in similar technological complexes. 4. Cross-cutting competencies: teamwork skills.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The subject is planned using the Project-Based Learning strategy. Group sessions are essential for acquiring the knowledge necessary to understand and prepare the projects. Program SYLLABUS Topic I. The director and the studio Topic II. Preproduction and documents for the preparation of formats like daily news or multicamera programs Topic III. Keys to content in multicamera. Elements of on-screen presentation Topic IV. Technology for multicamera Topic V. Multicamera directing techniques in common formats Topic VI. Monitoring and routines Topic VII. Introduction to postproduction and editing concepts The syllabus development will not take place in a linear manner. The order of delivery adapts to the needs of the practical activities. The program will be taught by organizing it into teaching units that consider the progressive training of students to address the planned projects and activities. A conventional content structure is offered with an orientative purpose. TEACHING UNITS - Introduction to editing as assembly. Reconstructing space-time - Introduction to the keys of directing for daily news and magazine formats. - Application of methods and techniques of live television directing. Staging and Screen Presentation of news programs collaboratively. - Audiovisual directing workshop: preparation of documentation and practical directing exercises with real projects. - Introduction to technological aspects of audiovisual operation in studio.
Learning activities and methodology
The methodology primarily followed will be Project-Based Learning (PBL), either individual or collective. - Classroom sessions will serve as preparation and support for PBL (1.5 ECTS). - Practical classes. Preproduction and production of PBL case studies (2 ECTS). - Student work: Supervised study of theoretical-practical contents and teaching materials (0.5 ECTS). Autonomous development of practical work and preproduction of group cases (2 ECTS). Depending on availability, each student will carry out an individual editing project. In larger groups (7-12 students), techniques of studio production or assigned projects will be practiced. As part of larger teams (15-20 students), participation will involve projects on preparing and recording a multicamera program, simulating a real-life scenario. This subject is recognized for its experimental nature and includes an additional seven hours in audiovisual lab workshops. The workshops involve resolving real program projects in a studio setting, conducted with techniques and circumstances simulating those of live TV production. Students also learn all necessary operations to bring them to the screen.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 0
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 100

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • CASTILLO, JOSÉ MARÍA. Televisión y lenguaje audiovisual. IORTV. 2009
  • JURGENSON, ALBERT, BRUNET, SOPHIE. La práctica del montaje. Gedisa.
  • MACKENDRICK, Alexander. "On Film Making. Manual de escritura y realización cinematográfica". Jaguar. 2013
  • MILLERSON, GERALD. Técnicas de realización y producción en televisión. IORTV.
  • OWENS, JIM. Television Sports Production. Focal Press.
  • WARD, PETER. Composición de la imagen en cine y televisión. IORTV.
Additional Bibliography
  • BERMINGHAM, ALAN. Iluminación de localizaciones para televisión. IORTV, Madrid..
  • CHION, MICHEL.. El sonido.. Paidós, Barcelona..
  • MILLERSON, GERALD; OWENS, JIM. Video Production Handbook. Focal Press.
  • REA, PETER, W. E IRVING, DAVID K.. Producción y dirección de cortometrajes y vídeos.. IORTV, Madrid..
  • REISZ, KAREL.. Técnica del montaje cinematográfico.. Taurus, Madrid..
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
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The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.

More information: BENITEZ IGLESIAS