Checking date: 16/07/2023

Course: 2024/2025

Techonological Innovation
Bachelor in Film, Television and Media Studies (Plan: 382 - Estudio: 211)

Coordinating teacher: WALZER MOSKOVIC, ALEJANDRA

Department assigned to the subject: Communication and Media Studies Department

Type: Electives
ECTS Credits: 3.0 ECTS


The central purpose of the course is to be able to approach in a plastic, flexible way and according to the new developments that are constantly occurring, the rapid transformation of the world that the digital is introducing in all areas of life. A central purpose of this course is to generate discussion, fundamentally, about what concerns and affects the forms of social ties, cultural and artistic creation, politics and the managing of common environments, contemporary subjectivity, the work sphere, mediated communication, and the audiovisual industries. The competencies to be fostered are: - Ability to identify the socio-cultural transformations that are taking place. - Competence to name, circumscribe and discuss the nature of these transformations. - Development of the analytical strength that allows glimpsing, explaining, and articulating grounded arguments. - Reasoned knowledge about the transformations related to audiovisual culture in the digital environment.
Skills and learning outcomes
Description of contents: programme
The contents of this program are the following: 1.Digital culture and social change: the virtual, the material, the flow. 2. Digital transformations, areas of impact 3. The subjectivity of the era and the subjectivity of the individuals. 4. Media space and socio-cultural space 5. Social networks and artificial intelligence 6. Where is education going?
Learning activities and methodology
This course will have the dynamics of a seminar-workshop and will dispense as far as possible with master classes since it is based on the project-based learning methodology. The activities to be developed in the classroom will be of diverse nature and in accordance with the objectives and competencies of the course. Among these activities will be considered some such as reading and discussion of texts, the creation of own contents to discuss specific problems that are being addressed, self-observation of the own activity in the digital environment, the development of group projects, the search for examples that illustrate the discussions that are being developed in class. Each course will also have a space in the digital environment in which students will share content and propose discussions. This work system requires a firm commitment on the part of the students who wish to go through the course as a continuous evaluation regime. The core activity of the program will consist of the development of a group project that will be designed from the beginning of the semester and will end on the last day of classes. Students and working groups formed in class will have two types of tutorials: individual and/or group tutorials with the teacher and also collaborative peer tutelage.
Assessment System
  • % end-of-term-examination 60
  • % of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals...) 40

Calendar of Continuous assessment

Extraordinary call: regulations
Basic Bibliography
  • Ardevol, Elisenda. Ardèvol, Elisenda 2003 ¿La cibercultura: un mapa de viaje; aproximaciones teóricas para un análisis cultural de Internet¿, . Aportaciones al Seminario Pensar la Cibercultura, Antropología y Filosofía del Nuevo Mundo (Digital). Fundación Duques de Soria.. 2003
  • Augé, Marc. El antropólogo y el mundo global-. Siglo XXI Editores. 2014
  • Baricco, Alessandro. Los bárbaros. Ensayo sobre la mutación. Anagrama. 2006
  • Baricco, Alessandro. The game. Anagrama. 2019
  • Barthes Roland. Mitologías. Siglo Veintiuno editores España. 2000
  • Castells, Manuel. La era de la información. Alianza. 1997
  • Chul Han, Byun. Infocracia. La digitalización y la crisis de la democracia. Taurus. 2022
  • Darley, Andrew. Cultura visual digital. Paidos. 2017
  • Harari, Yuval N.. Homo Deus. Breve historia del mañana. De bolsillo- Penguin Random House. 2020
  • Harari, Yuval N.. 21 lecciones para el siglo XXI. De bolsillo- Penguin Random House. 2022
  • Jenkins, Henry. Fans, blogueros y videojuegos. La cultura de la colaboración. Paidos. 2009
  • Lasen Amparo y Puente Héctor. La cultura digital. UOC. 2016
  • Levy, P.. Cibercultura¿. Ciencia Tecnología y sociedad. Anthropos. 2007
  • Moreno Barreneche, Sebastián. La proyección online del yo entre individuación y colectivización. Universidad ORT. 2019
  • Moreno Barreneche, Sebastián. La proyección online del yo entre individuación y colectivización. In Mediaciones de la comunicación. 2019
  • Segalen, Martine. Ritos y rituales contemporáneos. Alianza. 2005
Recursos electrónicosElectronic Resources *
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The course syllabus may change due academic events or other reasons.